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Thread: Hasbro US Conference talks about a Cinematic Universe

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozgardian View Post
    I would love to see a cg animated Beast Wars movie or even a cg retelling of the original 1986 movie in cg ( as long as it's does justice to the original!). As for toys, I believe the best pretender toys were those of the animals. So if they decide to revise pretenders I would like to see them incorporated into the Beast Wars Line. ...Monstructor anyone?
    I'd rather see Beast Wars use their own gestalts like Magnaboss and Tripredacus.

  2. #12
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    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm all for it, because it might improve the story-telling quality for TF films.
    It couldn't possibly be worse.
    I dunno about that, to me the move to a cinematic universe smacks of a poorly thought out copycat move without addressing any of the fundamental issues with the existing movies.

    It's just going to be years of the same, but hey now Transformers and Gi Joe, Mask etc are linked so you should watch all of them even though they are still just as crappy.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'd rather see Beast Wars use their own gestalts like Magnaboss and Tripredacus.
    Wasn't implying the Beast Wars gestalts should be replaced, just added like the Transmetals & Fuzors. I'd love to see Magnaboss & Tripredacus on screen. And it's not like BW was rich on the whole gestalt/combiner gimmick. I think the Pretenders line would fit in more comfortably with BW then G1 or any other era of Transformers & would tie in nicely concerning the sheilding from raw energon storyline.

    'The Covenant of Primus' would make a great movie. Have it narrated by Alpha-Trion (although I don't know who could voice him considering John Stephenson died last year;- RIP Windcharger) & bring some awesome writers in like Simon Furman, Bob Forward, Larry DiTillo, etc... You get the idea!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    - The confirmation of a "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" (if it wasn't already officially revealed), which will see the first movies come out in 2018/2019, with the HCU featuring Micronauts, GIJoe, ROM, MASK and Visionaries (and probably Transformers some time down the road, when it is time for a reboot, or one series needs the support of the other).
    (it seems everyone is trying to to copy the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe now)
    Further confirmation of Hasbro going ahead with its Cinematic Universe, as we've already seen the IDW version start this month, and Jon Barber from IDW looks to be a key factor with the Cinematic version. But it seems that the inclusion of Transformers is still yet to be decided or confirmed.

    I guess they don't want to upset the successful formula for Transformers, but as it will eventually lose steam, it could then be rebooted and introduced into the HCU some time later.

  5. #15
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    We still don't know if Transformers will be joining Hasbro's Cinematic Universe, but two properties have been dropped - MASK and ROM.

    GIJoe and Micronauts are still going ahead for 2020, but it seems odd that MASK was dropped, as it would work in well with GIJoe (and Transformers - humans trying to replicate the alien converting technology).

  6. #16
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    We still don't know if Transformers will be joining Hasbro's Cinematic Universe, but two properties have been dropped - MASK and ROM.

    GIJoe and Micronauts are still going ahead for 2020, but it seems odd that MASK was dropped, as it would work in well with GIJoe (and Transformers - humans trying to replicate the alien converting technology).
    I suspect it was needlessly race-bending Matt Trakker which did it. He's a pretty iconic character and a live action movie with the changes wouldn't have gone down well with the nostalgia crowd the movie would be targeting.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    I suspect it was needlessly race-bending Matt Trakker which did it. He's a pretty iconic character and a live action movie with the changes wouldn't have gone down well with the nostalgia crowd the movie would be targeting.
    Yeah, I'm not sure I can really agree with you on this.

    -I feel you might be overestimating the impact of M.A.S.Ks nostalgia value and it's audience. Aside from the IDW series and an unlaunched line (which reshaped a lot of the original premise), it's had basically no media exposure for over 30 years. Transformers and GI Joe, on the other hand, have had their peaks and troughs but have always maintained a degree of presence or popularity, and Hasbro are actually making somewhat of an effort to sell a new version of Micronauts without going straight in with a film series, which is a bit smarter.
    -The reaction from people on forums is often insignificant when it comes to wider film-going audiences and what they want. There are exceptions but I sincerely doubt M.A.S.K is one of them, given it's relatively small status outside of certain nostalgia markets (which aren't big).
    -IDW's MASK would've sold badly even if they kept Trakker as Caucasian because it wasn't a particularly good story, nor was it wanted, nor was there any demand outside of what feels like Hasbro executives wanting to mimic the worst parts of Marvel/DC/what-not shared universe concept.
    -I'm guessing that Hasbro pulled M.A.S.K and ROM from their lineup because of the four properties they had (and were intending to throw a ton of money at to make films), they had to consolidate and go with the more reasonable approaches. Maybe their reasoninig goes something like "no one outside of people approaching forty remember or care about M.A.S.K", and you need people outside of that to care.
    -Likewise, ROM was cancelled along with M.A.S.L and that didn't have any issues with race-bending, but rather (and this is a guess), "we can't even use the parts of ROM that people, all of which are approaching forty or beyond MIGHT remember from a short-lived comic series, but probably don't, because those parts still belong to Marvel"
    -I just feel that MASK, if you were to compare it to what is out there at the moment, could feel like merely a hodgepodge merging (to those without nostalgia) of Transformers and G.I Joe, the former which is critically panned (still made a lot of money, but doesn't need to be replicated) and the latter which can be a hard one to sell but has a much better chance than M.A.S.K on name recognition alone.

    Personally, i don't think the race-bending is as big of an issue as some. With M.A.S.K and Trakker, I was neither for nor against it, becuase even if it was a genuine desire for more broader representation or a cynical ploy to exploit that for profit, it just wasn't a series of any importance nor real merit (AFAIK). I mean hell, even the First Strike issue of M.A.S.K was literally just part II of the G.I. Joe issue, and Trakker is now part of G.I. Joe (with a new codename), that's how insignificant the IDW interpretation of M.A.S.K is and, dare I say it, as a broader property? Not to say that MASK is bad or that I'm being critical of anyones taste, I just don't think that IDW having a black Trakker is all that important, also considering what IDW produce has relatively little bearing, content-wise, on films (outside of the concept of a shared universe and what-not).

    Sorry I get a bit worked up whenever I see something about race-benidng HI HOW ARE YOU

  8. #18
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    I would like to see a mask movie, it's a good blend of ideas, and it could tie in to transformers pretty lightly without much effort.

    The Mask Transformations can be a lot simpler, be cheaper to animate allowing for a lower budget more down to earth movie. Not every action sci fi movie has to be about the end of the world/universe
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  9. #19
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    Yeah, I'm not sure I can really agree with you on this.

    -I feel you might be overestimating the impact of M.A.S.Ks nostalgia value and it's audience. Aside from the IDW series and an unlaunched line (which reshaped a lot of the original premise), it's had basically no media exposure for over 30 years.
    No it hasn't had the exposure, yet you seem to be underestimating the cult following it has in toy-related pop culture sections. In fact in countries like Germany, M.A.S.K. was pretty big last I checked. Yes it's not as well known as GIJOE or Transformers, but as a second stringer, it's even more well known than and loved than Visionaries, which is one of the brands Hasbro seem to be wanting to revive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    -The reaction from people on forums is often insignificant when it comes to wider film-going audiences and what they want. There are exceptions but I sincerely doubt M.A.S.K is one of them, given it's relatively small status outside of certain nostalgia markets (which aren't big).
    You mean the same market that justified making a Transformers movie and a GIJOE movie to begin with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    -IDW's MASK would've sold badly even if they kept Trakker as Caucasian because it wasn't a particularly good story, nor was it wanted, nor was there any demand outside of what feels like Hasbro executives wanting to mimic the worst parts of Marvel/DC/what-not shared universe concept.
    Ok, let's say for a minute that this was all Hasbro. Yes, the problem is that Hasbro don't really seem to understand M.A.S.K. Their approach almost seems to be to try and shoehorn it in under something else - largely GIJOE.

    However that doesn't absolve Hasbro's part in all of this. Case in point, would anyone have cared about characters like Bludgeon or Thunderwing if Marvel had simply gone off what Hasbro wanted?

    Likewise, would anyone have cared about Transformers much today if the cartoon was at the same level as Gobots?

    This is my big bugbear with IDW - it's gotten almost to the point where they've stopped seeing stories to tell for the sake of good storytelling and only care about properties as vehicles for identity politics.

    In fact it even harmed the core market that was there; the cynical identity-politics-pandering only turned off fans who are purists, such as myself because they failed to respect the core mythos.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    -I'm guessing that Hasbro pulled M.A.S.K and ROM from their lineup because of the four properties they had (and were intending to throw a ton of money at to make films), they had to consolidate and go with the more reasonable approaches. Maybe their reasoninig goes something like "no one outside of people approaching forty remember or care about M.A.S.K", and you need people outside of that to care.
    Except that while M.A.S.K. might be a b-grade toy property, it is at the top end of those properties and could easily become an a-list property with the right writing and movie. In fact, before Transformers was a hit, it had the same market demographic that G1 had in terms of a live-action movie aimed at older audiences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    -Likewise, ROM was cancelled along with M.A.S.L and that didn't have any issues with race-bending, but rather (and this is a guess), "we can't even use the parts of ROM that people, all of which are approaching forty or beyond MIGHT remember from a short-lived comic series, but probably don't, because those parts still belong to Marvel"
    Actually there would be a strong argument for dumping ROM based on demand. The one thing you left out is that in international market, ROM has far less popularity and recognition than M.A.S.K. did. In fact I'd even put Rom at the same level of obscurity as Spiral Zone in countries like Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    -I just feel that MASK, if you were to compare it to what is out there at the moment, could feel like merely a hodgepodge merging (to those without nostalgia) of Transformers and G.I Joe, the former which is critically panned (still made a lot of money, but doesn't need to be replicated) and the latter which can be a hard one to sell but has a much better chance than M.A.S.K on name recognition alone.
    Which would only happen if you had bad writing, as from a marketing perspective, that's exactly what M.A.S.K. was developed by Kenner to be. However if the writing and talent behind it were good enough, it could easily stand on its own two feet and find it's own place. Just look at Kamen Rider Drive as compared to Kamen Rider W.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    Personally, i don't think the race-bending is as big of an issue as some. With M.A.S.K and Trakker, I was neither for nor against it, becuase even if it was a genuine desire for more broader representation or a cynical ploy to exploit that for profit, it just wasn't a series of any importance nor real merit (AFAIK).
    That's just it, to most of us against it, it does read like cynical diversity pandering. As another fan who will remain nameless unless they choose to put their hand up to me said, it would have been one thing if they were doing it as a generation later sequel to the original (eg it was Hondo's son leading the new team), but this was just the old story of IDW putting "diversity" first and things like universe building and respect for properties dead last.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    I mean hell, even the First Strike issue of M.A.S.K was literally just part II of the G.I. Joe issue, and Trakker is now part of G.I. Joe (with a new codename), that's how insignificant the IDW interpretation of M.A.S.K is and, dare I say it, as a broader property?
    That only goes to demonstrate how little respect for the property they had to begin with; precisely why I panned it from the getgo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    Not to say that MASK is bad or that I'm being critical of anyones taste, I just don't think that IDW having a black Trakker is all that important,
    Which it wouldn't be to anyone who isn't much of a fan of the series. To those of us who are more fans of the series, it comes across as a slap in the face to the character (and yes, I'd say the same thing if they made an iconic black character white).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    also considering what IDW produce has relatively little bearing, content-wise, on films (outside of the concept of a shared universe and what-not).
    And yet IDW comics are the medium which Hasbro seem to be using to reach their older audiences - the ones which PG-13 movies tend to be aimed at.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    Sorry I get a bit worked up whenever I see something about race-benidng HI HOW ARE YOU
    Race-bending is dodgy as hell and I imagine that Dwayne MacDuffy would be rolling in his grave if he could see the current state of play with it.

    I despise it because it: a) it disrespects properties and reduces them to nothing more than blatantly shallow political vehicles, and;
    b) unlike strong original characters who simply happen to be <insert minority here>, which empower people the people they're meant to, character bending essentially sends <insert minority here> the message that they can only succeed by riding on the coat tails of others.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Default whiteness is a thing but fair enough.

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