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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #401
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I think it's because it sells well enough as it's already presented in little story arc sets.

    Once the cash flow from that format slows down, then they'll release as a seasonal item.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  2. #402
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I was just watching the "Adventure in Time and Space" special (that doco-drama of the start of DrWho in 1963), and it was quite fascinating. Well worth the watch if a fan of DrWho and wanted to see how it all began... with a bumpy start that almost ended after just the first story.
    It was nice to see how they made some of the special effects noises, like the Tardis materialising noise and the opening credits visuals.
    The accuracy of something that happened 50 years ago is questionable, especially since most of the people involved are now dead... but if true, it was nice to see that William Hartnell had a respect for the audience - noting that he had to be consistent with how he did things (like where the door lever was on the Tardis console) because the kids watching would pick up on any contradictions. (like in any fandom)
    Despite being a grumpy old man, it's possible (from that doco-drama) that he was invested into the show and its fiction to make sure it worked.

    I came across this earlier in the year, which might be repetitious to some, but fascinating to watch and listen to - all the different opening themes, showing the evolution of the opening credits and music over the 50-ish years.
    It's surprising to see that the signature riff/tune is the same since 1963, but just recorded in different ways over the 50 years. Even Star Trek didn't keep their signature tune, over their almost-50 years... and that's probably the next longest lasting TV/movie universe.

    And for anyone really keen, the second part has themes from spinoffs and specials.
    They are official, so looks to be taken off some special release DVD from the BBC.

    This other video by the same youtube user appears to be done by that person (not an official video), which is an anthology of the regenerations (up until 2010)... which is likely to be updated soon with the three new regenerations shown this year. (and it noted a regeneration from McGann to Eccelston, which we now know doesn't happen)

    While I'm at it, for anyone who wants to immerse themselves into some fringe "non/conjectural canon" of DrWho, here are some short videos I recommend....

    The Curse of the Fatal Death (1999 charity special) - Rowen Atkinson leads several stars playing several incarnations of the Doctor. (including Richard E Grant, who also featured in a 40th Anniversary animation as the Doctor, but was also in the 50th Anniversary season as the as the puppet of the Great Intelligence)
    Dimensions in Time (30th Anniversary charity special) - The Rani is trying to capture the various Doctors, featuring Pertwee(3), Baker (4), Davison (5), Baker (6), McCoy (7) and several various companions from just about every Doctor. Plus some outtakes and edits posted on youtube by one of the writers.
    Time Crash (2008 charity special) - David Tennant meets Peter Davidson as Doctors (they probably meet in real life quite often, since they are related - Tennant married Davison's daughter three years after she played the Doctor's Daughter in the series)
    2007 charity special - David Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna) in a classroom as teacher and student (respectively).
    2005 charity special - an extended version of David Tennant's introduction as the new Doctor... explaining how Rose seemed so quick to accept him before the next episode, and why they weren't in Barcelona, or why the Doctor was having side effects to the regeneration in the Christmas Invasion.
    1985 charity special - Doctors 2, 3, 5 & 6 and about 12 companions presenting donation cheques to the charity.

    How about some outtakes to finish things off?

  3. #403
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    2007 charity special - David Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna) in a classroom as teacher and student (respectively).
    While it's tentatively Doctor Who connected, I love this clip and have watched this so many times I know it by heart. Including the sonnet.

  4. #404
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I came across this earlier in the year, which might be repetitious to some, but fascinating to watch and listen to - all the different opening themes, showing the evolution of the opening credits and music over the 50-ish years.
    It's surprising to see that the signature riff/tune is the same since 1963, but just recorded in different ways over the 50 years. Even Star Trek didn't keep their signature tune, over their almost-50 years... and that's probably the next longest lasting TV/movie universe.
    While I can't say I'm a fan of the show (never held any interest, never really watched it, might really enjoy it if I had the time to add it to the ever-long list of things to check out), that theme is haunting as hell, and that YouTube video was awesome!

  5. #405
    Join Date
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  6. #406
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    So initially Moffatt said that the regeneration count hasn't changed, but then he's since changed his mind and now says that not only does the War Doctor now count as the 9th Doctor, but that both of Tennants regenerations do indeed count. So now it is apparently:
    + Hurt = 9th Doctor
    + Eccleston = 10th
    + Tennant = 11th and 12th Doctors
    + Smith = 13th Doctor
    + Capaldi = ????? ?????

    I'm curious to know what other people's opinions are on this. Would you rather the story just discard the 12 regeneration rule for the Doctor and just accept Capaldi as the 13th Doctor, or would you prefer something else that somehow maintains the 12 regen rule in tact? I'd prefer the latter. I'd personally like to see the Doctor actually die and get buried on Trenzalore, and have Capaldi come in as an entirely new and separate Time Lord (possible now that Gallifrey has survived) who perhaps assumes the title of the Doctor (perhaps even actually call himself "Doctor Who" as to differentiate himself from the Doctor) and carries on his legacy. Not sure how you'd allow a new Doctor to inherit the old Doctor's Tardis though, since we do see the Doctor being buried in his own Tardis. The idea of a new Doctor simply setting his Tardis to look like an old British police box seems silly to me.
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 6th December 2013 at 01:26 AM.

  7. #407
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    27th Dec 2007


    According to the serial 'Brain of Morbius', what we consider the 1st Doctor, is actually the 9th incarnation.
    Personally, I ignore the whole 12 regeneration limit. It's not like they can't hand wave it away anyway.

  8. #408
    Join Date
    5th May 2008
    Clifton Hill, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    So initially Moffatt said that the regeneration count hasn't changed, but then he's since changed his mind and now says that not only does the War Doctor now count as the 9th Doctor, but that both of Tennants regenerations do indeed count. So now it is apparently:
    + Hurt = 9th Doctor
    + Tennant = 10th and 11th Doctors
    + Smith = 12th Doctor
    + Capaldi = ????? ?????


    I'm curious to know what other people's opinions are on this. Would you rather the story just discard the 12 regeneration rule for the Doctor and just accept Capaldi as the 13th Doctor, or would you prefer something else that somehow maintains the 12 regen rule in tact? I'd prefer the latter. I'd personally like to see the Doctor actually die and get buried on Trenzalore, and have Capaldi come in as an entirely new and separate Time Lord (possible now that Gallifrey has survived) who perhaps assumes the title of the Doctor (perhaps even actually call himself "Doctor Who" as to differentiate himself from the Doctor) and carries on his legacy. Not sure how you'd allow a new Doctor to inherit the old Doctor's Tardis though, since we do see the Doctor being buried in his own Tardis. The idea of a new Doctor simply setting his Tardis to look like an old British police box seems silly to me.
    You've left out Eccleston.

    It would make it:
    + Hurt = 9th Doctor
    + Eccleston = 10th
    + Tennant = 11th and 12th Doctors
    + Smith = 13th Doctor
    + Capaldi = ????? ?????

    At the end of the day it doesn't matter. It has been established long ago that Time Lords can be given additional regenerations. The Master's whole thing used to be that he had used up all of his and wanted to steal the Doctor's remaning ones. The Valeyard was pretty much the same only he was an off-spring of one of the Doctor's regenerations (the penultimate one according to the Master).

    There are also a couple of moments they could use to write their way out of this problem.

    When River poisons the Doctor in 'Let's Kill Hitler' she then later heals him using one of her regenerations and could have given him more.

    The Master then died and was brought back to life by the Time Lords. After that he has more regenerations again. He uses one to turn from Derek Jacobi to John Simm. This would imply that when the Time Lords restored him they either gave him 12 new regenerations or he regained them naturally as a result of being brought back to life.

    If the latter is true then the Doctor could have naturally had the count reset when he was brought back to life after dieing in 'The Night of the Doctor'

    Or they could just say that the elixer he drank not only triggered a regeneration but gave him more.
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  9. #409
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    You missed Eccelston in that list (see my revised listing - and if Tennant counts as two, that makes Capaldi 14). NEVER MIND - GP BEAT ME TO IT BY 4 MINUTES.
    I think the "12 rule" is a good plot device, to encourage urgency and fear, to find a way of getting a new cycle before he dies (like the Master tried at one stage). And if the Morbius episode is to be included as fact (before they brought in the "12" rule), it could be explained as a previous cycle... in that this isn't really his first set of 12 lives. (we certainly know that Moffatt is one who likes retconning things... so who knows what new twists he'll create that re-writes everything fans have relied on all these years)

  10. #410
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Just a question: Do they ever go into any detail just how The Daleks and The Time Lords were destroying the rest of the universe with their war? You see all these races show up that talk about how they lost their planets during the time war but I've yet to see/hear anything about Time Lord space fleets or armies marching across globes. Did they just fight it with Tardis's or what? I know the end game was that either only the Time Lords would survive or the Daleks would, but what happened during the war? How were these battles fought?

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