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Thread: Transformers Prime cartoon reviews/comments (spoilers)

  1. #121
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Sometimes it seems that some take any sort of criticism as 'hating' the show. There is nothing wrong with watching something, enjoying it but also be able to point out what we didn't like about it.
    I'm probably one of those people dude , but do know that I agree with people being able to voice their opinions, that's why we're here , it's just that some comments seems to be just a little ridiculous to me - but with that said my interpretation of someone's typed words is probably different to how others would interpret them.
    (Hence why my posts make liberal use of the few emoticons we have )

    I'm not having a go at anyone, all I'm suggesting is that on the character development front - give it sometime.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    I'm probably one of those people dude , but do know that I agree with people being able to voice their opinions, that's why we're here , it's just that some comments seems to be just a little ridiculous to me - but with that said my interpretation of someone's typed words is probably different to how others would interpret them.
    (Hence why my posts make liberal use of the few emoticons we have )

    I'm not having a go at anyone, all I'm suggesting is that on the character development front - give it sometime.
    I think that criticism here has been pretty constructive and balanced by mentioning the positives as well as the negatives. No one has condemned the show, boycotted it or anything of the sort to warrant such 'give it a chance' posts when everyone here already is. No one has pulled a 'Trukk Not Munky' attitude which your post seems to suggest.

    Frankly speaking, something that I feel is really bad within the TF fandom in general is that many have a too polarized 'You must love it or hate it - Nothing in between' attitudes. I wrote a big post on the first two episodes which was mostly composed of praise for the show as I very much enjoyed it but because after that, I gave my opinion on parts that i didn't like in the last two episodes, some are immediately assuming that I am not giving the show a "chance" and hating it. Very frustrating and discouraging.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Actually, I think this show is pretty awful. :P
    If they can't fit any characterization in 100 mins (the average length of a movie), then they are really struggling. I have better things to waste my (not very) valuable time on.

    On a positive note: the fight scenes aren't as confusing as the Bay films.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    I watched episode 5 and I think it's the best one (So far). I don't find the human characters anywhere near as annoying as the kids from the Unicron Trilogy but that's most likely because no-one has "Radical" or "Holy Frijoles".
    The action in the first five eps has been pretty kick-ass and they added some classic G1 qoutes to the final fight as well. I think the miniseries is as decent as the two Transformers Movies we got at least. Bring on february!!

  5. #125
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2008


    Yeah, it's not bad show. I am enjoying this alot more than the first couple of episodes from animated. I like how they made the energon crystals look like raw energon as a throw-back to Beast Wars

  6. #126
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Everyone has different ways of enjoying the show, if you enjoy it better by not giving much thought to such plot factors then good but don't expect everyone to be the same.
    But try to remember Kup that this a kids cartoon,not some gritty oscar winning drama. If you over analyse it of course you'll find errors. It's a kids cartoon. I'd think that all the errors and things you find annoying, 99% of the target audience don't even notice. Honestly do you think all the 7-12 year olds watching this are concerned about the lack of character development. They just want to see giant robots kicking arse.

    I have no problem with critiquing the show. My concern is that overall (not just this thread) there seems to be alot of criticism of Hasbro. Now while it's true that not all criticism is negative it can easily be seen that way and it can seem to potential new members that we are a bunch of whingy fanboys and as such drive them away.

    Again as I've said twice it's a kids cartoon and while it does have it's faults IMO (looking at you Miko!) I'm willing to let them slide as I am not the target audience and I can enjoy the rest of the Transformery goodness

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  7. #127
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    But try to remember Kup that this a kids cartoon,not some gritty oscar winning drama. If you over analyse it of course you'll find errors. It's a kids cartoon. I'd think that all the errors and things you find annoying, 99% of the target audience don't even notice. Honestly do you think all the 7-12 year olds watching this are concerned about the lack of character development. They just want to see giant robots kicking arse.

    I have no problem with critiquing the show. My concern is that overall (not just this thread) there seems to be alot of criticism of Hasbro. Now while it's true that not all criticism is negative it can easily be seen that way and it can seem to potential new members that we are a bunch of whingy fanboys and as such drive them away.

    Again as I've said twice it's a kids cartoon and while it does have it's faults IMO (looking at you Miko!) I'm willing to let them slide as I am not the target audience and I can enjoy the rest of the Transformery goodness
    Like some others, you are erroneously treating me as if I am hating the show just because I complained about an aspect of it. I never said anything against the character development or analyzing it as an Oscar winning drama. What I said is that the kids are becoming more of a nuisance in episodes 3-4 and that the TF characters could be more lively. Again, any criticism given is being blown out of proportion by those who disagree. To me that creates more of a negative atmosphere than the actual criticism as it highlights the negative and ignores the positive in the thread which was actually pretty prevalent before those posts begun.

    I also don't see whingy fanboys here, this thread is largely positive about the show! What is highlighting negativity and magnifying it are the people who complain about anyone who offers any form of criticism about any aspect of the episodes.

    If you disagree, that's good, it's your right but don't make assumptions about others or talk down people's criticisms while ignoring everything positive they have said.
    If those posts have not come up calling people's criticism as ridiculous while ignoring anything positive said and concentrating on the negative so that they can complain about it, this thread would have gone on as normal.
    Last edited by kup; 5th December 2010 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post

    I have no problem with critiquing the show. My concern is that overall (not just this thread) there seems to be alot of criticism of Hasbro.
    Again as I've said twice it's a kids cartoon and while it does have it's faults IMO (looking at you Miko!) I'm willing to let them slide as I am not the target audience and I can enjoy the rest of the Transformery goodness
    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post

    I also don't see whingy fanboys here, this thread is largely positive about the show! What is highlighting negativity and magnifying it are the people who complain about anyone who offers any form of criticism about any aspect of the episodes.

    If you disagree, that's good, it's your right but don't make assumptions about others or talk down people's criticisms while ignoring everything positive they have said.

    If those posts have not come up calling people's criticism as ridiculous while ignoring anything positive said and concentrating on the negative so that they can complain about it, this thread would have gone on as normal.
    Try reading all my post before you retort...

    Now back to Transformers: Prime. I enjoyed episode 5. My only gripe is that I have to wait until next year for episode 6.

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  9. #129
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Try reading all my post before you retort...
    I did and that is what I understood of it or you wouldn't have brought it up in this particular thread.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    More tentacle rape... :P

    The only issue I have with the characterisation of the Transformers is that it takes itself too seriously. The best Optimuses are the ones who have to prove themselves, like Primal or Animated. This one is presented by the series as if the audience should already bow down and worship at his awesome Optimus Primeityness when we've only just met him. And he's played ultra-seriously - there's no attempt to subvert the icon with any sort of humour, it's laid out that this-is-Optimus-Prime-and-he's-the-best-thing-since-sliced-Jesus-and-everyone-knows-it. Despite the cringeworthy clichés ("one shall stand..." <puke>), it is fantastic that we have Cullen and Welker playing archnemeses again, I just feel like Prime needs a Rattrap or Animated Prowl to take him down a peg or two. Maybe when the series proper starts, the Autobots will have a couple of additions to act as foils to their deadpan humourless core cast.

    I await the ongoing series.

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