Quote Originally Posted by Starscream77 View Post
Yeah I am trying my hardest resolution yet.... Giving up the smokes

This is bloody hard, it's been a day and a half and my mood is not pretty
Good on ya and best of luck dude!

For myself, I found the 1st 3-4 weeks to be the hardest as it's during this period that your body will start reacting to/craving the the sudden loss of the various chemicals that comprise cigarettes.
After this period I found I no longer had cravings, but the 2nd-hand smoke of others and drinking would have them "knocking at the door" again and this lasted probably close to 3 months.

Breaking the routine of smoking (Such as after a meal, a drink, an argument etc) and conquering the addiction mentally are every bit as crucial as that of the physical - This is often the reason why many people quit multiple times.
Of course, this is all predicated on your chosen method of quitting - I took the "Cold Turkey" approach and whilst it may have had social impacts (For me at least), the benefits you'll experience financially, physically & health-wise are all very much worth it.

As of August last year I've not touched a ciggy for 3 years; that's coming off of a 9 year addiction, 8 of which were "a-pack-a-day" and let me tell you...

When you suddenly start getting your sense of smell back, no longer wake up to coughing your hole out & expelling brown/black sludge from you're throat, able to walk/run more than 20 meters without keeling over - I think you can tell where I'm going with this.

Basically, it's not easy so don't expect it to be, the key thing is everyone is different; you'll get agro, you'll lose your temper and get mighty frustrated - just make sure you fight it both mentally and physically, keep at it and if you feel you need help? - Do not hesitate to ask for it.