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Thread: New Transformers Mobile Game - Forged to Fight

  1. #11
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    Wait... it isn't available globally already?

    I'm playing this and there are LOADS of players... I just assumed it was already in general release. There are quite a few kiwis playing so I assumed Aussie had it too...

    A few tips (note I don't pay for games so this applies to playing for free):
    If you've played MCOC (I haven't) you will find this very similar and players are preferring this to MCOC in the global chat comments.
    Ore 13 will be the resource you run out of the most as you move up in the game so don't throw it out or waste it. Story mode is the main way to get this at the moment.
    The higher level bots take a LOT of ore to upgrade them.
    Arena is great for getting crystals to top up your gold.
    You will need to raid other people to get raid chips to buy sparks to upgrade your bots with.
    You will need to complete daily quests to get specialised sparks (based on bots) to upgrade higher tiered bots with.
    You can take lower level bots and forge them to your higher level bots to upgrade them. The bots used for forging disappear but you can get a respawn of the character from crystals.
    There are alliances but I haven't seen much advantage to these teams yet. I've started my own just to get the alliance point character crystal so if anyone needs an alliance to join to get these too just let me know. Most of the alliances I've seen so far are full of kids so not my cup of tea.

    The 3rd tier fight sequence for most of the characters is really nice animation.
    Grimlock (not currently available to players) and windblade in particular have great animation for their top move.

    At the moment I find the space bridge seems to be a little rigged as it "hops" the top prizes (eg energon - the credits you pay for) from the free crystals 98% of the time.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Maybe it is released in some regions... because I think the Earth Wars one was out for several months before the official launch (in America maybe).

  3. #13
    FatalityPitt Guest


    I just watched the trailer. The game looks really cool!

    I saw they had G1 Arcee and CW Mirage, and their special moves look really sick.

    I usually avoid playing mobile/social media games like this, since I almost wrecked my life playing Marvel Avengers Alliance on Facebook.

    But if they start introducing characters like G1 Hot Rod, Weirdwolf, Star Saber, and/or Knock Out (from TF Prime); I might actually give the game a try.

    So who else have you seen in the game so far? And who's your favorite?
    Last edited by FatalityPitt; 22nd February 2017 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Adding on additional points

  4. #14
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by FatalityPitt View Post
    So who else have you seen in the game so far? And who's your favorite?
    So far I have collected:
    G1 Optimus, Peterbilt Optimus, G1 Ratchet, G1 Mirage, Windblade, Movie Bumblebee, Movie Ironhide, Movie Barricade, Movie Grinder, Movie Bonecrusher, G1 Sideswipe and Bludgeon.

    Optimus is great, but I'm biased as I'm a sucker for Prime. He's my go to bot to complete the story stuff. The G1 and peterbilt have different classes and while their moves are similar their strengths are in different areas of attack.
    Ratchet is funny as his special move uses his wrench.
    Mirage is ok but I find him to be one of the weaker characters (and I have a 3 star one who still isn't as useful as 1 star G1 Optimus). His special move despite looking cool doesn't have as much punch as other characters.
    Windblade is awesome with her moves and animation and quite strong as well.
    Bumblebee and Ironhide are ok. Bumblebee doesn't become impressive until you get his second tier special move but he is very reminiscent of the movie with his kicks, etc.
    Sideswipe is ok too but I find him somewhat weak. I forged him away because he just wasn't strong enough for my team and haven't had a replacement come out yet.
    Barricade is cool but his vehicle move is lame as he just shoots a laser blast. Many of the characters use their wheeled forms to knock the opponent over.
    Grinder is ok but a little weak and suffers from the same vehicle mode problem as Barricade only he's a helicopter shooting a missle.
    Bonecrusher surprised me as his moves are awesome and his special moves can be particularly lethal as he makes the opponent continue to "bleed" after a hit. He's surprisingly also one of the stronger bots.
    I only just got a 1 star Bludgeon so I don't know how good he will be but between his blades and tank modewhen I've battled against him he seems to be a pretty cool character as well.

    G1 Arcee, like Grimlock, Prowl, Starscream, Movie Megatron and a variety of Sharticons aren't playable yet but do come up as opponents you have to battle. Soundwave and the Quintessons show up but they have only been in the story - not in game play.
    Megatron is very hard (he's the end of story 1 big bad) and I haven't got to him yet as my team isn't strong enough to take him on.
    Grimlock has awesome special moves and if he unleashes his 3rd tier move you're toast... literally.

    My favourite characters are Optimus - both of them, Windblade and Bonecrusher. I just love their game play and when G1 Optimus knocks out his opponent in truck mode his transformation back to bot is awesome.

  5. #15
    FatalityPitt Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Bladestorm View Post
    My favourite characters are Optimus - both of them, Windblade and Bonecrusher. I just love their game play and when G1 Optimus knocks out his opponent in truck mode his transformation back to bot is awesome.
    It's hard to go wrong with a good G1 Optimus Prime. It sounds like him and Bonecrusher are going to be most the most played characters, until maybe they introduce a stronger Optimus Prime, like say; Nemesis Prime? or Power Master Optimus Prime? Optimus Primal would be cool to see. I saw they already have Rhinox in the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bladestorm View Post
    ... Soundwave and the Quintessons show up but they have only been in the story - not in game play.
    When Soundwave becomes playable it'd be interesting to see what his attacks are like, and if we'd see him deploy his cassette minions in battle. I imagine it'd be like Hawkeye's trick arrows in MAA; where each cassette would damage or debuff the opponent in different ways (bleeding, poison, burn etc)... I dunno, I'm yet to try the game..

    Quote Originally Posted by Bladestorm View Post
    Bonecrusher surprised me as his moves are awesome and his special moves can be particularly lethal as he makes the opponent continue to "bleed" after a hit. He's surprisingly also one of the stronger bots.
    Bonecrusher is someone I'd have overlooked if I were playing the game (no emotional connection to the character), but it's good to see they've made him a strong.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    I forgot to mention Rhinox and Motormaster. Both are only opponents at the moment.
    Rhinox is surprisingly disappointing thus far... I was expecting a lot more power and attack from him. Motormaster is a decent opponent in the lower levels but in the middle where I am now he isn't using his special moves so he doesn't pose that much of a challenge.

    I think Optimus Primal will come into the game as it grows; he'd be a logical addition. It wouldn't surprise me if they add Black Arachnia to the lineup as well since the female bots seem to be quite popular.
    The beauty of having multiple continuities to draw from is the developers have so much choice!
    I prefer this to Earth Wars as I have more control over characters and while levelling up the higher bots is a challenge due to resources I guess I prefer this format ... which is a huge surprise for me as I generally love a good city building game before a vs game but not in this case.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Available to play in Australia now.

    Seems fun and I always wanted a TF fighting game. Shame it's a mobile app, I'd love a properly done console version

  8. #18
    Join Date
    9th Mar 2015


    Just played it on my way to work on the bus. Seems fun but also looks grindy and expensive for those that cannot wait.

    What are the Google Play exclusives?

    Apple has Ultra Magnus.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    at some point I'll have a crack at this. I didn't get into the base defence game so much. I wanted too it might have just been too early in it's release when I jumped in.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I created an alliance - Big Angry Bots! Feel free to join kids

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