I'm hesitant on this.

Well, as hesitant as I can be for a Star Wars film.

I'm not particularly convinced that JJ is a strong enough director to do the ending of this trilogy justice. He's a solid 7/10 director and I can see why Disney would give him the first movie of the trilogy. He makes unspectacular mass appeal movies. After the prequels I think that was attractive to Disney because they needed a widely liked base on which to rebuild the franchise.

I don't think he's particularly suited to finishing telling a story though.

I also think that this was the wrong franchise for his slightly scattergun "mystery box" technique. It's an incredibly lore heavy franchise. If you start throwing around things like knights of ren/reys parentage/why luke is a hermit/snoke's identity/rey's force flashback if there was no set plan on where they were going, though that's more the fault of the creative team than JJ I suppose.

Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
You and I obviously view Star Wars very differently . I loved TLJ. I thought Rogue One was a bad fanfic. Haven’t seen Solo yet because life has got in the way.

I think Luke was portrayed excellently in TLJ. I mean, Rian did the only thing he could with him after JJ set up that he was missing. What other reason could there be for Luke to be AWOL and willingly let the universe go to shit? The bad guys didn’t have him, they were looking for him too. The only logical explanation for him not to be around was that he’d run away.

I generally don’t talk about Star Wars though because the second anyone hears that I liked TLJ they start going all stupid and acting like Kathleen Kennedy personally busted down their bedroom door and chopped their genitals off with a dull knife.
Actually marry me.