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Thread: "Right In The Lugnuts!" The Ongoing Adventures Of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Ha! - LOL!
    Yet another excellent addition to "Right in The Lugnutz!".

    Love the fact that Burning Convoy is 'Tortured' with Lava!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune

  3. #33
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    GIGASCOUTER: Previously on Right In The Lugnuts...

    GIGASCOUTER (in falsetto): Oooh, Gigascouter. I'm Strika and you're so manly and strong. Let's get greased up and then I want you to piledrive me all night lo...

    LUGNUT: The actual flashback, Gigascouter.

    GIGASCOUTER: Boring! Whatever...

    LUGNUT: Hi Kimba!

    LUGNUT: Hi Kimba!

    LUGNUT: So... where does the Blazing Sword really come from?

    LUGNUT: This is Hunk, the Yellow Lion from Voltron.

    MAGNABOSS: If I kill Lugnut now would it still just be counted as murder?

    MAGNABOSS: I'm going to kill you, Lugnut!


    GIGASCOUTER: Wow. Foreshadowing. That's surprisingly classy for this show. And now... the next exciting episode of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends.

    MAGNABOSS: Magnaboss... uncombine!

    NUT CONVOY: Um... Aren't you meant to combine for a big fight? Or is this some sort of union thing where you're not allowed to combine and fight me until Haggar magics me into a giant robeast? Because seriously, I never got why you didn't just combine and stomp on the robeast while it was still small.

    MAGNABOSS: Because I want to fight you one on one as your nemesis...

    SANTON: ...Santon!

    GARBOIL: Santon?


    NUT CONVOY: Babar?

    GIGASCOUTER: What the...? I knew foreshadowing was too good for this show. Surely White Lio Junior is Lugnut's nemesis.

    WHITE LIO JUNIOR: Well... I don't like him. But it's not like you can just go around killing people because they’re annoying.

    SANTON: Of course you can! It's in the Hippocratic Oath!

    SKYWARP: Actually, I don't think it is in...

    SANTON: It's why I killed Flash Lio Convoy. And Brandon Lee. And Tupac. And it's why I'm killing you, Lugnut...

    NUT CONVOY: Not if I... light out darkest hour!

    BURNING CONVOY: Dude, you're fighting an elephant. It's hardly Unicron.

    NUT CONVOY: Oh... sorry. Hey... watch where you stick that tusk. I could lose an eye.

    SANTON: So? You have four more.

    NUT CONVOY: No, seriously watch your tusk, it's about to hit the…


    GIGASCOUTER: Um... Is this the end of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008



  5. #35
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    LUGNUT: Hi Kimba!

    Man this one shot makes me drool!

    GIGASCOUTER: Um... Is this the end of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends?
    Oh! - I certainly hope not!
    (Santon = Babar, LOL! )

  6. #36
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    (I will be concluding the current storyline, plus Hursticon and Sharky have both won Nut-prizes for their entries here: [Nut-prizes can be picked up at the next Parra fair.] But first... an interlude... from the future!)

    LUGNUT: H...

    MARI: Hi, Emperor Zurg!

    LUGNUT: I... Wha... I'm no... Hey, that's my thing!

    MARI: What... my helmet?

    LUGNUT: No... you know... the thing where you annoy people by confusing them with other animated characters.

    MARI: Oh, sorry. You go ahead.

    LUGNUT: The moment's gone, now.

    MARI. So who are you?

    LUGNUT: I'm Lugnut, obviously.

    MARI: Isn't Lugnut meant to be... bigger?

    LUGNUT: After the great war, a handful of Decepticons were granted amnesty and went through the Great Upgrade, downsizing us into smaller, more fuel-efficient Transformers.

    MARI: Riiight... So... Sky Shadow's travelling and a Voyager Lugnut would have been too bulky to carry around with him?

    LUGNUT: Um... That too. So who are you then?

    MARI: Here's a hint...

    LUGNUT: Eva... Longoria?

    MARI: That's not what it says. Look, I'm just a totally extreme, awesome-looking character who was never in my original series, but when they reimagined it years later, they shoehorned me into it and I'm an awesome fighter with a giant mechanical body who travels to Japan where I change into a ne...

    LUGNUT: Hi Drift!

    MARI: Nice one.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Glad to see a new addition to "Right In The Lugnuts!" dude!
    I'm going to take a guess at both of those figures as being, umm... A McDonald's Lugnut and a Revoltech Evangelion character?
    I'm certainly intrigued to see where the new storyline will take us, I will miss the random murders though.

    Ooh! Nut prizes!
    I'm just curious to see which guesses were right or not, as it was a pretty cool competition IMO - So many memorable 80's toys!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    I'm sorry...Who is this girl pretending shes' from Neon Genesis Evangelion?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    I'm sorry...Who is this girl pretending shes' from Neon Genesis Evangelion?
    She's Drift.

    (Tallestblue, in the event that you're not being facetious, it's Mari Illustrious Makinami who was introduced in 2009's Rebuild of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. Although she wasn't the original series, she's retconned into the new reimagined films as the pilot of Unit-05 and... other spoilery stuff. But yes, basically she's Drift. )

  10. #40
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    She's Drift.

    (Tallestblue, in the event that you're not being facetious, it's Mari Illustrious Makinami who was introduced in 2009's Rebuild of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. Although she wasn't the original series, she's retconned into the new reimagined films as the pilot of Unit-05 and... other spoilery stuff. But yes, basically she's Drift. )
    No way, Drift wouldn't get his butt kicked by Zeruel, he'd slice through that AT field like rice paper.

    Also I actually like Mari, she's nutty like the rest of the pilots but in a different way.

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