Hasbro America not only allowed fansites to attend their media event, they also allowed them to photograph their product displays for their news-sites.

Now to see if Hasbro Australia are allowed to give us access to their Toyfair display this year (the last two years have had the American branch not allow it, requiring a lot of arm-twisting on my part to gain limited access).

Stephen Davis, President, Hasbro Studios
Jerry Jovoin, Brand Marketing Director
Joshua Lamb, Brand Design Director

Info on:
- Theme Park Rides
- New TV Shows
- Digital Gaming
- Virtual Worlds
- Video Games
- Digital Books
- Rescue Bots Season 1
- Prime Season 2
- Bot Shots Battle Game Intro

Universal Studios Exclusive Subline
Ride opens in US in May. Already opened in Singapore in December.
A total of six figures available at the Gift Shop. (US Studios ride only? or both?)
Evac will be available in a Legion and Deluxe class (The Legion class figure will also be available in the Transformers Prime Cyberverse Legion Wave 2)
DOTM Deluxes Bumblebee and Optimus Prime and Voyagers Optimus Prime and Megatron will make up the other four figures (probably just a re-release in the exclusive packaging).

Transformers Universe MMO Game by Jagex
Showed a trailer. Active 3rd Quarter this year (our springtime).
Suggested that it could inspire new toys down the track. (it uses some new unique forms and characters)

Rescue Bots
Brand new Animated Series
Showed the current Rescue Bots toy line
New Mobile HQ toy (firetruck converts to HQ playset) coming out in 2012.
New Figure 2-Packs

KRE-O Transformers

New theme in the fall "The Quest for Energon"
Looks like the Kreons come with Energon weapons.
Comes with accessories to build the Ultimate Dark Energon weapon
New Kre-O Devastator
29 new Kreons, 16 Transformers Robots to collect (showed Ironhide)
Each figure will have 2 chest plates. a regular and Energon chest. clear energon chest.
Each of the new sets will have an energon cube and/or Energon piece - The more sets you collect, the closer you get to building the Ultimate Dark Energon Weapon.

Movie Trilogy
In Asia Only: Movie Trilogy Edition Deluxes Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Soundwave. These figures will not see an American release
Movie Trilogy Optimus Prime with Trailer was shown and will be released in America though as a one-off item.
(these may not be released in Australia, due to the sales slump here for Movie toys - but it's surprising to see that these will not be released in America either)

Transformers Prime
Premieres February 18th on the HUB network
on DVD and Blu-Ray on March 6th, 2012 (has season 2 preview)
Enhanced E-Book apps from Ruckus Media
Gave us an update on First Edition: deluxes and voyagers not available in the US. Was a Hasbro issue, not a retailer issue. Recognizes these are great toys, looking to release them in some format in 2012.
Robots In Disguise
Prime RID toys officially launches on March 1st. Will be out everywhere by then.
Revealer - A movement will reveal a gimmick, like the arms or head will show up.
Powerizer - Each comes with a power weapon, and energon flows out of the weaponry.
Weaponizers - similar to leader scale. Both Robot and Vehicle mode will have a weapon action.
Deluxe/Revealer Wave 1: Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, Soundwave
Deluxe/Revealer Wave 2: Ratchet, and Arcee
Deluxe/Revealer Wave 3: Knockout, Hot Shot, and Vehicon
Voyager/Powerizer Wave 1: Optimus Prime and Megatron
Voyager/Powerizer Wave 2: Starscream and Bulkhead
Leader/Weaponizer: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee
Legion wave 1: Vehicon, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Arcee and Bumblebee
Legion Wave 2: (Prime) Breakdown, (Movie) Mirage, (Movie) Evac, (Movie) Soundwave
Commander wave 1: Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, Starscream, and Megatron
Commander Wave 2: Ironhide (red SUV) and another mold to be announced at later date
Vehicles wave 1: Star Hammer w/ Wheeljack
Vehicles wave 2: Driller w/ Knockout
Maximus Wave 1: Optimus Maximus (large size vehicle/playset), holds 9 Cyberverse figures, has battle station mode with wheels.
New Prime entertainment pack available in Canada and Asia only (uses First Edition molds of Starscream and Bumblebee with Silas and MECH agent figurines)
New remote controlled wave 1 Fall 2012.(Bumblebee, Knockout) remote controlled transformation included to enable battling
Battle Masks (Bumblebee, Optimus Prime) and mission helmet (Optimus Prime w/ Peter Cullen's voice)

Bot Shots
Bot Shots will be packaged in singles, 3-packs, Shot Launchers, and Ultimate Battle sets featuring different decos and packaging.
March 1: Online game launch
May 1: player vs player, codes in pack
Fast Action
44 bots to collect
Codes inside for online play
Online: unlockable characters, enter codes to level up, player versus player!
Characters will use come from different iterations of the Transformers universes
Each Single pack wave will also have a chase figure. Wave 1 will be Sentinel Prime.
Wave 2 includes Ratchet, clear Bumblebee chase
Shot Launchers wave 1 Optimus Prime and Megatron
3 pack has Acid Storm included
Battle for the Matrix in the fall (sets)

Fall of Cybertron (game, with Matt Tieger)
Fall of Cybertron game will be out September 2012 and toys will be out in Fall of 2012 (August/September).
Megatron and Prime fight. Prime is looking to leave. It also shows that Cliffjumper is playable; Grimlock eating people in his dinosaur mode; and an epic standoff between Prime and Megatron.
Vortex will have a big part in the game and making sense of a helicopter like Vortex on Cybertron was fun.
Blastoff, a chocolate brown space shuttle, was more difficult, but it was still fun.
A video is available showing off Bruticus gameplay! Combaticons are looking to take over the ship. Combaticons combine! Very detailed, very slick. Virtually impervious to puny Autobot firepower.

Transformers Generations
IDW Comic Books
Fall of Cybertron game from Activision - September 2012
Showed us another pretty epic commercial that looks amazing - focused more on the FALL of Cybertron. This game is going to rock!
Transformers brand team showed us the toys that will be in the Transformers Generations packaging (fall 2012)
Wave 1 - Optimus Prime, Jazz, and Shockwave (looks like a gun/cannon)
Wave 2 - Blast Off, Vortex, Brawl (colors are accurate), Swindle, and Onslaught
Over 40 new Generations Transformers coming
Mentioned 30th anniversary in 2014 ("wait until you see that stuff!")

Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank, Destro in Decepticon color scheme (purple), also comes with "Constructicon" BAT
MARVEL Universe Death's Head for 2013. This character was used by Simon Furman in his UK Marvel-era Transformers comic. A gray prototype was shown, looking like the 80s version.