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Thread: Why do you interact here?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    So I have someone more 'grown up' than my kids to talk to about Transformers!

    And to find out the latest news.

    It's just a great place for interaction about a shared interest.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    I interact here because of the local news and meet-ups. It's mostly the people who interact here that keeps me coming back. We have a great online community which should be celebrated just as much as any other achievement.
    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  3. #13
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    I lurked for a while for the sightings, and joined up to post the ones I saw myself, to take part in some of the more interesting (i.e. unresolvable) discussions, and for the Saleyard. I've stayed since for the same reasons, 'cos it's nice to have an Ozcentric board rather than the usual mostly-US ones, and 'cos it isn't full of jerks. TF fans can be really unpleasant, but here is mostly pretty courteous, really helpful, and tolerates differing views without degenerating into flame wars - I can read the online news reader comments for that. And there's none of the one-upmanship over collection size or owning rare pieces that often crops up either.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Me on international board

    Me here

    Basically I wouldn't bother posting here if it wasn't a rocking community.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    It's what everyone has stated before me. It's an active, dynamic local forum about TFs and toys, with active, polite people to interact with. local news are far more relevant than some US based forum....though they do have some breaking news, it still feels so far away...

    I originally joined after attending the 2006 Toy con. Dirge mentioned to me to join the forum... which I had no idea existed til I googled it . I used to be semi active at tfw2005 since i didnt know there was a local group. I also was/is a member from Tf Phils... but became more active here since (see statement above)... and yeah it fun getting Tfs from co collectors and meeting up with some as well.
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  6. #16
    Join Date
    23rd Jan 2011
    Melbourne/Hong Kong


    Being an Aussie and Living in HK, I find it rare to find TF fans that can communicate with me and speak the same language.
    Meeting HD has been great cause we can go hunting together, otherwise its relatively a 1 man band.
    Ozformers is very community like
    I used to use TAAU but unsure what happened there - think its officially dead.

    Ozformers is friendly and people happy to provide information. I also managed to buy some toys already which has been great!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010

    Arrow Here we go...

    For me, I joined because I was absolutely nagged to death by another member...
    I found his reasoning to be quite sound upon becoming a member and OZformers has since become my first 'port of call' as soon as I fire-up my Browser.

    For me as a kid and like many others, I loved Transformers (specifically G1) to death and all my thoughts as a 4 to 8 year old revolved around TFs. High School came around though and Beast Wars ended, my TF addiction went into Stasis Lock until sometime in 2004 when a friend told me he loved TFs too, which was weird because we'd been friends since our first year of High School and weirdly the topic had never come up?

    This was amazing to me because throughout my life I only ever had 1 or 2 people I could ever talk about Transformers to and the sad thing was that at any given time - 1 of them was my mother.
    Now, I knew somebody who had equal to or possibly greater passion than myself for the franchise and I'd known him for 7 years at that point!?!
    Unfortunately, after the Classics line had initially come out, my friend moved up to Sydney and I again was left 'alone' in a way. It was also about this time that I started TAFE and pretty much all my time was devoted to that - Not to mention my funds for collecting, not much to begin with , my mate though had told me about a local fansite he had joined and had suggested that I join too...

    Now, in 2007 I was pretty Net savvy but like others had never really interacted with a board or forum, the most experience I had was joining TFW2005 in '06 or '07 and letting them know that the Madman Japanese Headmasters DVD Boxset had just been released at JB-Hifi (Of which made front page news ) and that gave me a good feeling as it felt like I had contributed something.
    But it didn't last because on that board I felt incredibly lonely still and I was still unsure on what the hell I was doing - Navigating a forum was still utterly confusing for me.

    Fast forward to 2010 and after 3 years of:
    "Check this site out dude, you'll like it",
    "Dude, have you had a look at the site yet? - There are new Classics figures coming out!",
    "Man, I keep mentioning you on the boards - When are you going to look at the site?",
    Have you joined yet?, have you joined yet?..."

    Finally on March 3rd of that year I joined and man, I am glad that I did! - Thank you 1AZRAEL1.
    I have learnt SO much from this Australian Transformers Fan Forum it's incredible!


    Upon joining, I was welcomed immediately by some thoroughly nice people and all of whom were willing to point me in the right direction - As I still sucked at forum navigation and use.
    I used to think I knew quite a bit about TFs, man was I wrong! - Compared to some members, I was a damn novice but the thing was: I could ask a question and it would be answered without me feeling like an idiot, which I found to be quite awesome and made me want to ask more questions!

    I was able to contribute sightings and have them actually make a difference but also I was able to see what others were posting which actually had some relevance to me, I was also able to build a picture of waht our local distribution was like - As LordCyrus pointed out, we in the Illawarra are well on the raw end of the stick.

    After looking at some of the other members collections and literally falling off my seat at how staggeringly awesome, beautiful and well displayed they were - I was then astounded by some of the figures that existed that I'd never seen before! I then thought that maybe I should post pics of my own collection, of which I was a little reluctant as it was somewhat small and my photography ability wasn't too good either - To my absolute surprise I was greeted with quite a few positive comments and a lot were from members of who's collections completely destroyed mine!

    I was able to put forward my opinion or thoughts on various subjects and not be completely derided for having such thoughts but rather have them added to a very often vibrant and in-depth discussion.
    This spilled over into real life when I made my first attendance to a Fan Meet, which just happened to be the final meet, for the foreseeable future anyway, of one of the 1st people to welcome me to the forum and a great bloke to converse with - Heroic Decepticon.
    Here was a time of celebration for both Transformers and one of it's biggest fans. It was an odd yet welcoming experience as I met many members who were all great blokes but the thing was we all shared the love of Transformers - For the first time in my life I was conversing with a Group of people who loved TFs and this was an awesome feeling.

    Following in the footsteps and examples afforded to me by the likes of 1AZRAEL1, Heroic, Liege, Kup, Goki, Verno and many others - I've even been able to help others which is something I never thought I'd have the capacity, knowledge or ability to do.

    OTCA/OZformers has been so incredible to me, as this community is thoroughly pleasant, understanding, co-operative, helpful and in many cases insanely creative especially with examples from Rampagesss, Doubledealer, Snaketales and many others, in so many ways it's amazing! - I've been able to completely come Back Online and revel in Transformers again! So much so that I'm not afraid to admit to people IRL as to what my hobby is and hell I'll even wear a shirt to profess it!
    That is how much good this Forum and Community has been to me.

    I do apologise for yet another wall of text but I felt I needed to get across, from my own perspective, how great this community and forum really is - Sure, there will be ups and downs like anything but the ups are far more frequent and that is the reason I continue to interact here and will continue to interact here for quite a while to come.

    P.S. Thank you Griffin for deciding 15 years ago to start a local Fansite, 14 years later you've made quite a difference for my life anyway mate, even if I have only been apart of the community for 1 year - 3, 264 posts later...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post

    P.S. Thank you Griffin for deciding 15 years ago to start a local Fansite, 14 years later you've made quite a difference for my life anyway mate, even if I have only been apart of the community for 1 year - 3, 264 posts later...
    3274 and rising

    and a ditto from me Griffin

  9. #19
    Join Date
    19th Feb 2010


    I was lurking here for a year or so.

    Then I wanted to buy some Palisades/Diamond Select Toys Statues.

    There has been some good time and bad times here.

    I've been to some meets and the dinner last year.

    Most members are pretty cool people. eg Jay (JayDisc) and the sole time I mean Hoang (STL)

    I hope to continue to provide QLD sightings given that I work next door to Westfield Garden City and this board is great for new releases.

    Cant wait for the DOTM stuff.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    17th Jan 2008


    You know, I honestly don't remember how I found the site or what compelled me to join. But I do know why out of all the various forums I've joined over the years, this is the only one I keep checking and using...
    its a great 'little' community of nice people!
    And while I might not post a whole heap, I'm always checking in because there's always good stuff to read and look at (and you have to be real bloody quick to get the good stuff on the sales threads!!), without all the egos, one-up-manship, and abuse that is all too common on today's forums.

    Great stuff Griffin, and here's to the next 15years!!
    TF Figs of 2023:
    1) WnR Springer
    2) Legacy Bludgeon
    3) Legacy Leo Prime/Nemesis Leo Prime.

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