I put it down as one of the better ones. As a whole it's pretty incongruous, but I like a lot of the separate elements in their own right.
The WFC / FOC games were awesome, I couldn't agree with BigTransformerTrev more.

The Prime cartoon had phenomenal animation (maybe even better than my all time favorite, Beat Wars ) and season 1 really hooked me and reassessed so much potential, but I feel it dropped the ball somewhere along the way. Still pretty good though.
I haven't read the books or comics but I'd like to get around to them at some point. Not in a huge hurry since I haven't heard great reviews.

Most of the video game toys were great but a few, like FOC Prime were kinda junk. What is with those knees? There were absolute gems in there too; FE Starscream, for example.

So yeah, pretty good.