Some people still aren't fans of the Prime designs -- no noses and caterpillar eyebrows with huge chins ... that whole Cartoon Network x Bayformers aesthetic. I get it. But it's not the same as animation quality. Regardless of what you think about Prime's designs, it was a very well animated show.

And even though we all love G1's designs, we know that the animation quality in the G1 cartoon varied wildly e.g. Both Toei and Akom followed the same Floro Dery Sunbow designs, but we know that the animation quality greatly differed. And then even more so in TFTM with its movie budget.

Transformers Prime had consistently excellent animation quality. Even the cheaper flashback sequences that was done through painted stills were still really well done. The first flashback scene done in that style was done so because Polygon had lost a third of its staff after the extremely devastating 2011 Tohoku earthquake & tsunami disaster (from which that region still hasn't yet fully recovered ). But Hasbro Studios was so impressed that they chose to make all future flashback scenes animated in the same style to maintain continuity in visual narrative.

RID must've had a smaller budget than Prime since they went with the relatively cheaper option of cel-shaded CG animation. But for it was, the animation quality was decent. Nowhere near as good as Prime, but it was okay and not terrible. But the animation we're seeing in Cyberverse looks awful -- it looks like some low budget Flash animation. I would prefer good old fashion hand-drawn cel animation over this.

Quote Originally Posted by Handsprime View Post
>Bumblebee doesn't speak, instead he talks through the radio like the live action films.

Am I the only one sick of this? Already lost any interest I had in this show after hearing that.
^100% agree. Although it's better than Bumblebee speaking through digital farts as he did throughout most of TF Prime. That was banally stupid. But it's definitely a big step backwards considering that Bumblebee had his voice restored by the end of TF Prime Beast Hunters and he spoke throughout all of RID. Please don't tell me that he "forgot" that he can talk, cos that's just really dumb. Remember how Beast Machines started off with the Maximals forgetting how to transform and they had to relearn how to do it? (especially Rattrap) It was stupid then and is stupid now!

And... why do they blink?!?
Okay, if you want them to blink then do what Beast Wars did and have their optic light levels dim and brighten. Why would robots need eyelids?!? It just feels like they're further talking down to the audience by adding this in. It's not necessary! Or if you're going to make them blink, give them more defined looking robotic eyelids. Cos that's what Rescue Bots does, and that's aimed at a younger audience! Actually, the animation quality in Rescue Bots is much better than Cyberverse, and the designs don't feel as condescending either. Rescue Bots actually has a pretty good story that's driven by character development. The main difference is that it doesn't have violent conflict -- they're Rescue Bots so each episode's complication is based on saving people as opposed to doing combat. Rescue Bots is actually better written than Bayformers. It has characters!