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Thread: Government to censor the Internet

  1. #241
    MV75's Avatar
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    Ok, done. Just ask.

    And here I was thinking it had more to do with actually being competent.

    I wonder if Conjob considers the portal gun a threat, you know, it can open another type of portal.
    O o 
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  2. #242
    SGB's Avatar
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  3. #243
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    Is Conroy serious? there was no Election Commitment to introducing a Filter for the Internet - the whole thing came about after the election did it not?.

    I like how he immediately avoids any questions regarding the consideration of Senator Lundy's proposed amendments - "I'm not for opting in to Child Porn" he really is an idiot isn't he?, does he really think that anyone in the public has been convinced that the filter is there to only filter Child Porn?

    He seems only happy to answer any questions about the bill involving Telstra, probably because it's popular. Ask him anything about the filter and he is as tight lipped as Homer Simpson after eating that super sour lolly.

    I'm all too happy to here about the positive steps that are being made for the construction of the National Broadband Network, but what I'd really like to hear is the scrapping of the proposed Internet Filter and the dumping of Senator Stephen Conroy from any and all Portfolios as well as his Senate Minister position and I think there would be a couple of people here that would also want this.

    It's insane how many people were asking for his notice of termination with regards to the Government Cabinet re-shuffle today.

  4. #244
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    What a tosser - seriously, if you want to stop child porn then target the avenues where child porn is distributed, or better yet devote more resources into stopping distributors and producers at the source!
    Here's hoping the election is called before the bill is passed and the balance of power in the Senate goes to people/parties who recognise this as BS...and that the Liberals don't decide to get onside with this one.
    God I hope he loses his seat, but I doubt it.

    EDIT - the comment from ACL spokeman Lyle Shelton on this article seems kinda telling...
    Meanwhile, Australian Christian Lobby spokesman Lyle Shelton says the group opposes the new [.xxx] domain because it sees it as further legitimising the pornography industry.

    "Anything which further mainstreams and legitimises the porn trade is obviously not a healthy thing for children," he said.

    "It is not a healthy thing for the wider society because it just continues to take us down this path where profiting off naked young women continues to gather acceptance in our society and of course we are seeing the pornification of culture seeping into our everyday lives."

    He says he hopes all online pornography will be banned in Australia through an internet service provider-based filter.
    Last edited by MV75; 29th June 2010 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Deleting self conflicting comment.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    What a tosser - seriously, if you want to stop child porn then target the avenues where child porn is distributed, or better yet devote more resources into stopping distributors and producers at the source!
    Here's hoping the election is called before the bill is passed and the balance of power in the Senate goes to people/parties who recognise this as BS...and that the Liberals don't decide to get onside with this one.
    God I hope he loses his seat, but I doubt it.
    Here, Here!.

    Some how I don't think he'll lose his seat either.

    Shame, Shame!

    I watch too much question time, lol.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Is Conroy serious? there was no Election Commitment to introducing a Filter for the Internet - the whole thing came about after the election did it not?.
    There was certainly no election commitment for a mandatory filter. ALP went to the 2007 election with an optional one, but after winning that election they changed it to mandatory.

    So definitely no commitment for a mandatory filter. Conroy's saying otherwise is another lie in his long list of BS.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGB View Post
    There was certainly no election commitment for a mandatory filter. ALP went to the 2007 election with an optional one, but after winning that election they changed it to mandatory.

    So definitely no commitment for a mandatory filter. Conroy's saying otherwise is another lie in his long list of BS.
    I didn't think that the Mandatory Internet Filter was taken to the 2007 election, cheers for confirming my thoughts SGB.

    I didn't want to make a false statement unlike Senator Conroy who evidently seems to have no problem spewing false diatribe and then believing it himself.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    I like how he immediately avoids any questions regarding the consideration of Senator Lundy's proposed amendments - "I'm not for opting in to Child Porn" he really is an idiot isn't he?, does he really think that anyone in the public has been convinced that the filter is there to only filter Child Porn?
    The dude really is a moron. He uses that line everytime he gets a hard question. And uses it to the uninformed get scared into believing that this piece of crap filter will actually work and is worth the millions of dollars wasted on it. Damn I really hate this guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    What a tosser - seriously, if you want to stop child porn then target the avenues where child porn is distributed, or better yet devote more resources into stopping distributors and producers at the source!
    Exactly, if they truly want to stop it, they need to target the source. Even if this filter actually works (which it won't), it would be like trying to put out an oil fire with water. Completely useless.
    Last edited by MV75; 29th June 2010 at 05:13 PM. Reason: Blanket conflict statements removed.

  9. #249
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  10. #250
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    Unfortunately I think this will end up falling upon deaf ears which is a shame because I don't think I've seen a piece of writing with such passion with regards to the state of I.T. in this country.

    The other annoying thing is that the message conveyed in this writing will most certainly be lost on those without a working knowledge of I.T. or it's Industry in general, which is basically everyone involved with the I.T. Communications portfolio for the past 20 years, save 1 or 2 instances.

    It's amazing, he managed to raise every concern I and others have had with regards to I.T. policies from both State and Federal Governments in one breath , an incredible rant maybe, but a rant dead on the money nonetheless.

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