With the New York Toyfair on this weekend, Hasbro has started sending out preview images of what will be revealed at the event.
The first lot of images are for Cyberverse, with this year's gimmick being "Spark Armor" - the robot is packed with a drone vehicle that becomes its armour.
It looks like there are three size classes - the robots are probably different size classes, while the drone/armour appears to be of different sizes (covering some, half or most of the robot).

The Spark Armor Battle Class starts off with Prowl, Jetfire, Starscream and... Skybyte.
The Spark Armor Elite Class will have Bumblebee, Megatron and Optimus Prime.
And what appears to be a larger third size, will have another Optimus Prime, with a drone vehicle that homages the Ark from the original series cartoon.

Images mirrored from the link above.