Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
I got my Slamdance today (And the rest of the Firestormer pack, and the Skywarp pack). His left ankle may as well be a solid piece of plastic. I can't move the joint at all and I'm not going to put any extra force behind it given others experience.
Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Mine finally arrived yesterday and I just opened it to find the ankle already broken in the pack.
I'll see if I can glue it, as the break isn't right on the hinge. (and it's too much hassle to return and wait for a replacement)
When I got my Slamdance I gingerly tested the ankle and it felt solid, so before I even attempted to transform him I squirted all his ankle joints with WD-40 and let it sit for an hour. Worked a treat, feels very loose yet secure now. I still make sure not to be ham-fisted with him however.

Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
For those who know someone in Hong Kong, or know of a business that can order and ship items from there to here, the ToysRUs website have just added several exclusives - SDCC Ghostbuster MP Optimus (about AU$270) - Galactic Man (about AU$90) - Lancer (about AU$36) - Redwing (about AU$55) - and the ultra rare Botbots Lawn League 8-packs.
Obviously this is only an option if having trouble finding them for less somewhere else.
That's the cheapest I've heard of Ghostbusters Optimus - however I have no way to get him from Hong Kong sadly

Anyone know anywhere else to source Redwing at a decent price?