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Thread: Play With This Too...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    1st Dec 2014
    Shelby Township


    We like dinosaurs! Meet Terrortops. Kickstarter begins this Friday, unless we decide to pull the trigger Thursday night...
    Looking at the figure, I see he's the Triceratops head they teased a while ago, and the body is a mix of bits from Desolataur and Ankhor. The Facebook page also says they will add a tail.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    Their products do rip off vintage designs, however they may not be in direct competition with Hasbro's current offerings.

    Whilst PWTT does replicate closely to the original vintage toys, Hasbro has so far not released anything like the original Pretender toys (plastic shells partnered with inner robots) - aside from their likeness in Generations toys such as Thunderwing/Skullgrin/Black Shadow. Other 3rd party producers are releasing popular iterations that are currently or may in the near future be in direct competition with Hasbro releases (i.e. multiple third party Brainstorms/Headmasters/Dinobots/G1 Devastators/other combiners).

    I really like seeing successful 3rd party producers like Fansproject leveraging their brand name in an attempt to create unique lines - such as Steel Core (original design, -master homage), Retro-Future Glacialord (original design with 80's combiner scramble city type combination), and Trianix Alpha (Dai Battles homage).
    Cast your mind back tol FPs City Commander, Not-springer/brainstorm. AT the time they were made there was no Hasbro equivalent either. Surely hasbro has the rights to the likeness of the shells as well. Archer should know that, although I suspect he doesn't care, or knows where Hasbro will draw the line. Would Hasbro even bother wih the third party products? Probably not until one gets MEGA successful.

    I too like that FP have branched off a bit. Not that I buy 3rd party as it is way too expensive

  3. #33
    Join Date
    1st Dec 2014
    Shelby Township


    They have said they know where to draw the line, so they know what they can and cannot make.

    I notice that the inner robots for their versions of Starscream and Grimlock are NOT colored like the G1 toys, so maybe that's the line. They don't want to make recognizable MAJOR characters. Hasbro probably doesn't care about toys that look like Bomb-Burst or Cloudburst, but might care about a lookalike Grimlock or Starcream, which is why they are different.

    Re: Play With This Too Previews: Pretender Styled Action Figures

    Postby Scaleface » 25 Feb 2015 17:41

    For those looking to find specific homages, here is a quickie list:

    Transformers name/PWTToo name

    Bomb-Burst (Blood)/Bloodbath
    Cloudburst (Phoenix)/Astroblast
    Iguanus/King Adder
    Landmine (Lander)/Goldminer
    Octopunch/Ancient Astronaut
    Skullgrin (Dauros)/Desolataur
    Stranglehold/Mighty Muscules
    Waverider (Diver)/Ankhor

    for non-Transformers homages/PWTToo name

    Centurions Max Ray/Mainsail
    Dinosaucers Tricero/Terrortops
    Dungeons & Dragons Warduke/Barbaricles
    GoBots Fitor/Jetstrike's tech drone
    Inhumanoids Liquidator/Landmass
    Masters of the Universe Skeletor/Catastropheles
    Voltron Robeast Scorpious/Rawbat

  4. #34
    Join Date
    26th Feb 2012


    The Kickstarter campaign is now live!!!!!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by drahsrebu View Post
    The Kickstarter campaign is now live!!!!!
    He's right people, and you've just 30 Days to get your pledges in!

    Couple of things for people to remember with Kickstarter:
    • Payment Is Not Required Until The End of The Backing Period.
    • Payment will ONLY be taken if the project successfully meets its Funding Goal.
    • The Costs listed will almost always be in US Dollars unless otherwise stated.
    • Pay close attention to the pricing; There is often a seperate Domestic/Us Price and International Price (Namely regarding postage/shipping fees).
    • You can adjust the amount of money you're willing to pledge at any time.
    • You can only select 1 Pledge Level, but you can change it at any time during the Backing Period.
    • If there is additional Figures or "Addons" you'd like, pay close attention to the prices detailed in the "Addons" list - You then add the required amount for that particular figure/addon to your existing Pledge amount.
    • Keep checking the Kickstarter page regularly for updates.
    • Remember that a Kickstarter Project needs the support of you & others to succeed, not only financially but by spreading awareness, so spread the word by any & every means available to you.

    (Updated: 12:35pm AEST - 28/02/15)

    I personally went for the "Play With Level 2": Bite Mark & Desolataur - Pledge Level, which costs (USD) $100 + $25 shipping.

    That'll get me these guys!

    If I can manage to save enough by the end of March, baring in-mind the late March arrivals of both MP Exhaust & Star Saber, then I'd like to also add another (USD) $72 (Includes Shipping) to my existing pledge so as to get a Bloodbath figure too!

    That'll do me I think, unless some of the stretch goals get unlocked, because then I'll definitely be adding a 3x Heads Pack and a 3x Staff Pack to my total as well!

    Let's see if this thing meets its Funding Goal of (USD) $80,000 first though.
    Last edited by Hursticon; 28th February 2015 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Updated "Kickstarter Pledge Cheat Sheet".

  6. #36
    Join Date
    4th Sep 2014


    I don't really understand how this works to be honest, quite confusing (might be coz I'm on stupid shifts at work atm and my brain isn't comprehending it right.

    So if I pledge 72 I can choose one out of the 2 figures available, but if I pledge one of the higher amounts then add another 72 I can purchase that figure along with whatever else I buy?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    26th Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    He's right people, and you've just 30 Days to get your pledges in!
    I had a feeling that you'd elaborate for us
    Thanks hurst

    Im back on a budget (ewwww) given that I decided to leave my job, but hopefully I can throw enough together to pledge.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut View Post
    I don't really understand how this works to be honest, quite confusing (might be coz I'm on stupid shifts at work atm and my brain isn't comprehending it right.

    So if I pledge 72 I can choose one out of the 2 figures available...
    Yes, either Bloodbath or Desolataur.

    ...but if I pledge one of the higher amounts then add another 72 I can purchase that figure along with whatever else I buy?

    So if you decided to pledge for, say, "Play With Level 1" at $125 and then added an additional $72 on top (Then total $197), you would then be getting:
    • 1x Catastropheles
    • 1x Desolataur
    • And a single "Addon" figure of your choice between either Bloodbath or another Desolataur

    ...all shipped to your door, sometime around this time next year.

    Where it states: "Purchasing this reward allows you to purchase additional items" or "Purchasing this reward allows you to purchase additional items at checkout" - This simply means that your pledge level qualifies you to purchase "Addons".

    You see, if your pledge level is anything less than $55/$72 you do not qualify to purchase any "Addons" - i.e. You can't simply pledge for the Prints ($40) or T-Shirt ($35) or a GiTD Button ($22) and then expect to be able to purchase a $72 "Addon" figure on top.

    Does that help at all dude?
    (I can understand if it's been a long shift and all this is just blending together, I think the Kickstarter could be worded a little better )

    Quote Originally Posted by drahsrebu View Post
    I had a feeling that you'd elaborate for us
    Thanks hurst

    Im back on a budget (ewwww) given that I decided to leave my job, but hopefully I can throw enough together to pledge.
    Sorry to hear you had to walk from the Job dude, never an easy choice , hope you're able to get in on at least 1 figure anyway.

    I thought I'd try to explain things in my post as I've seen people be interested in backing things before, but have been put off because they can't quite wrap their heads around how Kickstarter works.

    Being that "Lost Protectors" is now the 5th or 6th project that I've backed through Kickstarter, as well as watching/reading a lot of discussion on the subject, I feel I've come to understand how to go about participating.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    Thanks for putting this up Hursti I was curious to know what other people were going in for.

    I'm super keen to see PWTT's progress and this is my first kickstarter campaign that I'm supporting. Going in safe, I'm considering going in for both options 4. and 5. from the cheat sheet - Bloodbath and Desolataur. Not the best for value but will get me a good dosage of nostalgia

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    30th Mar 2014


    Cool! I'm actually very interested to see!

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