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Thread: Transformers retail prices in 2012 unchanged despite exchange rate

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    So it seems that $18 is the min. price that retailers ought to be charging? I feel a bit better now paying $15 for Deluxe DOTM Optimus Prime at Big W But of course, not so good for all the number of times I've paid $30 for so many other Deluxes. :/

    $25 seems an okay price to pay - it's outside of that "cheapest retail" range and on the lower end of "high end retail". Big W's slated $23.88 RRP for TFP Deluxes doesn't seem too bad either considering (it would place it on the upper end of "cheapest retail"). I'd be curious to see how this comparison would look for Voyagers and Leaders as I suspect that it is in these larger classes that we're getting more seriously ripped.
    Just like the other colour bars, the red and pink are not indicating price ranges, the end of each bar indicates a set figure... as in the cheapest price (AU$24 & US$12.50) and most expensive price (AU$30 & US$15).
    The pink bar would effectively be "the retail price range" - so between $24 to $30 is what we get here.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010
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    Should be more than $30 if you include DJ/Myer...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    22nd Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post

    That's a lot of extra money going into Hasbro's pockets... and more reason not to buy locally this year. Buying locally at those mark-ups just gives them reason to justify it if we accept it.

    This looks to be the first line that I'm not planning to buy any of it domestically. Importing is too cost-effective for me as a completist to not do it.
    I agree with all the points you're making here. Not that I personally will be buying any TF's anyway but its the principle. This country is expensive enough without having companies pulling this sort of thing. I work for a manufacturer/exporter so we're struggling because of the high value of the dollar. Yet getting our component suppliers (who are obviously importers) to pass on the saving they're making is a struggle.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I was thinking that with all the factors in play, we need to visualise this, using the Deluxe Class as an example...

    I think this looks about right, though I'd add in a little into Aust. distribution because (unless process has changed) the toys probably go to Hasbro US, to be distributed to the smaller representatives in each country.

    I think it's interesting to note that one of Hasbro's reason's for cancelling the FE line in N. America was that it would be unprofitable for them to distribute at a small scale, and still deliver the prices that American consumers are used to paying, whereas in smaller markets (like Asia) it would be profitable to release a smaller number of figures at the price points they were expected to. It indicates that economies of scale do play a significant role in the choice of wholesale price, and hence end price to the Australian consumer.

    Though all the complaining about retail price points remaining the same seems to belittle the work that seems to be done to get new price points (such as ROTF Devastator or DotM Ultimate Prime) released at a comparable price for the Australian market.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Another thing to consider in the factoring of the "wholesale" price in Australia is the horendous import duties that are applied to anything here. from personal experiance it can sometimes add 20% to 30% to the pre import value of a shipment.

    High import duties are in place to encourage local manufacture, it sucks htough that it's applied to items that aren't ever going to be manufactured here for reasons outside the purpose of the tax to start with.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    26th Feb 2012


    not to mention the cost of staff in australian retail. we are amongst the highest paid in the world.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    From UltraMarginal's comment about Tariffs/Duty, I had a look and Australia has 5%, while USA has 0% (for the category of toys that covers Transformers).

    That does add to the difference between the two countries, but not by much. Of the $3-4 cost per unit, that adds a mere 15-20 cents.

    And yes, the wage rates here are higher, but that's a factor after the wholesale price, which is the figure I'm wanting to highlighting here as being grossly unfair to us... and now that I've looked up the actual Customs rates, there really are no significant factors to justify the massively higher wholesale prices here.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    I'm currently in the UK, where Transformers are also imported. I checked out some prices of what I could buy today. None of these are 'sale' prices:

    Prime Powerizers (Voyager Prime and Megatron) are £22.99 - about $34.50AU.

    Prime Deluxes are £12.99 - about $19.50AU.

    Prime Cyberverse Commanders are £8.99 - about $13.50AU.

    Prime Cyberverse Legions are £4.99 - about $7.50AU.

    So if UK retailers can import these toys and sell them at a profit at the above prices, Aussies are being rorted. As we have known for many years.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Rorted indeed...It's getting to the point where you'll walk into a store only to have a Hasbro goon tazer you in the nads for simply looking at a Transformer. The goon then proceeds to take your wallet and any other valuables as you lie on the floor shaking, the only words you can manage are "Da-a-a-a-am-n y-o-u-u H-a-a-a-a-a-s-s-s-b-r-o"

  10. #20
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    I haven't bought a Transformers toy from a store in ages, and I don't intend to either with these ridiculous prices. It seems to be getting worse too with the current prices of voyagers.
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