The 2018 Australian Toy, Hobby and Licensing Fair is on in Melbourne from today until Wednesday, and Hasbro are once again present to show off this year's toys to Retailers.
Ozformers was invited to visit their exhibit for the eleventh year now, and take some photos... and we will be back there later today for a
world first exclusive reveal of three Transformers toys
(not a first reveal anymore, as Hasbro America miscalculated the timezones and released the official images four hours early... )

But first, with thanks to Hasbro Australia and Hasbro America for making this possible, some photos of the toys on display this year at the Hasbro exhibit.

(the Cyberverse and Studio Series toys are actually in the sealed room with the Bumblebee Movie toys, but Hasbro Australia were generous
enough to bring some out of the room for me to photograph)

The big feature is Predaking this year, and I was able to bring my Gen1 Predacon set with me for some comparison photos.... and was even
allowed to combine one of the sets to have a bit of a trial play (it had the same feel as Devastator with its design and complexity, not being too
difficult to spoil the play element or too easy for the expected hefty price-point).













Ponys and Bots.... a nice combination.

Their Rescue Bots display.

Over to one side they had a display of licensed items (to encourage retailers to seek out licensed items to add to their range of Hasbro toys... and doesn't mean that any of it will actually be released here).
Of interest were some Moschino clothing and baggage items using Transformers artwork from the original 1980s toy boxes (the battle scenes on the back).
I don't know if these are real items that they are actually releasing, or if they are just one-off promotional pieces by Moschino.





More photos to come later today.