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Thread: The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

    As I'm sure most of you know, when George Lucas was pitching his script for Star Wars during the mid 1970s to movie studios, he was repeatedly knocked back and rejected until he was finally accepted by 20th Century Fox (and even then a lot of execs had their doubts).

    So I stumbled across these today - they're letters of rejection for Star Wars!
    Rejection letter from United Artists
    Rejection letter from Universal Studios
    Man... I bet the people who made those decisions must've been kicking themselves for the last 33 years!

    "There seems to be too much cost involved for this kind of juvenile story......A risky project — one I would not do." - United Artists (1975)

    "The question, in the end, is how much faith we have in Mr Lucas’s ability to pull it all off." - Universal Studios (1975)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Personally Goki, if the supposed 'think-tanks' at these particular studios weren't lining up to a homeless shelter after the release of Episode IV, then they should've been!

    IMO United Artists didn't want to pick it up because they were already working on Logan's Run and probably couldn't afford to pick Star Wars up even if they wanted to especially since they followed that up with the original Carrie.

    Universal Studios... I don't know why they didn't pick it up if they liked it so much? I mean, considering the garbage they were putting out at the time, the only truly decent, but hell awesome!, movie they put out between 74 and 76 was Jaws - so I guess they wanted to pursue a quote 'more wholesome' brand of entertainment at the time.

    This sort of reminds me of the story John Cleese divulged on the Graham Norton Show with regards to the original pitch (1:14) for Faulty Towers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    There was a lot of skepticism at the time of the release of the first movie - remember, it initially had a very limited release. The movie had gone over budget, taken longer than had been allotted for filming and a lot of the cast (especially Harrison Ford and Alec Guiness) didn't buy into the premise at all, or have much faith in it. Ford basically thought he was just making a kids movie.

    Further to that at the time there wasn't really that large a market for movies as fantastical as Star Wars - in the post Vietnam War era gritty grungy dark realistic movies were very much par for the course.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  4. #4
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    How different would our lives have been if these movies were never made... every movie, script, and actor have all been reversed engineered by studying Episode 4 (or rather episode 1- that's what we call it because let's face it, episodes 1 -3 sucked hairy Ewok balls)
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    How different would our lives have been if these movies were never made... every movie, script, and actor have all been reversed engineered by studying Episode 4 (or rather episode 1- that's what we call it because let's face it, episodes 1 -3 sucked hairy Ewok balls)

    In all honesty, I quite liked Phantom Menace, Attack of The Clones & Revenge of The Sith.
    That being said though, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back & Return of The Jedi are above and beyond superior movies and I agree 5FDP, our lives would be so dramatically different if Star Wars had never got off the ground.

    In actuality, if Star Wars had never been made then that would've inadvertently affected the G1 Transformers Cartoon! - Because a lot of the sound effects were actually drawn from the Star Wars movies.

  6. #6
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    Sir Alec Guiness always hated Star Wars. Unlike Ewan MacGregor who, after being told by Lucas that he was accepted for the role of Obiwan, hung up the phone and victoriously yelled, "I'M OBI-F***ING-WAN KENOBI!!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    I just realised that Kylo Ren a.k.a the bad guy in the Force Awakened trailer looks quite similiar to Starkiller's Sith Stalker Armour in Force Unleashed.
    Last edited by UltimateGalvatron; 12th December 2015 at 01:24 PM. Reason: Fixed Spelling
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  8. #8
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    Robot Chicken is Hilarious.
    Mon Mothma: I think I'll have the calamari.
    Ackbar: Hmm I think I'll have the insolent b***h, with a side of f**k you.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  9. #9
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    There have been at least two children of the original Star Wars cast who have appeared in the Star Wars films so far (AFAIK). Nathan Hamill (son of Mark Hamill) was an extra in The Phantom Menace, and Billie Lourd (daughter of Carrie Fisher) appears as an extra in The Force Awakens. Harrison Ford apparently has five kids, so it'll be interesting to see if any of them will appear in the upcoming Star Wars films.

    George Lucas and his children have all had cameo appearances in Star Wars.
    George Lucas as Baron Papanoida.
    Katie Lucas as one of Anakin's childhood friends, a Twi'lek bar patron, and as Chi Eekway Papanoida.
    Amanda Lucas as a background extra.
    Jett Lucas as Zett Jukassa; the Padawan who battled 501st Clone Troopers before being slain in front of Bail Organa.

    Are there any other children of the cast and crew of the Original Trilogy who've made cameo appearances?

  10. #10
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    16th Mar 2015


    My Order of Star Wars Movie from favourite to least favourite
    1. Empire Strikes Back
    2. Return of the Jedi
    3. The Force Awakens
    4. Revenge of the Sith/A New Hope (tied)
    5. Attack of the Clones
    6. The Phantom Menace

    I think that people automatically hate the prequels, but I quite like ROTS, too the point where I'm not sure whether I like it or one of the originals more. I think TFA was amazing, many just say it's good but even if its plot was similiar to a New Hope it had some aspects which I think gives it an edge (won't discuss here cuz spoilers )

    What order do you list the Star Wars movies?
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

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