So i've just begun to unpack my collection and put it on display. For many years as I was building the collection I was getting a lot of boxed figures. The boxes also made things much easier to store and there was the whole resale aspect ... something which was probably moot as I don't have any intentions (at this stage) of selling.

But anyway ... unpacking ... i've been doing it, and now I seem to have a few empty boxes. I've seen some of you guys offer boxes up for others before and i'll probably end up doing that, but is having the box an important part of collecting?

I know the whole free range -vs- MIB/MISB debate, and that's really what this is, but realistically, i'm putting my collection on display, if I need to pack it up (let's say in the event of ... oh I dunno, another bloody cyclone) the boxes will be time consuming, so there's no real point in me keeping the boxes.

But how many are out there are actually interested in boxes, either for figures you need boxes for, or because you just like empty boxes?

And will there be enough interest on here for me to offload them or should I just simply toss 'em in the bin?