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Thread: My latest experience isn't the best advertisement for

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I made a mistake posting in this thread, as I remember you from the previous version of this website. I will leave it at that.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  2. #12
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    It wasn't just one mistake, but 2, where one mistake came about from things being made more complicated and not taking proper steps to prevent inevitable problems from happening. The second mistake was blatant carelessness. Funny how you and so many others here are quick to attack me over my 'tone', yet seem to have no problem with companies treating their customers disrespectfully.

    On the contrary, deleting a post without responding to it in any way, shape or form, could reasonably be taken as the company trying to cover up a mistake rather than addressing it. Furthermore the "I'm not dealing with my mistake because I don't like how I was spoken to" response is an absolute copout.
    How have they treated you disrescectfully? All they did was remove your (quite frankly) childish post. Not many can blame them. And all this only happened last night. Give them a chance to respond. You also emailed them, they'll probably respond via email.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    There are genuine mistakes and then there are careless mistakes; this was 2 such mistakes in one hit and it doesn't make for a great experience.

    And that stopped him from doing a 10 second handover and 2 people in the line - the checker and the packer, missing it? Furthermore if there was no time for handover, what was stopping him from just leaving it unpacked and someone else taking over and rechecking everything to make sure there wasn't a mistake - given that one of the items clearly hadn't been marked with an "X". Even if there was a "person a in a rush" there's still a "person b" there who should have seen that one of the items clearly hadn't been marked off on the packing sheet and should have rectified the situation. The situation with the Ironhide hands isn't a solo error, it's a group one.

    Circumstances explain situations; they never excuse them. This wasn't one mistake; this was 2 mistakes where things were handled very poorly - in one case due to carelessness and in the other, due to them going about things in a way which complicated things and made it more open to mistakes.
    Perhaps, since you obviously know everything about their business, you should offer them some logistical advice. They'd never make a mistake again!

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Furthermore, if they took issue with my tone or choice of words, what I would expect is for them to assertively disagree with them while honouring their ethical and legal responsibilities and fixing the problem - I say that as someone who has been on both ends of that scenario and having dealt with far worse on the other side of the fence.
    If you expect that, then you don't understand how the world works. If they disagree with you, it would degenerate into a $#!{fight on their facebook page. which a blind man in the middle of the night could see would benefit no one.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    You mean besides to flag it as a multi-screw-up issue that needed to be acted on in a timely manner.
    You never gave them a chance to respond "in a timely manner" you attacked them straight off the bat

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    In the few times I have dealt with TF Source, every single shipment has had a shipping notification and a tracking number attached to each item. The only record I can find of it lists no shipping method and no tracking number, even in their records. That means there's a 99.99999% change that the order has been marked as shipped, but there has been no actual shipment.
    So you have had previous dealings, all of them positive, and the first time you have a negative experience, which by all indications is purely a mistake, you're ready to throw accusations of frudulent behaviour and gross incompetance around before they can even reply to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    If by some minor miracle the second order did turn up, I would leave feedback (not complain) because it would mean their dispatch systems have a bug which needs rectifying. Apparently though, that would be 'unreasonable' to you.
    No, that would be fine because you'd leave "feedback". What you did on their facebook page was the equivalent of a 3 year old getting a gobot for Christmas when they wanted Optimus Prime.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    At this point, I really couldn't care less what you feel.
    I see that you got the same response from TCCA members this morning when you posted your rant there, but that thread is now gone. Perhaps you should rethink your approach.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  3. #13
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    Personally I'd prefer for a company to leave an irate impudent Facebook post and deal with it in a cool, professional manner publicly in order to show they won't sink down to the lowest common denominator.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    If not one person (here and on other sites) is able to agree with your approach, maybe everyone else isn't wrong... and as friendly advice - maybe rethink how to deal with others when mistakes happen, and people will be on your side when things go wrong.

    Because as others here have said, get angry at them later, after you've politely/rationally inquired, and only after they don't respond. Otherwise, people will always (legitimately) ignore hostile people, regardless of if it is a valid complaint because it will be assumed that they can't ever be satisfied so why bother trying.

  5. #15
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Remember nobody's saying the business is in the right, you just need to know how to get things done. Laying down an iron fist and just giving a hard time makes nothing better.

    You need to know how to approach and by all means vent your frustration here if you really need to.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Leaving a shitty snarky comment on their Facebook page before contacting them privately is a classic big dumb baby move. Hopefully they'll burn the rest of your order in a giant fire.

    If you had just contacted them politely and privately they 100% would have set things right and then some, but whatever.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Didn't see this one coming, but now that I have, I'm not sure I'll be dealing with them again with how things currently stand with this. Thought it was worth giving people a heads up about, hence why I'm posting about it.

    2 weeks ago, I triggered a shipment for my Stack on TFsource.

    My stack contained:
    • 2x Masterpiece Clampdown +Coin
    • 1xTFCC Spinister
    • 1xTFCC Carzap
    • 1x Masterpiece Ironhide poseable hands
    • 1x Kamen Rider W Hensin Belt
    • 1x Kamen Rider Accel Henshin Belt

    Firstly, for some weird reason Carzap wasn't included in the shipment at all, he isn't showing up on my stack and I've also received no dispatch email notification, meaning that he's essentially vanished into thin air.

    The only reference to it being purchased by me which I can find is in my tfsource order history, as noted by this screengrab:

    Secondly, My Masterpiece Ironhide hands weren't included, despite them clearly being not marked off on the packing sheet but the packing sheet being signed as both packed and checked.

    In fact, here is a scan of the included packing slip with pertinent contact details covered up:

    While the first mistake might be put down to a computer error, the second response is, at best, blatant staff negligence.

    I emailed them as soon as I got a chance last night after receiving the package late yesterday afternoon, followed by a complaint to facebook.

    When I woke up this morning, my facebook complaint had been removed, despite the only parts of it which could be taken as abusive were when I began by saying "You people are utterly hopeless!" and questioning whether they were employing trained monkeys in their warehouse - which is a reasonable question to ask given the blatant negligence by their staff in not only packing my order, but checking it; both are utterly tame in terms of customer complaints.

    I'd chalk this all up to basic negligence and an accidental gaffe, where they would get back to me in good faith in 1-2 business days had my facebook complaint not also been deleted. Apparently it takes them 1-2 business days to respond to complaints with replies, yet in the space of less than 1 business day, they chose to respond to my complaint by deleting it from their facebook page - which has their conduct skating on the thin edge of fraud, with a side order of "up yours". When a company doesn't merely make mistakes, but then goes the extra step of trying to cover up those mistakes, then it doesn't make for a good look in terms of the ethics that company is adopting.
    Dude, you need to work on your people skills. Everyone here is pointing out where you went wrong in good faith so take it in.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Now that we're all so heavily invested, it would be interesting to see how TFsource resolve this for you Bowspearer, please keep us appraised.
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    saw this on the TCCA facebook page and it seems to have gone a similar way here. hopefully you get things sorted but yeah next time maybe try handling things a little differently

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    My latest experience isn't the best advertisement for bowspearer

  10. #20
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    People are human, and humans make mistakes when picking. I'm very sure that it was unintentional - TFSource is too big a company to be intentionally messing up an order.

    Not even going to comment and the way it was handled. Enough's been said, and no one needs me chiming in with my two cents.
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

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