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Thread: Nikko RC Trasformers update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010

    Default Nikko RC Trasformers update

    so on prompting from Griffin I decided to email Nikko Australia and below is the gist of the conversation:

    I'm a transformers collector here in Australia and I was just wondering about the availability of the Transformes Age of Extinction Remote Control vehicles that have been previously promoted around the world.

    In particular I'm interested to hear about the Drift Helicopter that was promoted earlier in the year at toy fairs and hasn't been mentioned anywhere since.

    Secondly I'm interested in finding out about the distribution of the Lockdown Aventador RC car as I've seen it at my local Big W but they no longer seem to have any stock and I haven't seen it anywhere else.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some information regarding my above questions and I thank you for your time.

    The copter never made it to Australia as was too expensive. The transformer products are available at David Jones, big W, toyworld and uncle Pete stores.

    At this time of year most stores run their stocks down. You could try big w online if they have any stock left.


    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Do you happen to know which if any international markets the copter was released in?

    I think europe in most countries and usa.


    so based on that conversation I've looked up, and eBay and it appears that the UK have received some drift RC Helicopters, though the import cost on these suckas is a bit rich and it certainly sounds like the chopper isn't coming here. I do wonder how close it is to the screen model of drift.

    I wonder if maybe later we'll see them being clearanced through toyworld, toymate and maybe the regect shop.

    I've always wanted a remote control car and helicopter, not to play with much, but to have a poke around with on occasion, these pretty much fit the bill if they are cheap enough. the $52 price tag on the Aventador felt a bit rich to me, it doesn't have any special finishes and the cost of this sort of tech has come down a long way in the last ten years. It's "big" but it's also hollow.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    8th Nov 2012


    I feel like I'm forever seeing the RC Lockdowns in Big W's around Victoria. Awesome to see those sort of informative replies though. I would of liked to had gotten one of the helicopters, but oh well

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