Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Has anyone else seen the Wave 3 or 4 TFPrime Deluxes at a chain store yet?
(Hotshot, Knockout, Vehicon, Dead End, Shadow Strike Bbee, Airachnid)

It's now been two months since we had a one-off sighting at a regional Toyworld, so if the sighting was correct, perhaps the store imported the toys in themselves... as no one else has reported seeing them anywhere else since then.

Before I can update the checklist or the sightings banner (which doesn't acknowledge independents or imports, as they are no use to members in the rest of the country), can this be verified by a second sighting at another location or store-chain?

It almost feels like Hasbro Australia has just stopped importing the line altogether and is just (barely) focusing on the other lines now... and if that is true, those of us wanting certain TFPrime toys, need some warning, so that it doesn't get too impossible and expensive tracking them down from other countries.
I dont think we will ever see them, i got all mine from an EBay store in Perth at very good prices (assume he has imported) and have just ordered another lot from him (Kup,Rumble & Skywarp) as i know i will never see them in NSW.