Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
I don't get the Michael Bay hate, as much as his movies aren't Oscar winning dramas they are still entertaining films and they've made the transformers franchise so much bigger than it was before 2007.
The problem isn't that they're not-G1 enough, or not striving for some exceptional artistic recognition. it's that they're stupidly scripted, racist/sexist and downright bad. Sure, you can have giant alien robots fighting over mountain dew/xbox/whatever. Sure, go spend $150-300 mil doing CGI/good VFX. But for god's sake, don't make a film based on a first draft done by a scab and a 45-50 year old frat boy. The problem there is that since ROTF came off the success of a not too bad film (TF1), it was going to pretty much guaranteed to be a success anyway (powers that be, all that). Which means that since then it's actually potentially made other films dumber. I dunno.

(That being said, enjoy what you like It's just I know big budgeted action films have and can be both trashy, enjoyable AND not downright insulting, and we all know that Transformers can be better than other people expect/anticipate. So it'd just be nice to see the flagship of the franchise/whatever be something that isn't just dumb as heck (despite it's premise (bracket (small joke))))