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Thread: Masterpiece Cordon (white Sunstreaker) MP-42 for October

  1. #51
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I think this would have made a good Con with the colour scheme - kinda like Bug Bite.

    But then we never get to see many emergency vehicles as Cons sadly.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Black redecos are so boring, because we get sooo many of them from TakaraTomy. As such, I think it is good that they are looking at other *coloured* Diaclone decos first.
    because 'white' isn't a 'colour'

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post

    But then we never get to see many emergency vehicles as Cons sadly.
    That would have made the toy even cooler.
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  3. #53
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Because it isn't a true fan argument if you're not fighting in Thunderdome over minute details?
    You must have a cod to make an issue out of it. Before people argue here and there and finally is clear. It has no relevance in numbering.

    End of the day “suck it up “ or don’t buy or use some white out or go extreme and remake the box but you know is not original so? Is still a suck up. Fan no fan what you going to do? Head down to Takara and use a gun and tell them to change it? Lol

    Takara can put a big X you will still buy it if you want it.

    Just like that long life award logo, I didn’t like it but still? I bought whichever mp I needed in the end.

    You won’t be happy to know the stuff up that now there is a mp-36+ but hey isn’t plus meant for anime accurate? But is metal now? Ur.... yeah no relevance.

  4. #54
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    28th Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    Exactly 😂
    Are you guys going to refuse buying a figure you want because you don't like the number on the box??
    But i sort the boxes as main line and variants (with suffix) first world problems

  5. #55
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Ignore the numbers, just buy if is what you like. I am not sure why over thinking it after you find out there are exceptions on one piece here or there.
    Because it isn't a true fan argument if you're not fighting in Thunderdome over minute details?
    You must have a cod to make an issue out of it. Before people argue here and there and finally is clear. It has no relevance in numbering.
    Did you seriously not get that this was a flippant, good-natured and humorous comment? Noone was even remotely going at 20 paces with dueling pistols here so why make something out of nothing?

    There was no animosity here, just a discussion largely between MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! and myself about why some figures have letters on the end and why some have individual numbers. Neither of us needed to be right, which MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! even made a joke about with the clip of the Simpsons he uploaded. Why needlessly cause drama and spoil what was otherwise a perfectly pleasant discussion. Just like noone is making you buy a figure, noone is making you participate in the discussion. If you don't care about the minutia, then seriously, just scroll past it.

    Why ruin a pleasant moment?

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    End of the day “suck it up “ or don’t buy or use some white out or go extreme and remake the box but you know is not original so? Is still a suck up. Fan no fan what you going to do? Head down to Takara and use a gun and tell them to change it? Lol
    Except that no one in the discussion you are referring to hated the fact that it was or was not numbered a certain way and I didn't see anyone wanting to boycott buying the figure because of how it was numbered - that was just you projecting your assumptions onto others. People were simply discussing why the figure would have a separate number rather than a letter suffix - and doing so calmly, civilly and inquisitively too I might add.

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Takara can put a big X you will still buy it if you want it.
    Which is relevant here, because?

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Just like that long life award logo, I didn’t like it but still? I bought whichever mp I needed in the end.
    Again, relevance?

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    You won’t be happy to know the stuff up that now there is a mp-36+ but hey isn’t plus meant for anime accurate? But is metal now? Ur.... yeah no relevance.
    Why would I be bothered by the + designation situation when if anything, it's simply clarified it and MP-36+ does match with the intention of MP-14+? When MP-14+ was out, it was to create an anime accurate version in light of the fact that the deco on MP-14 was more toy accurate. Likewise where it's happening with MP-17+, again, toy accurate figure getting an anime accurate release. Now with MP-36+ we're talking about anime accurate figure getting a toy accurate release. In every single case, the + line has always clearly been about keeping both anime and toy accurate collectors happy and getting extra money out of completists.

    So how is the + line not being consistent by making the + versions of Shockwave and Megatron Toy accurate, to complement the fact that the original releases were anime accurate?

    I get you were trying to bait mere here, but unfortunately for you, your read on the discussion you're reacting to, could not be more off-base.

  6. #56
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    Exactly 😂
    Are you guys going to refuse buying a figure you want because you don't like the number on the box??
    If by number you mean price, then yes...
    Exploding Primal in a Stasis Pod's very valid point aside, philby, why do you think that a discussion on why a box is numbered one way or another, automatically means it's going to be boycotted? After all, people have been arguing over which one is Rumble and which one is Frenzy for years, but last I checked, those figures have sold just fine in every incarnation they have had.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    New images at TFW2005 confirm the new gun can work as an arm cannon.
    Also confirms that this thing isn't cheap - ¥16200.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Yep... more expensive and yet less accessories than Sunstreaker. Must be really limited.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    28th Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    New images at TFW2005 confirm the new gun can work as an arm cannon.
    Also confirms that this thing isn't cheap - ¥16200.
    I hope it becomes cheaper like clampdown in the long run

  10. #60
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ampoldj View Post
    I hope it becomes cheaper like clampdown in the long run

    ................and MP-18B, and Loud Pedal etc etc, the diaclone leaning re-paints always come down in price eventually.
    I will be definitely waiting for about 12 months on this guy.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

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