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Thread: Cyberverse cartoon first clip

  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    These character models might be a bit more detailed than the actual show but I think they look pretty good in general.

    there is a lot of G1 influence, but there are plenty of nods to other versions of the character, especially wheeljack. It's very stylised, but so was the last incarnation.

    I've come to accept stylisation of characters within their own world, if the entire world is that style, then I can accept that while it may not look realistic, it fits within that space.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    These character models might be a bit more detailed than the actual show but I think they look pretty good in general.

    there is a lot of G1 influence, but there are plenty of nods to other versions of the character, especially wheeljack. It's very stylised, but so was the last incarnation.

    I've come to accept stylisation of characters within their own world, if the entire world is that style, then I can accept that while it may not look realistic, it fits within that space.
    See, for example I got really excited when I saw the image of what Blurr would look like in the new cartoon. Looked a great mix of G1 and Generations.

    But then the toy is just a reissue of the RID version with the rounded head, and not even the fairly cool Warrior class version. Its the one-step or 3-step or whatever changer. So it's a bit of a sucker punch in the regard

  3. #23
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    A second clip, following on from the first one, has been posted on youtube by Cartoon Network (US), but this one is geo-blocked to non-Americans if you can't alter your ISP.
    This TFW news posting has put up some screen grabs from the clip, showing a fourth character that looks to be Slipstream. (it might look like Skywarp, but we know that there is a Slipstream seeker toy in Cyberverse, but haven't heard of a Skywarp toy yet)

  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Non-geoblocked YouTube video

    Okay, the animation in this clip looks a lot better than the last one. Still not a fan of the style, but I can't really fault the animation quality. And the blinking isn't as pronounced, which is good.

    Still not a fan of Bumblebee being such a 'tard monkey. Does losing one's memories equate to suddenly losing 100 points of IQ? It would've been more interesting if they just gave him amnesia and kept his ability to speak and fight etc. but Bumblebee would have no idea why he can do these things. Kinda like what happened to Skids in the IDW comics, or Kirika from Noir. Although obviously not with such a traumatically dark reason for 'Bee's memory loss. But even at a PG level you could still do some interesting things with the character as an amnesiac but otherwise functional person. The way he is atm, Bumblebee just looks like a walking and rolling clichéd caricature. :/ Maybe this smiling goofy thing is just a façade which will be lowered later on as the character progresses. Or at least I hope so. Or at least write it in as part of the character, like Honda Tooru from Fruits Basket (whose smiling goofy exterior masks inner psychological issues).

  5. #25
    Join Date
    17th Jul 2018


    To add my own quibbling over a tiny thing, it struck me that these two jet robots were kinda the same size as the car robot. I want Windblade and Thundercracker to be head-and-shoulders taller than Bee but, I know this is the wrong franchise if scale is my thing...
    Last edited by Dan; 27th September 2019 at 05:59 PM.

  6. #26
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Teen Titans Go is a brilliant show. But if you ever wanted an example of a show that has garnered massive rage from the adult man child fan base of those characters, then look no further. I mean, the show makes jokes about how it’s so hated.
    Apparently there is a movie coming out next month. Given it’s my sons fav show at the moment I might have to make the trek to Bathurst to take him to it

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Well the second clip doesn’t have me much more enthused than the first, but it’s working on building the hype in my 5 year old so I guess in that regard it’s effective

  7. #27
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    Sydney NSW


    I was okay with everything in that clip up until Bumblebee started going nuts on the scout ship's controls. Seriously. Still not sure why having amnesia has made Bumblebee become a complete moron.

  8. #28
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    24th May 2007


    Another clip on youtube by Cartoon Network, called the Memories of the Allspark... and for those who can't see it, some screen caps can be seen here.

    There is also a one minute promo trailer on the Entertainment Weekly website, with its details and trailer copied to here.

    Spoilers, if you don't already know that these toys exist....

    The show features Jeremy Levy as the voice of Bumblebee, and Jake Tillman as Optimus Prime. Ryan Andes voices the dinobot Grimlock, while Sophia Isabella is Windblade, who is helping Bumblebee unlock his damaged memory bank.
    On the side of the bad guys, Marc Thopson voices megalomaniacal Megatron, Billy Bob Thompson is the duplicitous jet Starscream, Andes pulls double-duty as cyclopian Shockwave, and Deanna McGovern is Shadowstriker.”

  9. #29
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  10. #30
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Another promo clip on Cartoon Network's Youtube channel, showing a flashback of Bumblebee (talking) with Grimlock and Optimus.
    Unfortunately it is geo-blocked, so some screencaps can be seen here.

    After getting a VPN, I was able to watch it, and just like Starscream being voicced to try to sound like the Gen1 Starscream, Optimus is voiced to try to imitate Gen1 Optimus.
    Also, they annoyingly refer to Teletran as Teletron... like they started to in Beast Wars, before the fans made the writers correct it in-story (Blackarachnia telling others the correct pronunciation).

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