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Thread: Transformers Prime and War for Cybertron

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Who cares ?!?!?! Lets just be grateful that the Transformers franchise is still pumping out new products for us to enjoy.
    ^ What this guy said
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  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Who cares ?!?!?! Lets just be grateful that the Transformers franchise is still pumping out new products for us to enjoy. I don't give 2 hoots if WFC is G1 or TFP. All I care about is that it's a fun Transformers computer game with a story I find interesting and I enjoy playing (except for the spider bots)

    Sure the continuity goes out of whack from time to time but things could be worse. We could be Go-bots fans.
    I agree wholeheartedly. I am glad Transformers has lasted this long, and continuing to do so, and releasing stuff we buy. And of late, they are really effin awesome. Can't wait to get my hands on these new figures. I haven't really said that since, well never. The games for DS were great, full of continuity problems, but I played them for fun, not continuity.

    And Prime, it's Transformers. I haven't been excited about watching a new show since Beast Wars. The fact that Prime is not following exactly the same lines as G1, doesn't phase me. Something new is a good thing. And honestly, if it did, it would kinda bore me.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Who cares ?!?!?! Lets just be grateful that the Transformers franchise is still pumping out new products for us to enjoy. I don't give 2 hoots if WFC is G1 or TFP. All I care about is that it's a fun Transformers computer game with a story I find interesting and I enjoy playing (except for the spider bots)

    Sure the continuity goes out of whack from time to time but things could be worse. We could be Go-bots fans.

    But Seriously *no pun intended* you are right as fun is the fundamental reason to enjoy any TF series and it doesn't really matter what continuity Hasbro says it's in as long as you like it.

    I personally like some stability when it comes to continuity although I am very tolerant of gaps and errors or I wouldn't be a TF fan. However trying to artificially 'marry' different continuities is a bit odd but in my view, who cares about what Hasbro says. I go for what the game was designed to be and both it's creators and the game itself tell me it's G1 so I choose to go with that.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Is this a bad time to mention that I've just finished downloading the Gobots/Rocklords movie?
    (I really have )
    I actually have that on VHS... still wrapped up... and I only paid 2 bucks at a Lifeline book sale. Still too scared to watch it. LOL

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gekisou View Post
    I actually have that on VHS... still wrapped up... and I only paid 2 bucks at a Lifeline book sale. Still too scared to watch it. LOL
    I'm a quarter of the way through watching it, nothing terribly inspiring yet.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Officially they may be under the same continuity () but practically they are clearly very different and independent from each other. Even the only real link from one 'story' to the other, Dark Energon, is interpreted differently from WFC to Prime.

    Sorry but I think that Hasbro is/was just shoe-horning things together that were never intended to be, common sense tells me that.

    It also wouldn't surprise me if next week the same question is asked and we get a different answer altogether.
    The problem is, you're (and everybody else who is a critic of this and the wiki's decision) going by the idea of 'continuity' as the Prime cartoon being in direct continuity with War for Cybertron the game, which it isn't.

    Why is it okay for for previous generations to have varying continuities with disparate, dissimilar plots and backstories, but not so for the very latest Transformers continuity family? War for Cybertron's storyline is intentionally vague. According to an article from TFW2005 with Aaron Archer and Matt Tieger:

    The goal was to tell a story of pre-Earth Cybertron that could be used as a basis for future Transformers stories and generations. It is not connected to any particular generation, but pulls from them all, taking elements, references, story arcs and merges them into this one, new story. If and when possible, Hasbro will try to "stick" to one ongoing canon, and this could be used as a foundation for it.
    What High Moon Studio says differently in Activision marketing videos could be construed as authorial intent, unless they're demographic-specific (20-30-something G1 casual fans who only know of G1 and the movies) marketing spin. Besides, considering War for Cybertron the game uses some concepts and ideas from Hasbro's story bible, I believe it would be reasonable to assume that Hasbro allowed High Moon Studios creative freedom so as to make a game that has the best chance to appeal to their target audience, yet for Hasbro and the hardcore fandom that care about such things, be associated with the new continuity., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    I'm a quarter of the way through watching it, nothing terribly inspiring yet.
    All I remember from watching that movie was being really young and pretending that my G2 Hooligan was Leader 1.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    All I remember from watching that movie was being really young and pretending that my G2 Hooligan was Leader 1.
    All I had were vague memories of the Rocklords, I'd seen a couple of Challenge of The Gobots episodes before so that was nothing new.
    I just wanted to see the movie again and gee, not particularly impressive to say the least - just an elongated episode really.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Is this a bad time to mention that I've just finished downloading the Gobots/Rocklords movie?
    (I really have )
    Not at all, I remembergoing to the video store when DVDs were first coming out and deliberately hunting it down to watch

    I think the Game of WFC is concentrarted on G1, but it could be kind of adapted loosely to TF:Prime. The novel however of WFC makes a lot more sense to be a prequel to Prime, as opposed to a side-story/version to the game. It just made no sense that so many things clashed from book to game, and I was reading the book while playing through the game. I might go and read the book again, and I might enjoy the book a bit more.

    (is this what this discussion is about? I can't be bothered lookin through the first link ;p )

  10. #20
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    Meh... the WFC game story, from what I've played of it, seems to be it's own continuity based on a generic G1 continuity. I don't try to tie it in with any other contintuity specifically (e.g. G1 cartoon, G1 comics) cos then yeah, you run into massive issues.

    Toywise, I consider my "WFC" figures, which Hasbro markets as Generations, as part of Classicsverse.

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