Oh excellent! - A great topic for a thread & really, I can't believe that it hasn't come up until now?

My 1st curiosity with Anime (That I actually identified as Anime ) was when I was about 6 or 7 y/o with the 12 part OVA series The Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor.

From then on it's been a bit of a love affair ever since, as Guyver introduced me (& my younger Brother ) to what we basically rationaled it to at the time as 'Cartoons for Adults'.
Guyver was quickly followed up with both of the Battle Angel: Alita OVAs, one of the Devil Man OVAs as well as the original Appleseed OVA, it has been a long road since these but allow me to share with you some of my favourite Animes:

A trio of series that I've not all too long ago viewed that I thought were friggin' awesome & highly recommend are:

...and for those whom like Robots and/or even Super Robots! - I've recently partaken in a Mecha Madness Marathon, which contained the following BOTastic Animes:
(*NOTE: Actually seen prior to marathon )

(*NOTE: The Above seen as part of Marathon )

I've neglected to mention DragonballZ until this point namely because I feel that it is a series that everyone should see in one form or another because as with many others I saw the series via CheezeTV & is the reason for being late to SO many classes during High School , but a couple of other shows that I've seen bits of that I want to actually checkout properly at some point are Cowboy Bebop & the Super Robot Wars OVAs (+ the 2 series).

At present though, I'm currently going back through and watching Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex & Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 2nd GIG as well as Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society; as when my youngest Brother & I watched each series the 1st time, we had procured some 'digitally relocated' copies of the episodes and were playing them on a DVD Player that for some utterly perplexing reason decided t play them in an order that I've still not been able to rationalise or replicate...

So now I'm watching them in Proper Chronological Order, I've very recently completed GITS:SAC after having acquired the US Boxset (To my door, literally half the price of the Australian Release ) so having this arrive yesterday:

...and with GITS:SAC-SSS on its way from Madman Entertainment's warehouse, along with Ghost in The Shell: Arise due later this year/early next year! , I pretty confident in saying that Ghost in The Shell is my defining favourite Anime series.
(Extremely closely followed by Guyver )