Quote Originally Posted by The_Damned View Post
Just went and saw the movie BATTLESHIP and I really enjoyed it. I give it 5/5 I didn't think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. It was a little slow at the start but once it got going it didn't stop, will probably go and see it again.
I thought this movie was going to be a steaming pile of alien monkey excrement but...Well, it was surprisingly good! It's one of those films that you need to watch in the cinema with a good audience, it really adds to the experience. Everyone was really getting into it, having a laugh and generally enjoying themselves. This movie had the best audience reaction I've seen since the first Paranormal Activity. Once again, something I wasn't expecting!

The single funniest moment was when my girlfriend turned to me and asked if Liam Neeson was Al Bundy...I don't know how she made that connection but it made me LOL. I actually had the opposite reaction to yours The Damned, I loved the first half and found the 2nd half to lose a bit of momentum. It kind of outstayed its welcome then ended abruptly which was a bit annoying. My favourite characters were the Geoff Goldblum Jurassic Park kinda dood and the ginger haired guy who owned the lizard...There wasn't anyone who was really all that annoying though, for this kind of movie they did a great job with the cast. Rhianna was great, even if she didn't come out of a cake ala Under Seige as I'd hoped (or was I the only one fantasizing this >_>). Overall Battleship is big dumb fun, WAY more enjoyable than RotF and DotM combined. 7/10.