Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
Cena & Rock are no luchadores, but they're far more athletic than Hogan & Warrior. Sure, the rock has that silly 'people's elbow' but i'd much rather a rock/cena match than hogan/warrior. When Taker chokeslams either one it looks believable, whereas Hogan just falls backwards

The promos? Sure beats " raaaahhh rocket fuel blaaaahhh pilot nosedive raaaaahhhhh feel the power of the warrioooooooooooor!!!!!!!!! *snort*" or "brother brother prayers brother vitamins brother watchyagonnado brother!?!?!"
lol but hogan has his iconic shirt rip! Rock's got the peoples eye brow, and Cena has...You can't see me? Thug life?! O.o

I still remember Rocks over exaggerated sell on Austin's stunner, hate it every time and it'll be forever with us in the video games...