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Thread: Characters G1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008

    Default Characters G1

    How many tf characters are there in the G1 family continuity?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    looking more for an over all number of tf characters. that seems to bothersum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    looking more for an over all number of tf characters. that seems to bothersum
    Well, if someone like Goki with an extraordinary knowledge of G1 sees this post, they may be able to better inform you but I know that there is at least 300 individual G1 characters.

    Perhaps you can define a little more what you're looking for also, such as:
    1. Including Humans, Pets, Aliens or just Cybertronians?
    2. Cartoon, Comic/Written, Other Media, Figure based or all of the above?
    Last edited by Hursticon; 4th January 2011 at 10:11 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    looking more for an over all number of tf characters. that seems to bothersum
    You might find someone has counted up the number of toys but there's also G1 characters in the comics and cartoon with no toys, plus other randoms in all the other classic-G1 and neo-G1 fiction. It'd be impossible to find a number anyone agrees to unless you have a more direct question or explain why you want to know?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Actually, I do have my own G1 checklist which lists every Hasbro G1 character. It doesn't list Takara G1 as I have no intention of completing Takara G1.

    Hasbro G1 Checklist
    No. Year Name
    1 1984 Optimus Prime Autobot
    2 1984 Bluestreak Autobot
    3 1984 Jazz Autobot
    4 1984 Hound Autobot
    5 1984 Ironhide Autobot
    6 1984 Mirage Autobot
    7 1984 Prowl Autobot
    8 1984 Ratchet Autobot
    9 1984 Sideswipe Autobot
    10 1984 Sunstreaker Autobot
    11 1984 Trailbreaker Autobot
    12 1984 Wheeljack Autobot
    13 1984 Brawn Autobot
    14 1984 Bumblebee Autobot
    15 1984 Bumblejumper Autobot
    16 1984 Cliffjumper Autobot
    17 1984 Gears Autobot
    18 1984 Huffer Autobot
    19 1984 Windcharger Autobot
    20 1984 Megatron Decepticon
    21 1984 Soundwave Decepticon
    22 1984 Buzzsaw Decepticon
    23 1984 Laserbeak Decepticon
    24 1984 Frenzy Decepticon
    25 1984 Ravage Decepticon
    26 1984 Rumble Decepticon
    27 1984 Skywarp Decepticon
    28 1984 Starscream Decepticon
    29 1984 Thundercracker Decepticon
    30 1985 Jetfire Autobot
    31 1985 Omega Supreme Autobot
    32 1985 Blaster Autobot
    33 1985 Grapple Autobot
    34 1985 Hoist Autobot
    35 1985 Inferno Autobot
    36 1985 Red Alert Autobot
    37 1985 Skids Autobot
    38 1985 Smokescreen Autobot
    39 1985 Tracks Autobot
    40 1985 Perceptor Autobot
    41 1985 Beachcomber Autobot
    42 1985 Cosmos Autobot
    43 1985 Powerglide Autobot
    44 1985 Seaspray Autobot
    45 1985 Warpath Autobot
    46 1985 Roadbuster Autobot
    47 1985 Whirl Autobot
    48 1985 Grimlock Autobot
    49 1985 Slag Autobot
    50 1985 Sludge Autobot
    51 1985 Snarl Autobot
    52 1985 Swoop Autobot
    53 1985 Camshaft Autobot
    54 1985 Downshift Autobot
    55 1985 Overdrive Autobot
    56 1985 Powerdasher ("Drilldasher") Autobot
    57 1985 Powerdasher ("F-1 dasher") Autobot
    58 1985 Powerdasher ("Skydasher") Autobot
    59 1985 Shockwave Decepticon
    60 1985 Dirge Decepticon
    61 1985 Ramjet Decepticon
    62 1985 Thrust Decepticon
    63 1985 Astrotrain Decepticon
    64 1985 Blitzwing Decepticon
    65 1985 Bombshell Decepticon
    66 1985 Kickback Decepticon
    67 1985 Shrapnel Decepticon
    68 1985 Barrage Decepticon
    69 1985 Chop Shop Decepticon
    70 1985 Ransack Decepticon
    71 1985 Venom Decepticon
    72 1985 Bonecrusher Decepticon
    73 1985 Long Haul Decepticon
    74 1985 Hook Decepticon
    75 1985 Mixmaster Decepticon
    76 1985 Scavenger Decepticon
    77 1985 Scrapper Decepticon
    78 1985 Mini Spy (Toyota) Decepticon
    79 1985 Mini Spy (Porsche) Decepticon
    80 1985 Mini Spy (Jeep) Autobot
    81 1985 Mini Spy (Mazda) (variable)
    82 1986 Rodimus Prime Autobot
    83 1986 Ultra Magnus Autobot
    84 1986 Wreck Gar Autobot
    85 1986 Blurr Autobot
    86 1986 Hot Rod Autobot
    87 1986 Kup Autobot
    88 1986 Broadside Autobot
    89 1986 Sandstorm Autobot
    90 1986 Springer Autobot
    91 1986 Metroplex Autobot
    92 1986 Sky Lynx Autobot
    93 1986 Hubcap Autobot
    94 1986 Outback Autobot
    95 1986 Pipes Autobot
    96 1986 Swerve Autobot
    97 1986 Tailgate Autobot
    98 1986 Wheelie Autobot
    99 1986 Eject Autobot
    100 1986 Ramhorn Autobot
    101 1986 Rewind Autobot
    102 1986 Steeljaw Autobot
    103 1986 Air Raid Autobot
    104 1986 Fireflight Autobot
    105 1986 Silverbolt Autobot
    106 1986 Skydive Autobot
    107 1986 Slingshot Autobot
    108 1986 Blades Autobot
    109 1986 First Aid Autobot
    110 1986 Groove Autobot
    111 1986 Hot Spot Autobot
    112 1986 Streetwise Autobot
    113 1986 Galvatron Decepticon
    114 1986 Cyclonus Decepticon
    115 1986 Scourge Decepticon
    116 1986 Octane Decepticon
    117 1986 Gnaw Decepticon
    118 1986 Trypticon Decepticon
    119 1986 Runabout Decepticon
    120 1986 Runamuck Decepticon
    121 1986 Breakdown Decepticon
    122 1986 Dead End Decepticon
    123 1986 Drag Strip Decepticon
    124 1986 Motormaster Decepticon
    125 1986 Wildrider Decepticon
    126 1986 Blast-Off Decepticon
    127 1986 Brawl Decepticon
    128 1986 Onslaught Decepticon
    129 1986 Swindle Decepticon
    130 1986 Vortex Decepticon
    131 1986 Divebomb Decepticon
    132 1986 Headstrong Decepticon
    133 1986 Rampage Decepticon
    134 1986 Razorclaw Decepticon
    135 1986 Tantrum Decepticon
    136 1986 Ratbat Decepticon
    137 1986 Spectro Decepticon
    138 1986 Spyglass Decepticon
    139 1986 Viewfinder Decepticon
    140 1987 Fortress Maximus Autobot
    141 1987 Brainstorm Autobot
    142 1987 Chromedome Autobot
    143 1987 Hardhead Autobot
    144 1987 Highbrow Autobot
    145 1987 Crosshairs Autobot
    146 1987 Pointblank Autobot
    147 1987 Sureshot Autobot
    148 1987 Cloudraker Autobot
    149 1987 Fastlane Autobot
    150 1987 Punch/Counterpunch Autobot
    151 1987 Doublecross Autobot
    152 1987 Grotusque Autobot
    153 1987 Repugnus Autobot
    154 1987 Afterburner Autobot
    155 1987 Lightspeed Autobot
    156 1987 Nosecone Autobot
    157 1987 Scattershot Autobot
    158 1987 Strafe Autobot
    159 1987 Chase Autobot
    160 1987 Freeway Autobot
    161 1987 Rollbar Autobot
    162 1987 Searchlight Autobot
    163 1987 Wideload Autobot
    164 1987 Scorponok Decepticon
    165 1987 Apeface Decepticon
    166 1987 Mindwipe Decepticon
    167 1987 Skullcruncher Decepticon
    168 1987 Snapdragon Decepticon
    169 1987 Weirdwolf Decepticon
    170 1987 Misfire Decepticon
    171 1987 Slugslinger Decepticon
    172 1987 Triggerhappy Decepticon
    173 1987 Sixshot Decepticon
    174 1987 Overkill Decepticon
    175 1987 Slugfest Decepticon
    176 1987 Pounce Decepticon
    177 1987 Wingspan Decepticon
    178 1987 Battletrap Decepticon
    179 1987 Flywheels Decepticon
    180 1987 Hun-Grrr Decepticon
    181 1987 Blot Decepticon
    182 1987 Cutthroat Decepticon
    183 1987 Rippersnapper Decepticon
    184 1987 Sinnertwin Decepticon
    185 1988 Getaway Autobot
    186 1988 Joyride Autobot
    187 1988 Slapdash Autobot
    188 1988 Hosehead Autobot
    189 1988 Nightbeat Autobot
    190 1988 Siren Autobot
    191 1988 Landfill Autobot
    192 1988 Quickmix Autobot
    193 1988 Scoop Autobot
    194 1988 Catilla Autobot
    195 1988 Chainclaw Autobot
    196 1988 Cloudburst Autobot
    197 1988 Groundbreaker Autobot
    198 1988 Gunrunner Autobot
    199 1988 Landmine Autobot
    200 1988 Sky High Autobot
    201 1988 Splashdown Autobot
    202 1988 Waverider Autobot
    203 1988 Quickswitch Autobot
    204 1988 Backstreet Autobot
    205 1988 Dogfight Autobot
    206 1988 Override Autobot
    207 1988 Fizzle Autobot
    208 1988 Sizzle Autobot
    209 1988 Guzzle Autobot
    210 1988 Grand Slam Autobot
    211 1988 Raindance Autobot
    212 1988 Beastbox Decepticon
    213 1988 Squawktalk Decepticon
    214 1988 Darkwing Decepticon
    215 1988 Dreadwind Decepticon
    216 1988 Doubledealer Decepticon
    217 1988 Fangry Decepticon
    218 1988 Horri-Bull Decepticon
    219 1988 Squeezeplay Decepticon
    220 1988 Needlenose Decepticon
    221 1988 Quake Decepticon
    222 1988 Spinister Decepticon
    223 1988 Bomb-Burst Decepticon
    224 1988 Bugly Decepticon
    225 1988 Carnivac Decepticon
    226 1988 Finback Decepticon
    227 1988 Iguanus Decepticon
    228 1988 Roadgrabber Decepticon
    229 1988 Skullgrin Decepticon
    230 1988 Snarler Decepticon
    231 1988 Submarauder Decepticon
    232 1988 Crankcase Decepticon
    233 1988 Ruckus Decepticon
    234 1988 Windsweeper Decepticon
    235 1988 Cindersaur Decepticon
    236 1988 Flamefeather Decepticon
    237 1988 Sparkstalker Decepticon
    238 1988 Snaptrap Decepticon
    239 1988 Tentakil Decepticon
    240 1988 Nautilator Decepticon
    241 1988 Seawing Decepticon
    242 1988 Skalor Decepticon
    243 1988 Overbite Decepticon
    244 1989 Doubleheader Autobot
    245 1989 Longtooth Autobot
    246 1989 Pincher Autobot
    247 1989 Crossblades Autobot
    248 1989 Vroom Autobot
    249 1989 Skyhammer Autobot
    250 1989 Big Shot Autobot
    251 1989 Flak Autobot
    252 1989 Sidetrack Autobot
    253 1989 Sunrunner Autobot
    254 1989 High Jump Autobot
    255 1989 Mudslinger Autobot
    256 1989 Powertrain Autobot
    257 1989 Tote Autobot
    258 1989 Freewheeler Autobot
    259 1989 Roadhandler Autobot
    260 1989 Swindler Autobot
    261 1989 Tailspin Autobot
    262 1989 Fixit Autobot
    263 1989 Red Hot Autobot
    264 1989 Seawatch Autobot
    265 1989 Stakeout Autobot
    266 1989 Erector Autobot
    267 1989 Overload Autobot
    268 1989 Hot House Autobot
    269 1989 Ironworks Autobot
    270 1989 Countdown Autobot
    271 1989 Groundshaker Autobot
    272 1989 Thunderwing Decepticon
    273 1989 Bludgeon Decepticon
    274 1989 Octopunch Decepticon
    275 1989 Stranglehold Decepticon
    276 1989 Birdbrain Decepticon
    277 1989 Bristleback Decepticon
    278 1989 Icepick Decepticon
    279 1989 Scowl Decepticon
    280 1989 Slog Decepticon
    281 1989 Wildfly Decepticon
    282 1989 Roadblock Decepticon
    283 1989 Nightflight Decepticon
    284 1989 Storm Cloud Decepticon
    285 1989 Tailwind Decepticon
    286 1989 Whisper Decepticon
    287 1989 Blackjack Decepticon
    288 1989 Detour Decepticon
    289 1989 Hyperdrive Decepticon
    290 1989 Roadhugger Decepticon
    291 1989 Flattop Decepticon
    292 1989 Roughstuff Decepticon
    293 1989 Airwave Decepticon
    294 1989 Greasepit Decepticon
    295 1989 Skyhopper Decepticon
    296 1989 Skystalker Decepticon
    297 1990 Jackpot Autobot
    298 1990 Kick-Off Autobot
    299 1990 Mainframe Autobot
    300 1990 Over-Run Autobot
    301 1990 Rad Autobot
    302 1990 Rollout Autobot
    303 1990 Skyfall Autobot
    304 1990 Sprocket Autobot
    305 1990 Gusher Autobot
    306 1990 Pipeline Autobot
    307 1990 Retro Autobot
    308 1990 Surge Autobot
    309 1990 Crumble Autobot
    310 1990 Groundpounder Autobot
    311 1990 Neutro Autobot
    312 1990 Takedown Autobot
    313 1990 Blaze Master Autobot
    314 1990 Eagle Eye Autobot
    315 1990 Sky High Autobot
    316 1990 Tread Bolt Autobot
    317 1990 Big Daddy Autobot
    318 1990 Greaser Autobot
    319 1990 Hubs Autobot
    320 1990 Trip-Up Autobot
    321 1990 Big Hauler Autobot
    322 1990 Heavy Tread Autobot
    323 1990 Hydraulic Autobot
    324 1990 Slow Poke Autobot
    325 1990 Oiler Autobot
    326 1990 Power Run Autobot
    327 1990 Roadburner Autobot
    328 1990 Slide Autobot
    329 1990 Strikedown Autobot
    330 1990 Wheel Blaze Autobot
    331 1990 Barrage Autobot
    332 1990 Blastmaster Autobot
    333 1990 Heave Autobot
    334 1990 Missilemaster Autobot
    335 1990 Moonrock Autobot
    336 1990 Phaser Autobot
    337 1990 Full-Barrel Autobot
    338 1990 Overflow Autobot
    339 1990 Axer Decepticon
    340 1990 Banzai-Tron Decepticon
    341 1990 Gutcruncher Decepticon
    342 1990 Krok Decepticon
    343 1990 Treadshot Decepticon
    344 1990 Bombshock Decepticon
    345 1990 Dropshot Decepticon
    346 1990 Growl Decepticon
    347 1990 Tracer Decepticon
    348 1990 Barricade Decepticon
    349 1990 Ground Hog Decepticon
    350 1990 Motorhead Decepticon
    351 1990 Roller Force Decepticon
    352 1990 Blackout Decepticon
    353 1990 Spaceshot Decepticon
    354 1990 Meltdown Decepticon
    355 1990 Half-Track Decepticon
    356 1990 Direct-Hit Decepticon
    357 1990 Powerpunch Decepticon
    358 1990 Fireshot Decepticon
    359 1990 Vanquish Decepticon
    360 1990 Excavator Decepticon
    361 1990 Grit Decepticon
    362 1990 Hammer Decepticon
    363 1990 Knockout Decepticon
    364 1990 Sledge Decepticon
    365 1990 Stonecruncher Decepticon
    366 1990 Cement-Head Decepticon
    367 1990 Terror-Tread Decepticon
    368 1991 Powerflash Autobot
    369 1991 Circuit Autobot
    370 1991 Rumbler Autobot
    371 1991 Omega Spreem Autobot
    372 1991 Windmill Autobot
    373 1991 Gripper Autobot
    374 1991 Flame Autobot
    375 1991 Lightspeed Autobot
    376 1991 Charger Decepticon
    377 1991 Slicer Decepticon
    378 1991 Overlord Decepticon
    379 1992 Boss Autobot
    380 1992 Flash Autobot
    381 1992 Hurricane Autobot
    382 1992 Rotorstorm Autobot
    383 1992 Scorch Autobot
    384 1992 Thunderclash Autobot
    385 1992 "Drillhorn" Autobot
    386 1992 "Jalgar" Autobot
    387 1992 "Killbison" Autobot
    388 1992 "Leozack" Autobot
    389 1992 Falcon Decepticon
    390 1992 Skydive Decepticon
    391 1992 Skyquake Decepticon
    392 1992 Snare Decepticon
    393 1992 Stalker Decepticon
    394 1992 Talon Decepticon
    395 1993 Pyro/Spark Autobot
    396 1993 Deftwing Autobot
    397 1993 Ironfist Autobot
    398 1993 Aquafend Autobot
    399 1993 Deluge Autobot
    400 1993 Jetstorm Autobot
    401 1993 Speedstream Autobot
    402 1993 Colossus/Clench Decepticon
    403 1993 Calcar Decepticon
    404 1993 Hawk/Eagle Eye Decepticon
    405 1993 Snipe/Afterburner Decepticon
    406 1993 Terradive Decepticon
    407 1993 Tornado/Windrazor Decepticon
    408 1993 Aquablast Decepticon
    409 1993 Drench Decepticon
    410 1993 Hydradread Decepticon
    411 1993 Rage Decepticon

    It's much simpler than any "collection counting method" because it's just a basic list of every Hasbro G1 character toy - doesn't go into complicated things like variants, reissues, Nebulans or what not. So yeah, basically there are 442411 characters in Hasbro G1.

    But yeah, this is just the Hasbro G1 toys, doesn't include Takara G1 or non-toy G1 characters (e.g. Impactor, Xaaron, Death Cobra etc.).
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 4th January 2011 at 07:53 PM. Reason: Repeated characters removed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    See here on TFwiki dude.
    Given the whole mess generated by Hasbro into which characters belong to what universe and the TFwiki deciding to stick to Hasbro's nonsensical whims instead of common sense, I can no longer consider the tfwiki as a reliable source but having said that, it is the most accurate.

    However to be fair given the Hasbro mess, it is impossible to have an accurate official placement for all these characters and if you use common sense instead of what Hasbro says, well that is not really official despite how much better sense it may make or how well it fits in - The Hasbro disaster is still official.

    At least you can always count on the 'original' G1 toys to belong in a more coherent universe along with most lines before Universe 2.0 came along but after that things become muddy to say the least.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    It's much simpler than any "collection counting method" because it's just a basic list of every Hasbro G1 character toy - doesn't go into complicated things like variants, reissues, Nebulans or what not. So yeah, basically there are 442 characters in Hasbro G1.
    Take off about thirty of those:

    - Swoop and Bristleback appear twice in the list for some reason.

    - Blurr, Hot Rod, Kup, Cyclonus, Scourge, Blaster, Inferno, Prowl, Snarl, Wheeljack, Megatron, Shockwave, Soundwave, Sideswipe, Tracks, Bombshell and Thundercracker each appear twice despite their two incarnations being the same character.

    - Likewise, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Jazz and Starscream each appear three times when their respective toys represent the same character.

    - I haven't counted them amongst the 30, but obviously characters like Goldbug, Rodimus Prime etc. could be argued to be the same as their counterparts. Also, Omega Spreem may or may not be the same character as Omega Supreme. Similarly, characters with the same name, like Motorvator Lightspeed could be Technobot Lightspeed, but I haven't counted them either.

    So counting only original 80s-90s G1 toy characters there seem to be about 412 (not including toys retconned into G1.)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    The way I see it, some characters in the G1 universe may share a similar name to other transformers like the Motorvator example. Cybertron is a planet with several cities populated by Transformers so just as most human names aren't unique to any individual some Cybertronians may happen to share the same name but be different characters altogether.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    The way I see it, some characters in the G1 universe may share a similar name to other transformers like the Motorvator example. Cybertron is a planet with several cities populated by Transformers so just as most human names aren't unique to any individual some Cybertronians may happen to share the same name but be different characters altogether.
    OMG there's more than 1 Wheelie!!!!!
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

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