Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
The only reason I suspect you may be wrong that Arcee is still a while away is that they have changed the expected time to "mid-December" rather than just December. If they weren't expecting it soon, they'd likely just keep it as December and push it out another month (for the umpteenth time)
I'm still desperately clinging to the hope of getting Arcee by Christmas (/wishful thinking)
I was hoping that as well when I saw it changed to "mid-December", but they may have just done that to stop people bugging them about Arcee once we entered December... but didn't want to put down January and then have to deal with the nerd-rage of yet another delay.

The reason I say that is - Chromia was also changed to "mid-December" at the same time as when Arcee was changed, so BBTS were still very recently expecting cases that had both fem-bots in it... but instead got what Amazon received, which only had Chromia in it. (and when I saw that happened yesterday, I decided last night to ship my POL so it can get here by Christmas, and order Chromia separately from Amazon... leaving Arcee on pre-order at BBTS in case they end up getting it eventually)
On this occasion, I'd be more than happy to be wrong and BBTS get it in stock in the next couple days, so that everyone else can benefit.

So unless it was a revision case that no one knew about (Entertainment Earth is usually very good with listing all case assortments and Revisions), Hasbro America seemed to have skimped out on producing many Arcee toys... which is similar to the Waspinator wave last year.
The annoying thing is the lack of announcements when unusual things like this happen.

BBTS could benefit from having a news page on their site, updated with delays and cancelled items.