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Thread: Movie Critics Thread

  1. #101
    Join Date
    9th Sep 2011



    Birthing a squid thing was a bit out of whack because it's ultimately a face hugger of sorts. It was a bio weapon that the engineers were making and it reminded me of a t-virus set up (where pretty much anything can happen through mutation)

    I would've liked to see what charlie was turning into??

    I thought the initial worms could be mutated mealy worms which were present at the start.

    I couldn't get over actors that feature in the IT Crowd. Hot Fuzz and Green Wing (not a major)

    i didn't think 3 needed to die in the collision scene. ( nice if they had a gun )

    and vicars could have run sideways.

    I thought it could be possible that vicars is actually a prototype robot and not know it..
    i mean, daddy looks 250 years old

    it makes sense that robots (especially some of the first) are programmed to serve their maker, whether it's for the good of mankind or not. (Ash was the same)

    The main thing i learned from this movie is that i'm not equipped to deal with emergency C-sections..... Giving birth = don't call me..

    still, i'll be buying a hard copy

  2. #102
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008



    Birthing a squid thing was a bit out of whack because it's ultimately a face hugger of sorts. It was a bio weapon that the engineers were making and it reminded me of a t-virus set up (where pretty much anything can happen through mutation)
    Yeah it's a bit confusing isn't it. I mean it does the exact same thing as a Facehugger (impregnates a host to birth a Xenomorph) but in this case, it's a continually growing squid monster.

    I would've liked to see what charlie was turning into??

    Poor bloke didn't get very far did he. Although damn he has a high pain threshold! *body starts to go black and convulse* "Ima okay Lizzy baby, it's just a flesh wound!"

    i didn't think 3 needed to die in the collision scene. ( nice if they had a gun )
    Hang on, which scene was this again? Is this the one where the Geo takes a thousand bullets while on his rampage?

    I thought it could be possible that vicars is actually a prototype robot and not know it..
    i mean, daddy looks 250 years old

    Ugh, thanks for reminding me about Benjamin Button...*smart dude* "Let's get an old dood to play an old dood!" Riddley Scott: "No way man! Let's get a 45 year old to wear an old man suit!" Smart man: "Can I get a job as one of the people who dies but like can you kill me for real?"


    I thought the same thing about Vikars, it would also explain why she seemingly loathes David (as he is quite obviously adored by old man emu). Maybe they'll explain this in the next, hopefully more coherent, pre-post-pre-prequel-sequel.
    Last edited by Doubledealer; 13th June 2012 at 09:14 AM.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    9th Sep 2011



    the scene where they have to wright the ship off, (the best scene i've scene for a while although the wild fire explosion from GOT was f'ing epic)...
    with the guy from the Countdown episode ( club 8+, teapot winners) in the IT crowd and the captain +1

    As far as getting lost, my brother and GF can't read a map to save their lives.*
    they still get lost, even with GPS ???
    *(those guys couldn't either.. literally.... to save their lives)

    mistakes often occur in these movies. (sunshine springs to mind) Can you imagine if everything went to plan.... Great job guys, Nobody died and the mission went without incident, lets go home.. the end ....= i want my money back

    i was actually out of the cinema during the rampage.. i had to "get some air" after the operation scene. (getting soft in my old age)

    edit; o.k. maybe the map guy shouldn't have been the one to get lost
    Last edited by Slag; 14th June 2012 at 12:34 AM.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    2nd Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post


    I didn't see them in that light, I saw Vickers as a character with a hard-skin raised by the truly cold Peter Weyland. She did what she was thought was the safest for her and her crew, even if it meant denying Shaw the opportunity to save Holloway who understandably could have been the carrier of a contagious threat. Yes she is cold, yes she may be a calculating a-hole but she has common sense and isn't so naive and let her emotions control her like Shaw. That's a trait that I admire with that character. As for David, there's the admirable loyalty that he has to Weyland. Sure he was antagonistic but he was programmed to be, how could he know better? I thought there was MUCH MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE to these characters.

    Ah now I see where you're coming from.

  5. #105
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    Back in Brisbane


    ^get yer own Alien thread all.. please.

    EDIT: i didn't notice the Prometheus discussion was a few days old and had probably already died a natural death by the time i created this post and sorry for sounding like a wannabe-mod.
    Last edited by Deonasis; 28th June 2012 at 05:46 PM.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  6. #106
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    This is a Movie Critics Thread , critics are free to debate their opinions even if it's about the same movie for x amount of pages.

    Well, to change the topic I finally saw the first 2 Superman movies last week.

    Superman (Extended Richard Donner Cut) - 1978

    Note this is the Richard Donner extended cut that was included in the complete DVD collection that I saw. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, all the characters felt real - maybe not Lex Luthor - don't know anyone who goes around claiming they're the world's greatest criminal but I do plenty of egomaniacs The chemistry between Lois and Clark/Superman was naturally blissful, the action scenes still-inspiring despite the age and the soundtrack, is truly heroic. The only things I did not like about this movie, well this cut in particular was the dreamy scene where Lois is doing her poetic monologue as Superman flew her around and well, that was about it. That scene was well-intended I guess but came across as real, real cheesy. The inclusion of the incarceration of General Zod at the beginning of the film was an interesting insight into the life on Krypton. *SPOILERS* However, I am somewhat disturbed that Clark let hundreds of people die just to save Lois by using his time-travel technique. Don't know what I'm talking about ? Check this link:

    Overall I pleasant enjoyed this movie, except for that odd flying scene. A good 9/10 from me.

    Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

    Note that I haven't even seen the original theatrical release of this film yet, just the Richard Donner cut because I heard it was less campy and much darker and more familiar to the first movie. This movie, this cut I should say is good compared to the original. Not as inspiring but it did venture into interesting territory, like *SPOILERS* Lois finding out that Clark is Superman and having our hero face off against 3 villains with the same strength. Perhaps what I loved best was the acting done by the villains, particularly Terrance Stamp who played as General Zod. It was hilarious yet fascinating watching this supreme alien creature mock/pity human weapons and dispose of human resistance so easily and how *again spoilers* his arrogance was what ultimately caused his downfall in the ending of the movie. That was perhaps what I liked best about this movie, I was kind of dissapointed of how Superman was handled though. *Spoilers again* I understand that he wanted to become human so that he could live a normal life with Lois and thus had to give up his powers with red-kryptonite but the fact that Jor-El had a fail-safe to restore his powers in the event Jal-El did give them up did seem like a cheap cop-out. But it was funny seeing Clark get his butt kicked by the Truckie as a human, but then come back as Superman and do his revenge. What I hated most about this movie, and it was of this particular cut was the ending, was when to reverse the problems already caused all Superman does is reverse time AGAIN by spinning the Earth backwards. It just makes any problem on Earth that Superman faces useless as he literally could turn back time anytime anything went wrong.

    A 6.5/10 for this sequel. Maybe I should watch the original theatrical release.

  7. #107
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    2nd May 2009


    IIRC, the time-travel ending was going to be the original ending for Superman II but the powers that be wanted it used for the first movie.

    The original theatrical release of Superman II had a different ending that didnt involve time travel.

  8. #108
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    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by snaketales View Post
    IIRC, the time-travel ending was going to be the original ending for Superman II but the powers that be wanted it used for the first movie.

    The original theatrical release of Superman II had a different ending that didnt involve time travel.
    From what I've read he just uses his powers to blank Lois' memory, would have been more convincing if Clark just spiked a drink and gave it to her.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Snaketales has it right.
    They were filming the 2 films back-to-back, but started runing out of money. Originally, nothing bad happens to Lois, so there is no need to reverse time. I guess they wanted a 'big' finish, so they 'borrowed' the ending from part II, and reworked that film later on.
    Kinda like how they blew up the Death Star in climax to Star Wars, and again in Return of the Jedi.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    This is a Movie Critics Thread , critics are free to debate their opinions even if it's about the same movie for x amount of pages.
    Well the spoiler tags stop working pretty quickly, veiled discussions then get elaborated on, and if its going to take x number of pages then why not have a discussion amongst those who have seen the movie?

    It worked for The Avengers
    Last edited by Deonasis; 25th June 2012 at 05:41 PM.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

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