Quote Originally Posted by spiderken17 View Post
Thanks heaps for that guys. i will be referring back to this page frequently
I guess Classics, Generations and Universe are the ones i like. The modern versions of classic toys are the really cool.
I also like the use of real cars (Binaltech i think).
I might save for a masterpiece or two one day.
I'm not a big fan of Transformers that don't look like real vehicles.
"Robots in disguise" doesn't work when the car looks like its from 100 years in the future
This is my opinion, but there is a bit of fact to it, I believe.

While Alternity is the newer line, and thus features newer model cars, I would easily recommend Alternators/Binaltech over it. Bigger toys and not as fiddly. I also think the fit was a bit more precise.

There are some Alternators that are notorious for their difficult and frustrating transformations: the most notorious being the Grimlock/Wheeljack mold (Mustang).

I hope you've got enough info to get you started, and good luck.