ME: Sooooo, EB, Zing...we really need to talk about the price gouging you've got going in with the final Transformers Piranacon releases??? The first release was $60, the second $68 and the final $78...!!! You guys were heading towards being a good go-to for Transformer exclusives but this sort of bullshit has me and others looking for other options. Don't expect the same pre-sales on these as you had on the first two.

EB GAMES: Hey Jade, thanks for reaching out to us today with your feedback. We're sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the cost of Overbite and Tentakill. Prices are set at RRP by the local vendor and is not something we are able to directly control.
We have noted your feedback and will forward this on to our Buying Team when they're back in office during business hours next week so they're aware of this. If you would like to forward us any further feedback or questions we are always happy to assist where we can. - Mac