Some more images and details of this new movie toyline.

Optimus (number 05) in box.

And product names found from their listings on retailer computers. Some are still codenames, like recent movie toylines, so it might be a little while yet for their true identities are known.
So far known are 19 toys across 3 size classes.

Deluxe class – “Stryker2“, Stinger, Crowbar, Ratchet (Movie 1), Jazz, Lockdown – and then some new listings – “Stryker” (different listing to Stryker2, but probably suggests two of the same character. Hello, Bumblebee), Ratchet (again, different listing. Probably Dark of the Moon style), “Bluelight“, “Mercenary“, “Sentry“.
Voyager class – Starscream, Optimus Prime (confirmed to be the “Radar” from listings a few days ago), Megatron, Brawl, Ironhide, Starscream (separate entry, this will probably be a Revenge of the Fallen tattooed version to go with the “clean” version we’ve seen in earlier leaks).
Leader class – Blackout and Grimlock