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Thread: Xbox One Vs PS4

  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I didn't buy my PS3 until War for Cybertron came out. I wont bother buying the next generation of consoles until Highmoon does the next installment.

    Of course, they will prob do a movie game next year, but they always suck

  2. #12
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    I bought my PS3 this year. Have about 30 games (none of which I paid over $20 for except GTA5) so need to get more use out of this
    Maybe when GTA6 comes out I will consider another console.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Metro View Post
    I bought my PS3 this year. Have about 30 games (none of which I paid over $20 for except GTA5) so need to get more use out of this
    Maybe when GTA6 comes out I will consider another console.
    I bought my PS3 a couple of years ago for less than $100.

    Some guy on Ebay was selling his PS3 as 'faulty' but from the description, it sounded more as if it was just an Hard disk problem. I decided to take a risk and bought it. I then removed and re-inserted the hard disk, formatted it and I ended up with a fully functioning PS3

    I don't have many games on it (less than a dozen) as I only use it for the exclusives. The PC is a far superior and versatile gaming machine so if it's a game that is available on both, the PC version wins every time.

    It will probably be a few years before I decide to buy a PS4. If I buy it now, it will just sit there gathering dust as not many exclusives that grab my attention as yet.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    One think i've noticed about consoles in the past is the revised edition with the slimline body and better inclusions (ie bigger HDD etc) always come out a year or so down the track.

    I have a Wii and my PC, these days i don't spend a lot of time on either... which makes upgrading to anything hard to justify, so I probably won't.

    I think that Xbox moving to BluRay was a very good decision.

    Autocon, I think you'll see price drops in the older generation after Christmas. The thing that the Console companys have started to realise is that there are so many people still playing the older machines, these days it's taking longer for popularity to shift to the latest piece of hardware, probably due to the amount of people that do game on a console these days.
    As a result they don't drop the price of the older gear as quickly or as much as they used to.

    My advice would be to go with what you're comfortable with, if you've never used either system before see if you can check out what you're mates have.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    I'm thinking 360 and PS3 may well do the PS2 style thing; sell a literal craptonne of very cheap units after the next gen has been released and live for another 3-5 years based purely off the strong back catalogue. Add in the ability to download many titles (as long as they are supported) and theres the potential for this generation to be the longest by a country mile.

    I won't upgrade for a few years, Wii U will be the next purchase after a few more titles are released, gives me time to play a good 12+ games I've missed/been waiting for holidays to play.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    PC or Nintendo for me. I absolutely HATE analogs and their lack of accuracy. I always hate how things spring back into place.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Snagged a PS4. 1080p gaming is now a reality, it's smaller than the XBONE and it worked right away instead of being DOA (like my mate's XBONE).

    Besides the usual network issues that go with launch, I dig it. Wont be disconnecting my PS3 though!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

  9. #19
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    PS4 all the way. I won't get one for at least a year though.

    PC gaming is too expensive to keep up with (endless upgrades) and takes up too much space (don't have room for a desktop).

    I have no interest in playing multiplayer or anything online. I don't want trophies, I don't want achievements, I just want a console to sit there, shut the F@*# up and let me play games. By myself.

    PS4 appears to have better hardware, less DRM always online garbage and better exclusives.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    PS4 all the way. I won't get one for at least a year though.

    PC gaming is too expensive to keep up with (endless upgrades) and takes up too much space (don't have room for a desktop).

    I have no interest in playing multiplayer or anything online. I don't want trophies, I don't want achievements, I just want a console to sit there, shut the F@*# up and let me play games. By myself.

    PS4 appears to have better hardware, less DRM always online garbage and better exclusives.
    People who say that PCs need "endless upgrades" are not doing it right

    I only upgrade my PC like once every 3-4 years. Occasionally within that time I will upgrade some RAM which is pretty cheap. During it's life span, I am able to play all games at full graphics.

    The PC I have now is close to 3 years and only recently did I upgrade the graphics card. That only happened because that card was already over 4 years old.

    I'll side with Tywin Lannister on this one..

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