Requiem For a Dream (2000)

I've kind of been dreading watching this film. So far I've enjoyed two of Darren Aranovsky's films, Pi and Black Swan. The latter is, in my opinion, a masterpiece and easily his best work. I need to revisit The Fountain but I'll admit I didn't find it immediately inspiring.

I've been dreading watching RFaD because I get the impression that it's a depressing film that simply focuses on drug abuse, the downward spiral of its protagonists and offers no 'way out'.

And that's pretty much what this film delivered. It wasn't as effecting as I thought either, probably because I really didn't care about any of the characters. Well, maybe Jennifer Connelly. WHAT a babe. *ahem*

There's not a great deal more to say about this film other than it probably should be shown as part of drug education in high schools. Having said that, the cast, with the exception of Sara, is pretty good looking which in a way glorifies the whole thing whether intentional or not.

Overall it felt like an extremely long anti-drug advertisement so I'm not too sure how to score this. For educational purposes it's quite good, for entertainment purposes it missed the mark for me.