Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
How does that work? Do I just blast that area with a hair dryer? If so, how high should I set it, how long etc? (don't wanna inadvertantly melt the plastic)

Quote Originally Posted by nofacej View Post
I tried this with a lighter on a stress mark that appeared on my Cyclonus figure and ended up making it 10x worse; so I would advise extreme caution. Start on the lowest setting and only for a few seconds at a time. Work your way up in power slowly and turn it off the moment you see the barest hint of a reaction from the stress mark. I got overzealous when I noticed a change and ended up watching in horror as the stress mark disappeared only to be replaced by an ugly burn.
You definitely want to isolate the bit that is affected with the stress mark. I did it with my botcon clench, the foot also had a stress mark. I started off on the highest temperature and about 1-2 cm away from the hair dryer for only a few seconds. If it has not faded or improved in ~5 seconds, than i would stop entirely as it maybe closer to being a crack than a simple stress mark. BUT YEAH, YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

I would advise against the use of a lighter, hair dryer only.