I quite liked it. Yes, I can see that it would be confusing for people who didn't grow up with G1... but ReGeneration One isn't for them - it's for those of us who were the original fans of G1, so I'm quite happy. Besides, the youngins can go buy reprints if they want to catch up on what happened between 1984-91. To me, this comic feels like it's being made for G1 fans rather than having to massively compromise things to make it easier for newbies to follow. If people want to follow a new G1 continuity, then perhaps the main IDWverse comics may be better suited for them.


Having said that, I think ReGen One has watered things down for readers though - which kinda disappoints me. Generation 2 seems to be completely ignored, but I think Furman said from really early on that he wanted to do this as he's never been quite happy with G2 (a shame, I quite liked it and would have loved to see it continued). But it also seems that events from the UK comics -- Furman's baby -- has been thrown out too. Unless somehow guys like Roadbuster, Rack'n'Ruin, Sandstorm, Topspin, Venom and Chop Shop have somehow been revived in the past 21 years since the end of the original G1 run.

It would be a shame if Furman has chosen to throw out the UK stories from G1 considering that:
1/ He always initially intended for them to be part and parcel of the original US series, much like an "expanded universe."
2/ He made efforts to tie the UK stories in with the US stories after he took over from Budiansky.
...so after all those years of attempting to maintain and consolidate continuity between the US and UK stories (which wasn't always successful, but it usually worked out), I think it would be disappointing to give that up now.

The appearance of the Sky Scorchers was cool; I like how Furman will use lesser known toy-characters instead of just inventing random robo-mooks like "Noddy" The overall plot kinda reminds me of Generation 2... Transformers have self-exiled themselves from Earth for a long time while other Decepticons who remain there cause havoc (though for a much longer time and much more massive scale (arguably War World could have done just as much damage if the Autobots hadn't intervened)); Optimus Prime is having spooky visions and sees himself falling... erm. Perhaps Furman wanted to revisit certain story concepts from G2 but didn't want to tie himself to G2? <shrug>

I also like how they haven't conveniently ignored the whole Action Master thing like Marvel did when G2 started... it was like, oh, and they can transform again now. Cos... they can. It'll be interesting to see how Grimlock's Anti-Nucleon Quest goes. Also looks like Bludgeon's found Thunderwing... but in exactly what state remains to be seen.