Well I was going to keep quiet but.....

I love the idea of a hierarchial ranking system.

We should have a definite and rigid pecking order based on various things like years of service, number of tf's, size of financial contributions to server upkeep, make-out ability and what type of car we drive.

Higher ranks should be able to belittle and boss around those of lower rank while new recruits and trial members should be open slather for bastardisation and hazing from full members. A painful and humiliating initiation ceremony could also be of great benefit and entertainment to the community as a whole.

Those of equal rank would be able to insult each other on a wide variety of differentiations including such things as occupational and/or class status, cultural differences, sexual orientation and state residency. (yeah I'm onto you Noo Soud Welshmin)

I believe with these and other 'improvements' instituted, our community would only bond more strongly and it would be of massive benefit to the greater good of all.

Haha...of course I'm joking.
