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Thread: Retailers Association renews calls for tax on online purchases

  1. #11
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    well this is what happens when you let 2 companies dominate the market(here in townsville woolies just brought out 2 iga's and are looking at more. i have about 8 supermarkets in a 4 km radius of me. all woolies or coles)ie coles and woolworths. they and their friends like gerry harvey pay lobby groups millions of dollars to get in the ear of those dipshit politicans who couldn't organize a root at the local brothel. until they wake up and see that the obscene mark ups on their goods and the crappy customer service(cause they are so short staffed, the salespeople are getting hammered) then people will always buy from overseas. i buy nearly all of my tf's from america and even if they were to put a tax on it, it'd still be cheaper(by a lot) to import. until we stand up and say this is utter bull and can we get some competition in the market(aldi,costco,walgreens etc etc...) then they will still treat us consumers like idiots(they only stock what they think we'll buy and we'll keep doing it as there is no option for some people). it makes me mad when we talk about this stuff but then we just sit back and let them screw us over. we should do something like a peaceful protest and a mail out of the profits and mark up on goods, even a petition might help.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Hopefully it will encourage people to buy more items at once as it may save them shipping costs when it's combined. It may lessen the impact. If they do their research. I know I have had to stop buying just below $1000au to avoid the duties but if they lower it, nothing's gonna stop me spending over that $1000.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    26th May 2010


    Don't you just love it when Australia's richest start crying poor because they only earned $98 million in profit instead of their usual $100 million? Oh, how my heart bleeds for these bloodsuckers. Seriously, instead of taxing Australians more, become more competitive instead! It's not rocket science. Offer more products online to win back the consumer. Offer a price that will attract the customer to you instead, even if that means accepting a lower profit margin. You're still ahead, so what's the problem? Who knows, maybe more Australians will choose to keep their money here instead! Geez, I'm so sick of these cry babies running to the government every time they don't get their own way. Spoiled pricks.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by AJ_Prime View Post
    Don't you just love it when Australia's richest start crying poor because they only earned $98 million in profit instead of their usual $100 million? Oh, how my heart bleeds for these bloodsuckers. Seriously, instead of taxing Australians more, become more competitive instead! It's not rocket science. Offer more products online to win back the consumer. Offer a price that will attract the customer to you instead, even if that means accepting a lower profit margin. You're still ahead, so what's the problem? Who knows, maybe more Australians will choose to keep their money here instead! Geez, I'm so sick of these cry babies running to the government every time they don't get their own way. Spoiled pricks.
    i wish there was a like button! this is spot on.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by iamirondude View Post
    i wish there was a like button! this is spot on.
    Indeed, 100%.

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