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Thread: Confused about Predaking and Volcanicus size differential (Power of the Primes)

  1. #1
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    Last edited by Tilarta; 22nd March 2019 at 11:17 AM. Reason: Vinegar Protocol

  2. #2
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    16th Sep 2014


    It's called centre-piece figures. It's not that Predaking, Devastator or Omega Supreme are that much larger, it's because they're a large and visible marketing figures. Kids that aren't into Transformers will see them and may be interested because BIG ROBOTS is cool.

    Just move on the scale thing, HasTak know it's not in scale and never had any intention of making them scale. Just like how movie Bumblebee has so many Leader class toys even though none of them scale.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Also remember that bigger and dearer toys are:
    * Manufactured in smaller numbers
    * Harder/slower to sell

    Being more popular characters, by keeping the Dinobots at a smaller price point it means that they can manufacture more of them and they are likely to sell better. Having the Dinobots sold separately also helps because it means that those of us who didn't want to double up on yet another CHUG Grimlock could easily skip it and go for the others. And yeah, there are some fans (like me) who couldn't care less about the Dinobots combining.

    I think that Hasbro absolutely made the right choice here. And as Fruitbuyer said, it's more to do with Predaking being the flagship toy. It's the reason why Combiner Wars Devastator was much larger than say Bruticus.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    And yeah, there are some fans (like me) who couldn't care less about the Dinobots combining.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I think that Hasbro absolutely made the right choice here.
    Given the size of the Dinobots in most fiction, from G1 to the Movieverse, and taking into account the different scales of the dinosaurs, I would have much preferred to have Snarl as Voyager class and Sludge as Leader class. I suppose Slug could have been a Voyager too, which works for the fictional representations but not the real life size of a Triceratops.

    Of course this would have negated the combiner gimmick that was featured in the online cartoon. But as stated - this gimmick did nothing for me when applied to this subgroup anyway.

  5. #5
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    Scale is just a matter of perspective and squinting

  6. #6
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    You might wanna consider 3rd party options instead if scale is your thing, Tilarta.
    Just be prepared to fork out quite a bit of dough for them.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    *Megas XLR theme song plays here*

    So, in order to attract casual sales and for the sake of having a display only toy, they're losing my sale and potentially the sale of other core Transformer fans who are looking for scale compatibility?

    As far back as I can remember, the Predacons and the Dinobots have always been rivals, in the comic, animated show, Transformers Earth Wars and Power of the Primes machinma, they're always fighting in team based warfare.
    So it is only natural to expect someone who has both sets to put them together and thus, an inconsistent scale format is a colossal mistake, especially when comparing their combined forms.

    In this specific case, the solution is quite simple, all I have to do is get a G1 reissue set of Predaking instead, as I think their scale in combined form is close enough to what I want.
    Currently exploring some trade/purchasing options towards that goal.

    I'm not exactly a fan of third party options when it comes to Combiners, because in most of the cases I've seen, they're even worse then the official toys in being abnormally large.
    My brain is already going into research data overload just trying to remember all the names and size comparisons.

    In most cases, I can't even find a video or photo showing the third party products together with either Victorion/Torchbearers or Volcanicus/Dinobots, so I have to guesstimate.
    FYI, those are the ones I use as my scale benchmark, since that's where my significant collecting started.
    You greatly overestimate your worth, if this was was such a bad idea then it would have died after Devastator's release. Instead they've released Predaking and have Omega Supreme as well; hardly the actions of a decision that alienates their fans.

    You need to accept that Hasbro does not cater to people like you 100%. You are part of their target audience but if they only catered to the hardcore then Transformers as a franchise would be considerably smaller than it is now.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    As far back as I can remember, the Predacons and the Dinobots have always been rivals, in the comic, animated show, Transformers Earth Wars and Power of the Primes machinma, they're always fighting in team based warfare.
    I only recall two times when the Dinobots fought the Predacons during G1. Once in the G1 comics ("Grudge Match!", which really focused on Swoop and Divebomb being fierce rivals; the rest of the Dinobots/Predacons didn't really hold any deeply personal grudge against each other - at least no more so than any other enemy combatant). Then once again in the G1 cartoon episode, "Call of the Primitives." But of course, in that same episode the Predacons and Dinobots became allies against the common foe of Tornetron. The Dinobots have fought with the Constructicons more times than they've fought the Predacons.

    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    You greatly overestimate your worth, if this was was such a bad idea then it would have died after Devastator's release. Instead they've released Predaking and have Omega Supreme as well; hardly the actions of a decision that alienates their fans.

    You need to accept that Hasbro does not cater to people like you 100%. You are part of their target audience but if they only catered to the hardcore then Transformers as a franchise would be considerably smaller than it is now.

    And come on... when CHUG first started in 2006 we all would have absolutely frothed at the POTP Dinobots or Predacons, regardless of scale. Remember how excited we got with Energon/Super Link Superion, Bruticus and Devastator^Constructicon Maximus in 2004/05? Especially hunting down those final Constructicon limbs from overseas because they were never released here! Now look at your Energon/SL gestalts and compare them with CW/POTP. Yeah, there's just no comparison.

    I should post a side-by-side comparison pics between my Energon Dinobots and POTP Dinobots (except Grimlock cos I obviously don't have him). Anyone wanna post a comparison pic of Energon Mega Dinobot with POTP Volcanicus?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    I haven't got the comic in question, but from what I recall, Grimlock says something like "You make an enemy of one Dinobot, you make an enemy of all Dinobots".
    Implying that the personal rivalry between Swoop and Divebomb became a team based rivalry for that reason.
    And if that is so, they've been fighting with the Predacons for a very long time......
    They've fought twice if I recall in comics. Second time was in a IDW series. Hardly a huge rivalry.

    The cartoon for some reason suffered from toyline lag, so the Predacons were simply not there to match the Dinobots against.
    I can only recall the Dinobots battling the Constructions once, in the movie, most of the time it was Omega Supreme sent out to fight them.
    They've fought originally in the cartoon as well.

    To be honest, I think the majority of businesses have been making unsound decisions because their management believes they are not held accountable to their customers or shareholders.
    The most recent mistake was costing that corporation significant amounts of money just because of a misguided decision to maintain two divisions that were not turning a profit.
    And their solution was to liquidate the one division that was profitable and much loved by their customers to keep the sinking ones afloat.

    So I don't hold much faith in "company knows best" perspectives anymore.
    If you go on the major Transformers forums like TFW2005 or Seibertron then you'll find the majority of fans love Devastator and Predaking. It is definitely a minority that cries about the scale.

    You need to drop your "know all" attitude because truthfully, you do not know better than a multi-billion dollar business. You do not speak for every fan so stop thinking like everyone thinks like you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    You greatly overestimate your individual worth to Hasbro, if this was was such a bad idea then it would have died after Devastator's release. Instead they've released Predaking and have Omega Supreme as well; hardly the actions of a decision that alienates their fans.

    You need to accept that Hasbro does not cater to people like you 100%. You are part of their target audience but if they only catered to the hardcore then Transformers as a franchise would be considerably smaller than it is now.
    I helped. .

    the Reissue Predacons are around and getting hold of a full set of them will probably be cheaper than chasing down original G1 examples in good condition.

    Scale is an interesting thing in this franchise, it's kind of important when comparing vehicle modes, and I feel alt modes probably should reflect the size of the vehicle modes to some degree, but at the same time, if that was the case, the seekers would be some of the biggest bots of all amongst the regular cast. keep in mind also that there are massive amounts of scale problems in the shows and comics, G1 is obviously the worst culprit, even once showing bruticus standing in amongst the combaticons, shoulder to shoulder.
    Try not to get too hung up on scale, you'll end up putting yourself in an asylum.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

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