The sad part is, from reading a lot of forums and talking to people about it last weekend, it seems Castle Grayskull may not have the "super-awesome" appeal that Scott and Co would have anticipated. Unfortunately, I feel Matty has already shot themselves in the foot with constant QC issues, and a lot of people seems unwilling to part with $200 (plus God knows how much in shipping ) for an unseen design that may, or may not, be aesthetically desirable much less may, or may not, have design or QC flaws.

Personally, I'm willing to take a chance, but I can certainly see why most people I've discussed this with will not. I wonder if it will get made at all tbh. Scott seems to have indicated that they need to sell as many pre-orders as 2013 Subs. I remember there was one person on the Org who bought a Sub for himself for every one Sub someone else bought (capped at 30). Is this guy gonna buy 30 CG's at over $200 a pop? Plus, a lot of Subbers have already indicated they may not even buy one. Even Poe Ghostal (toy reviewer and MOTUC collector) is second-guessing himself. It may just be too much for people to afford - and the ongoing service and design problems just add to people's hesitance.