Hi all
Just wanted to introduce myself, as i have been a member for a few months now and found this to be a great resource.
Huge fan of tf in the 90's (hand taped vhs of g1 series still around here somewhere) but lost interest untill one day i found myself in the toy section of big w staring down a rotf prime and jetfire toy, i had to combine these to make my life complete....
3 years on and around 100 figs later, addiction grows daily, and bank balance shrinks.
Glad i refound my hobby, and a big thanks to this site for helping find those hard to get items ( most recently bulkhead & starscream voyager from myer on sale 30 odd each down from 60 )
So cheers to all. Pumped to be part of the forum, look forward to the future ( and mp soundwave!!!)
Cheers LJ7369