(Latest Update: 20/08/2013)
Below is a list of the items that I'm currently seeking; any & all help is much appreciated, as always.
G1 Figures:
G1 Parts & Weapons:
- Autobot - Inferno: 3x Missiles, Left & Right Fists
- Autobot - Jetfire: Left Leg Guard, Gun Mounting Pod
- Autobot - Red Alert: 1x Missile
- Autobot - Sideswipe: Missile Launcher, 1x Missile
- Autobot - Whirl: Shell Cannon, Paralyzo-Box, Photon Beam Rifle, Null-Ray Module
- Autobot (Dinobot) - Sludge: Sword
- Autobot (Dinobot) - Snarl: 3x Missiles
- Autobot (Dinobot) - Swoop: 3x Missiles
- Autobot (Doublespy) - Punch/Counterpunch: Large Gun, Small Gun
- Autobot (Headmaster) - Chromedome: HM Stylor
- Autobot (Headmaster) - Highbrow: 2x Guns, HM Gort
- Autobot (Headmaster) - Hosehead: Large Gun, Seat/Helmet, Left & Right Small Guns, HM Lug
- Autobot (Headmaster) - Nightbeat: Large Gun, Left & Right Small Guns, Seat/Helmet, HM Muzzle
- Autobot (Junkion) - Wreckgar: Shield/Front Tyre, Axe
- Autobot (Monsterbot) - Doublecross: Gun
- Autobot (Monsterbot) - Grotusque: Right Wing
- Autobot (Motorvator) - Flame: Sword, Canopy, 4x Tyres
- Autobot (Motorvator) - Lightspeed: Sword
- Autobot (Powermaster) - Getaway: Gun
- Autobot (Pretender) - Bumblebee: Outer Shell, Small Gun, Big Gun, Helmet
- Autobot (Pretender) - Cloudburst: Belt, Whip, Inner Robot's Right & Left Feet
- Autobot (Pretender) - Groundbreaker: Belt, Right Shoulder Pad, Large Gun, Small Gun, Gun-base/Wings, Inner Robot
- Autobot (Pretender) - Gunrunner: Outer Shell, Gun, 2x Missiles
- Autobot (Pretender) - Jazz: Big Gun, Small Gun
- Autobot (Pretender) - Landmine: Belt, Inner Robot
- Autobot (Pretender) - Skyhigh: Belt, Rotorblade, Gun, Inner Robot
- Autobot (Pretender) - Splashdown: Belt, Spear
- Autobot (Protectobot) - Hotspot: 2x Mechanical Arms/Hoses
- Autobot (Sixchanger) - Quickswitch: Left & Right Guns
- Autobot (Targetmaster) - Pointblank: Shield/Spoiler
- Autobot (Targetmaster) - Scoop: TM Holepunch (Blue), TM Tracer (Yellow)
- Autobot (Triplechanger) - Sandstorm: Gun
- Decepticon - Starscream: 2x Null-Ray Missiles
- Decepticon (Clone) - Pounce: 2x Guns
- Decepticon (Clone) - Wingspan: 2x Guns
- Decepticon (Headmaster) - Fangry: Gun, Shield/Wings, HM Brisko
- Decepticon (Headmaster) - Horri-Bull: Back-Plate & Pin, Large Gun, Small Gun, HM Kreb
- Decepticon (Headmaster) - Skullcruncher: Gun
- Decepticon (Headmaster) - Weirdwolf: Gun, Sword/Tail, HM Monzo
- Decepticon (Mini Cassette) - Slugfest: Left Gun
- Decepticon (Pretender) - Finback: Large Gun, Small Gun, Belt
- Decepticon (Pretender) - Roadgrabber: Small Gun, Left & Right Large Guns
- Decepticon (Pretender) - Starscream: Gun, Left & Right Wings, Left & Right Tailfins, Inner Robot
- Decepticon (Pretender) - Submarauder: Shield, Gun, Belt, Inner Robot
- Decepticon (Reflector) - Viewfinder: Gun, Lens
- Decepticon (Sharkticon) - Gnaw: Gun, Tail/Flail
- Decepticon (Targetmaster) - Misfire: TM Aimless
- Decepticon (Targetmaster) - Needlenose: Rudder, TM Sunbeam (Purple), TM Zigzag (Black)
- Decepticon (Targetmaster) - Spinister: TM Hairsplitter (Purple), TM Singe (Black)
- Decepticon (Targetmaster) - Triggerhappy: TM Blowpipe/Gun
(Western) Beast Wars Figures:
- (Basic) (Maximal) (VHS) Airazor
- (Basic) (Predacon) Lazorbeak
- (Deluxe) (Maximal) TM Packrat
- (Deluxe) (Predacon) Tripredacus Agent/Shadow Panther
- (Deluxe) (Mutant) Icebird
- (McDonald’s Toy) (Maximal) Blackaracnia
- (Playset) (Maximal) Orchanoch
- (Playset) (Predacon) Arachnid
(Western) Beast Wars Parts & Weapons:
- Predacon (Transmetal 2) - Tripredacus Agent: 1x Missile (Grey)
(Japanese) Beast Wars Figures:
- (Basic) (Cybertorn) Convoy Bat
- (Basic) (Cybertorn) Diver & Niagra Base (X-2)
- (Basic) (Cybertorn) Ikard & Tako Tank (X-5)
- (Basic) (Destron) Dirge
- (Basic) (Destron) Megalligator
- (Basic) (Destron) Thrust
- (Deluxe) (Blendtron) Elephorca (X-7)
- (Deluxe) (Cybertron) Sharp Edge
- (Deluxe) (Destron) Dirgegun
- (Deluxe) (Destron) Hardhead
- (Deluxe) (Destron) Killer Punch
- (Deluxe) (Destron) Max B
- (Deluxe) (Destron) Thrustor
- (Mega) (Cybertron) Survive
- (Mega) (Destron) Hellscream
- (Ultra) (Cybertron) Magnaboss-2 (X-4)
- (Ultra) (Destron) Gigastorm
- (Ultra) (Destron) God Neptune
- (Ultra) (Destron) Megastorm