Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie_76 View Post
Geez since you want photos

Bought a few items at Mandarake yesterday:

Incomplete Micromaster base C-330 (missing three micromasters and two ramps). Not worried about the micromasters as I should have some spares at the ramps shouldnt be hard to find but everything else is there.

Go-Shooter rings MOSC - a crease on the top of it but thats it. Pretty cheap compared to ebay

The 'Return of Comvoy' Famicon game was bought in HK but I forgot to take a pic of it. Also Parallax TFX-05 was bought in HK too.

The two books Ghost in the Shell SAC visual book - bought the other books after this (SAC2 and SSS) but missed out on the first one as I took my time buying them.

Queens Blade Perfect Visual hardcover book - bought it because I could
I'd like to say it was a surprise you bought the girlie bracelets but it's not