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Thread: Seekers

  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Any particular reason you can't get all of em Bidoofdude?

    For me I say get em all - all 6. Though since you've kinda jumped into the bandwagon in purchasing the seekers a little late so don't expect them to be cheap now as the supply is not as readily available now and some are quite limited.

    Generation Thrust and Dirge were sold in mass retail so it would be cheaper and easier to get them AU$25 IIRC. I say get Universe Starscream - more accurate color scheme faithful to G1, same mold. Though, screamer - be it Classics or Universe version is now not cheap coz he is not in production anymore.

    Skywarp be it Classics or Henkei/Gentei will always be expensive coz of limited release here in Australia - as for Gentei/Henkei - not at all. There is no Hasbro released version of Skywarp other than the 2-pack so the figure is quite limited. When I say limited - even though it was sold in mass retail - Target, it was in a 2 pack with Magnus and as per my experience I had to trek all the way to Burwood just to grab 1. My local Target - if ever, must've sold it sometime after I got mine - coz there was sightings of it later on, but it was not as many as say the individual packed figures. SO best save up for him if you wanna get him as well - He has the best paintjob anyways be it in G1 or the newer version - purple, silver and black merry well together palette wise

    Conehead Ramjet - well there's the Henkei Version and the Classics version - personally I prefer the Classics version - he aint cheap nowadays coz well, as I stated before not in production anymore but he does crop up at times in ebay cheap - keep your eyes peeled. The Henkei version is just a bit too flashy IMO with the chrome kinda not much helping it unlike say... Henkei Astrotrain.

    Yeah - so for me GET THEM ALL. One can never have too much seekers

    Acid storm is more of a new character "retconned" by Hastak to be one of the "rainmaker seekers" seen in the G1 Cartoons first episodes so if you feel like getting him, do so. Although he is out of production again

    All of em anyways use the same base mould, just a few difference in wing attachments - head (for the coneheads) and paintjob. Kinda like G1

    As for my own personal collection loosely on display

    I bought and prefer, and have on display Universe Starscream ( Target bought) - again shouldve bought extra, oh well.
    I have given away/sold my Classics Starscream - I should've bought an extra to keep MISC , but, Im not one to collect MISC.. before.

    I have Classics Skywarp - so Ididnt bother getting Henkei version because Ive heard and read of QC issues. Plus at the time of it's release I have no budget for it.

    I had enough budget at the time so i got Henkei Thrust and Dirge. Plus since the figures were released in Botcon - everyone was convinced these will never be mass released since the mould was already for Botcon release - and Im not liquid to buy the Botcon versions. So I got these when it was announced. Quite pricy really.
    Which, Hasbro later on spit on and decided to mass release the mould in better more G1 accurate color. I also bought those, since they were released mass retail and I like the color scheme the Generations version - they were cheap anyways so bought to keep MISC and as back-up figures in case I repack the Henkei ones or damage those ones. If I didnt have the Henkei versions already on display I would still be very happy with the Hasbro Generations version as they're very G1 in colorscheme.

    Gentei/Henkei Thundercracker - coz during that time there was no clear sign that Hasbro will ever mass release this last seeker - they did eventually , years after So I got me Generations Thundercracker - MISC coz you know for back up - the Generations one is better though no QC issue with regards to the shoulder guns not fitting tightly. Also the Blue hue is richer and darker.

    Universe Acid Storm - coz he was there on the shelves at Big W and cheap Though I recall a slight shortage in Melbourne of the figure
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    No leige... you must follow Hasbro's command - "collect them all".

  3. #13
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    You can always do what I do and follow senility, buy a second figure you forgot you had and forget to buy the figure you need

  4. #14
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I would have to recommend getting all 6 at least, and perhaps if you were only going to get three I'd get either the original 3 characters or the coneheads.

    something you need to be careful of on the secondary market is KO's, I'm not sure which ones but a lot of the Japanese release ones have been KO'd I think.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

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  5. #15
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    So what's your verdict- I've only got 1 g1 con- and thats generations thundercracker- which needs some roomates- so which ones? Seekers or Coneheads? And also, which starscream should i get? Universe or classiccs- universe is more accurate but a different mold.
    They're all pretty much the same mold and as good as each other, so get the ones you can afford/feel comfortable paying for.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I would have to recommend getting all 6 at least, and perhaps if you were only going to get three I'd get either the original 3 characters or the coneheads.

    something you need to be careful of on the secondary market is KO's, I'm not sure which ones but a lot of the Japanese release ones have been KO'd I think.
    I've already got the generations thundercracker and im not buying henkei or gentei etc. dont like importing. I caan only afford 2 at most, so which ones. Im not really that into ramjet, he's kinda plain to me. I like dirgetthe most out of the coneheads, and its a tough decision between Starscream and skywarp. Starscreams a must have 4 anyone, but skywarp is really cool and looks awesome. Hmm, tough decision.
    Btw, am I the only one that looks at like 10 reviews of a figure when planning to get it? Its jsut somethingi do with any toy. Anyone else do the same?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Get Dirge and Starscream. You could probably pick them both up for the price of Skywarp.

    If you want to rationalise it, both Dirge and Thundercracker are blue so you could say it's the Seekers' uniform... Starscream's is different because he's the leader.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    I've already got the generations thundercracker and im not buying henkei or gentei etc. dont like importing.
    I have both Gentei and Generations Thundercracker, and honestly, Generations Thundercracker is the better toy. Sure, Gentei has the chrome and a few nice paint apps here and there, but Gentei suffers from QC issues (loose wings, weapons don't stay attached properly). Generations Thundercracker is FAR superior value for money (considering that he's $20 cheaper)! I find Generations Thundercracker to be a satisfying toy, whereas Gentei Thundercracker is just disappointmenting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    I caan only afford 2 at most, so which ones. Im not really that into ramjet, he's kinda plain to me.
    All the Seekers are pretty plane (see what I did there? ).
    Ramjet is a regular common store release toy, as are all the Seekers who aren't Genteis or BotCon figures. I'd recommend just getting the common store releases for each of the Seekers (Classics, Universe, Henkei, Generations). While some of the BotCon ones are nice (as Cat mentioned (and as shown by griffin), Thrust has custom wings), I don't think they're worth the extra price.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    and its a tough decision between Starscream and skywarp. Starscreams a must have 4 anyone, but skywarp is really cool and looks awesome. Hmm, tough decision.
    The only common store release of Skywarp was the Classics figure, which was only available in a two pack with Ultra Magnus. The 2 pack was pretty easy to find and actually shelfwarmed, I'm guessing cos most people weren't interested in buying a white Optimus Prime just to get Skywarp. I know I was initially hesitant -- kept on passing the set up until I caved in and bought it to get Skywarp. I did see a Classics Skywarp sold loose at a collector's fair for $20 maybe a year or two ago. If I wanna go for Starscream, you might consider Henkei or Universe - both are common store releases, they're more recent than Classics Starscream (so should be easier to find?) and they have nicer colours than Classics Starscream too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    Btw, am I the only one that looks at like 10 reviews of a figure when planning to get it? Its jsut somethingi do with any toy. Anyone else do the same?
    Erm... nope. I usually look at piccies -- read a few comments from people, maybe one or two reviews if I'm unsure. But usually I can tell if I want a toy or not after seeing a picture. If I'm unsure, then I might wait until the toy's on sale or if I have nothing else to buy during that "down time" between waves. e.g. when I got Ultra Magnus and Skywarp - that was during one of those down times... nothing else new was out, saw that pack still sitting there, so I bought it. ;p

  9. #19
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    I've already got the generations thundercracker and im not buying henkei or gentei etc. dont like importing. I caan only afford 2 at most, so which ones. Im not really that into ramjet, he's kinda plain to me. I like dirgetthe most out of the coneheads, and its a tough decision between Starscream and skywarp. Starscreams a must have 4 anyone, but skywarp is really cool and looks awesome. Hmm, tough decision.
    Btw, am I the only one that looks at like 10 reviews of a figure when planning to get it? Its jsut somethingi do with any toy. Anyone else do the same?
    You might find it cheaper to import a classics verison from overseas than finding one on the secondary market here, just a thought. you're really restricting your options otherwise.

    It looks to me like you have a short list, and just need to make up your mind, or save up a bit longer and get an extra if you can't decide.

    as has already been said, they all have the same core body with different wings and heads. apart from that the differences come down to paint. I forsee that in a year or two you'll probably end up with one of each in the long run.

    And no, you're not the only one to heavily research stuf befor eyou buy it, I think we all do it for certain figures before we get them, some don't need so much convincing though. The problem you have here is you're trying to pick the ulitmate best in your eyes of a set of 6 that are pretty much the same. like picking a good apple out of a basket of good apples. sometimes it's better to just go with your heart.
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  10. #20
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    No leige... you must follow Hasbro's command - "collect them all".

    AHA! You should have posted this on the Army building thread too!!

    Bidoofdude get Dirge he's nice, and yeah Starscream which would be easier as well to find. But if he's proving to be a bit hard or pricy you can always get Thrust, he's my fave when it comes to plane design - though I despise the long rockets they have made for him ( just looks WTF IMO?). He's also mass released like Dirge so easier to find. The last released of the seekers are Thrust, Dirge and then Thundercracker - so they would be the more easier to still find around all the other earlier releases would most like be a bit harder or pricier butnot much. As you said Screamer is a given but yeah up to you up and get em all heheheheh
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

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