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Thread: Michael Bay to direct TF4 - Peter Cullen returns as Optimus

  1. #51
    Join Date
    11th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by fatbot View Post

    It's good that Cullen is staying on as Prime, Maybe if we all bitched enough we could get ol' Frankie in as Megs?
    Megatron's dead. It looked to me like it would take a lot of repairing to fix him this time. Unicron might be of some help but then who can voice galvatron? Not sure Spock would want to do a second character.

  2. #52
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    12th Jan 2009


    The movies were good to watch. The first time. Visually excellent, just not story/ character driven.

    I like the second more then 1 and 3. After transformers (not counting Frenzy) getting about 40 minutes screen time ( I timed it but am not sure on the actual time, it was smaller then expected though) RotF was well received by me. Watching Optimus die was emotonal for me. I knew he'd be back but still.

    At this point if number 4 is a continuation of the trilogy then I want Michael Bay to do it. If they are doing a complete reboot then get someone else. He had his chance.

  3. #53
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    I thought the whole point to TF4 was that it was supposed to be a "reboot".

    But now Bay is coming back to direct, Cullen is back as Prime, and it's a continuation from the last movie with different actors... sounds more like a sequel that a reboot. And if that's the case, count me out. I'm not interested in more of the same. I'll support TF as a brand as much as I can, but I just can't sit through another Baysplosion flick.

  4. #54
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    19th May 2010


    I'm all for it. Having enjoyed all three of the previous movies (I'll admit that I felt something 'wasn't quite right' with RotF the first time I saw it, but to be fair, the movie was rushed due to the writers' strike in 2008), I'm glad he's decided to come back for a fourth one, and that it won't be a reboot; I feel that reboots are an 'easy way out', and besides, I think it's way too soon for a reboot.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus View Post
    I feel that reboots are an 'easy way out', and besides, I think it's way too soon for a reboot.

    I also don't want to see Megatron come back -- they've killed him TWICE now. That's enough. There are plenty more villains and Decepticon commanders they can use other than Megs... bringing Megs back is just lazy and unimaginative.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    I also don't want to see Megatron come back -- they've killed him TWICE now. That's enough. There are plenty more villains and Decepticon commanders they can use other than Megs... bringing Megs back is just lazy and unimaginative.
    Imo ROTF & DOTM were really bad movies so I could pick them apart all day. But the thing that bugged me the most about them was that Megatron, the baddest mofo Cybertron had ever seen, was someones bitch. He played second fiddle to both The Fallen and Sentinel Prime.

    That s$%t don't fly with me. So yeah, keep him dead.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  7. #57
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Problem is, Hasbro's most marketable Decepticon/Evil(tm) character (to the general public, which is where most of their profit comes from) is Megatron. As frustrating as it may be, don't be surprised if he is resurrected, again. No other Decepticon is as well known by non-fans than Megatron. We may think Galvatron, Unicron, Starscream, Soundwave or Shockwave would be worthy leaders or main villains, but the first two are unknown to the general public, while the last three are just as dead as Megatron... so resurrecting one but not allowing for another, wouldn't make much sense.
    I'm not defending it... just pointing out the reality of a multi-billion dollar, multi-national franchise that will always put first, the chance to make profit over what makes sense in a story (or the dedicated fans). It's just the way capitalism works, and we just have to make the most of any easter eggs they throw our way in the process.

  8. #58
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    It doesn't matter what the Decepticon leader's name is - Thunderwing, Jhiaxus, Bludgeon, Ratbat, Liege Maximo, Deszaras, Devil Z, Octus, Legonis, Seizer, Zarak, Straxus or Violen Jiger - he'll almost certainly get exactly the same 'characterisation', i.e. none. The only time Megatron was even vaguely interesting in the first three films was when he was a beponchoed hobo. That said, I hope the rumour that the new films will feature 'a new line up' from the first three is true. Anything that distances and refreshes Transformers 4 (and 5) from the existing films will be an improvement.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    11th May 2011


    May need to change the title to "Michael Bay to direct TF4 and probably TF5" with the latest reveal that the films will be shot back-to-back.

  10. #60
    Megatron Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by fatbot View Post

    It's good that Cullen is staying on as Prime, Maybe if we all bitched enough we could get ol' Frankie in as Megs?
    Yessss... pleaseeee. Even if they just brought Megs back... It would just about almost make me forgive Bay and his filming style.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Imo ROTF & DOTM were really bad movies so I could pick them apart all day. But the thing that bugged me the most about them was that Megatron, the baddest mofo Cybertron had ever seen, was someones bitch. He played second fiddle to both The Fallen and Sentinel Prime.

    That s$%t don't fly with me. So yeah, keep him dead.
    I really like when he is not characterized as a one dimensional, predictable, invulnerable character - that's boring and doesn't allow for growth of said character. Why should he be fixed in a stereotype? I want him to return for TF4.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Problem is, Hasbro's most marketable Decepticon/Evil(tm) character (to the general public, which is where most of their profit comes from) is Megatron. As frustrating as it may be, don't be surprised if he is resurrected, again. No other Decepticon is as well known by non-fans than Megatron. We may think Galvatron, Unicron, Starscream, Soundwave or Shockwave would be worthy leaders or main villains, but the first two are unknown to the general public, while the last three are just as dead as Megatron... so resurrecting one but not allowing for another, wouldn't make much sense.
    I'm not defending it... just pointing out the reality of a multi-billion dollar, multi-national franchise that will always put first, the chance to make profit over what makes sense in a story (or the dedicated fans). It's just the way capitalism works, and we just have to make the most of any easter eggs they throw our way in the process.
    YaY!! I hope you're right! While they're at it I hope they bring back Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave as well... (and Jazz, would be nice too). I just don't want a TF movie without these guys, so I hope they resurrect them all.
    Last edited by Megatron; 24th September 2012 at 12:35 PM.

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