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Thread: an ozformers podcast?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Argh - I used to hate Caps!
    Luckily though, I've been able to move up to a plan where I rarely hit the 400Gb download limit.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with though dude.
    400GB limit? Man I'm sooooo jealous!!

    Does anyone know any good sites/locations where I can legally acquire sound clips from all series of TF?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    27th Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    400GB limit? Man I'm sooooo jealous!!

    Does anyone know any good sites/locations where I can legally acquire sound clips from all series of TF?
    TFArchive has some G1 clips.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    400GB limit? Man I'm sooooo jealous!!
    Correction sorry, 200Gb - We've never hit it so I often forget the exact number.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Correction sorry, 200Gb - We've never hit it so I often forget the exact number.
    I'm considering starting another contract soon again with bigpond, they've released a cheaper deal with 200GB downloads!


    Well my speeds are back and after spending the last couple of days catching up on other podcasts, youtube subscriptions and music I should be good now for further working on this project.

    While I will continue to experiment working on a proper intro, I think it's time we should be thinking of who will be involved in the first podcast recording...

    Some things to consider about starting up this podcast...

    - Podcast shows usually do well with just two main leads, it can work with groups of 3 but I think at most 2 of them have to be the 'CORE' members like Hursticon suggested.

    - It's better to have 2 leads that don't have that much in common with each other apart from their love of TFs and the ability to entertain and share that love on recording. I don't know so much about BW or G1, only the Baymovies so I don't consider myself being one of the main speakers. I'd probably be a background speaker like Cacklin' Jack from Hamish and Andy.

    - If you think you are suitable for a lead role, please post a comment of interest. Right now I think Goktimus Prime would make an interesting/fun podcast lead based on his comment count () but don't know if he wants to be apart of this.

    - Every podcast should have a guest, whether it's another member on the boards or even a celebrity (BUT THAT'S JUST AN AMBITIOUSLY CRAZY THOUGHT SKYWARP, OMG YOU'RE TALKING TO YOURSELF AGAIN)

    - Most importantly, this podcast should be done out of FUN and not so much seriousness. I wouldn't like it to turn-out to be like *Certain* TF podcasts where it's just fans complaining/ranting about toys - it's just boring in the end. There should still be talk about TF toys/movies/merchandise but at the same time I think it should be balanced with other topics such as films, food, life in general, pop culture as these topics are what makes the podcast more relate-able and just adds that 'family-friendly' feel to it.

    - I wouldn't call myself a software-expert but I do think that I am software-savvy and should have the technical side of the podcast recording under control. All other members that want to be involved in this project would just need mics and Skype.

    I know it may seem like I'm very bossy and it is as if I'm trying to make this project all according to MY plan but I think that there's gotta be a start somewhere and I'm just taking that initiative. Once we get this first podcast up and running, I WANT and would be happy for feedback from fellow members on how to improve the podcast and what directions we should take it in.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    - If you think you are suitable for a lead role, please post a comment of interest. Right now I think Goktimus Prime would make an interesting/fun podcast lead based on his comment count () but don't know if he wants to be apart of this.
    I don't mind getting involved, but I'm a total techno-noob (I use MS Paint cos I don't know how to Photoshop!!) so I would need help setting up video conferencing... recording... thing.

    I have a headset with a mic, but I've never managed to get it working. I bought it so I could talk with gekisou and other War For Cybertron players, but it's never worked. I don't have Skype but I have MSN.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I have a headset with a mic, but I've never managed to get it working. I bought it so I could talk with gekisou and other War For Cybertron players, but it's never worked.
    Alright, let's see if we can work together to figure out what's wrong. I assume with your headset with a mic you have to plugs, one with a pink end and one with a green end? Check on your computer how many outlets you have for these two plugs? Do you have 1 outlet? Or 2? Having more than 1 can be confusing.

    Now once the headset is plugged in go to your Sound Recorder program on your computer (I assume you have Windows, so go Start->Programs->Accessories->Entertainment-> Sound Recorder)

    Once the program is open, go to the 'EDIT' tab on the taskbar and click 'Audio Properties' .

    Once in Audio Properties, you should have 3 boxes; Sound Playback, Sound Recording, MIDI Music Playback. INside Sound Recording you have a drop-down bar under 'Default Device'. If there is one device, proceed to next step. If there are more than 1, then it means you have more than 1 recording source and could be trying to record yourself on a device that isn't even plugged in. (The device shouldn't be Stereo Mix, as that is the computer recording sounds WITHIN the computer itself)

    Once you have chosen your device, click OK and return to the Sound Recorder program. Hit the red button and try and record yourself.
    If you can hear yourself reasonably (or at all) clearly then your mic is all set-up and all you have to do is tweak how far away from it you speak.
    If the sound comes out as screeching/incoherent sounds then that means your mic is likely and unfortunately, broken (which is sometimes the case with headsets with dual mic functions) OR if no sound comes out then your mic may be plugged in the wrong outlet or your outlet simply is not working.

    If you do suspect that your mic is broken, I suggest you lend a friend's and try theirs on your comp. If it is the case then could I suggest getting a USB-Microphone, I've got a real cheap one that only costs me $10 but my voice comes out crisp and clear.


    Another way to check your Mic is to go to Start->Control Panel.

    Once there open your 'Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices' module, depending on your comp the module may be named differently but in the end it should be named something similar.

    Inside this module, click on 'Sounds and Audio Devices', a new Properties window should open up with 5 tabs. Go to the 4th tab, Voice. In this tab at the bottom there is the 'Test Hardware' button. If your computer lists more than 1 Voice Recording device then you can try each one with the 'Test Hardware' function.

    Please if you don't mind get back to me on how this goes...

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I don't have Skype but I have MSN.
    If you can spare 20MB then getting Skype should be no problem as it is actually free. It only costs to make calls to actual telephone numbers, but when calling people online the only costs is that of your download limits. (which shouldn't be much if you're on broadband).

    All you have to do is go to the Skype website here:

    and download the program and once you're ready, give me a PM and I will send you my Skype contact number to call you on.

    Good luck mate!

    EDIT - Basically I will take care of recording the podcast, other members/hosts will only have to worry about being able to communicate via Skype.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    22nd Jun 2011
    Campbelltown, NSW


    Damn, there goes my idea of doing a podcast, oh well that's what happens when your late to the game!

    I'm always happy to help, if needed

  8. #58
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I don't mind getting involved either but be ready for a lot of arguing

  9. #59
    Join Date
    23rd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I don't mind getting involved either but be ready for a lot of arguing
    rants about hasbro/ aussie retail? yes sir!

  10. #60
    Join Date
    14th Jun 2011


    I'd love to come on the show if it ever gets off the ground. I'll warn you. I'm involved in a podcast already and I have a tendency to "bring the random" which means the podcast goes into off topic mode. I LOVED TFWIRE that was my favourite podcast (with D Buster Prime, AWA64) they made it really entertaining and funny as heck

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