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Thread: January's stuff

  1. #251
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by iamirondude View Post
    these arrived today.i don't know alot of there names or what timeline their from
    I recognise that haul from ebay. You've got toys from G1, Energon/Superlink, Car Robots, Movie, ROTF, United and the Collectors club among those.

    And you got a very good deal as many/most of those are exclusives of some sort.
    Last edited by Paulbot; 1st February 2012 at 06:07 PM. Reason: That's Strafe not SG Cyclonus

  2. #252
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    you wouldn't happen to know the names of them.i also got two black optimus's in it one wfc and a voyager one thats black with gold flames and battlehook's on the arm,who made them one's as i've never seen them before.

  3. #253
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Yes I can ID them but its hard to look at pics and type on mobile. If no one else fills you in I'll get back to you later.

  4. #254
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    ok thanks for that

  5. #255
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Here you go. (Should be pretty right)

    Pic 1
    United Darkside Optimus Prime (Tokyo Toy Show 2011-exclusive)
    Darkside Optimus Prime (Lawson Exclusive)

    Pic 2
    G1 Ultra Magnus
    Car Robots Super Clear Wildride, Super Clear Speedbreaker, Super Clear Mach Alert (Osaka Toys Land Show and Super Festival 19 exclusive)

    Pic 3
    ROTF Long Haul
    07 Movie Rescue Ratchet

    Pic 4
    G1 Chromedome with Stylor

    Pic 5
    Movie Wingblade (TRU store exclusive)

    Pic 6
    Henkei Strafe (Japanese exclusive)

    Pic 7
    RID Cryotek (Target exclusive)

    Pic 8
    G1 reissue 'Anime' Galvatron (Japanese only)

    Pic 9
    Gasket Police-Type (Superlink, TRU Japan exclusive)
    Shadowhawk Cosmo Type (Superlink, limited release Japanese figure)
    Chromhorn Forest Type (Superlink, limited release Japanese figure)

    Pic 10
    The Car Robots guys again

  6. #256
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    thanks very much for your help.i never really got into the japanese side of tf's but now i know how great they look i think i'll pick a few more up.

  7. #257
    Join Date
    9th Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by iamirondude View Post
    these arrived today.i don't know alot of there names or what timeline their from
    Nice one!! I've never seen a transformed strafe . Every time i see a carded one he's expensive.

  8. #258
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    Damn that's a long post and hefty haul. Nice.

    FE stuff still isn't too hard to find over here, if my job allowed it I'd be buying them up and selling them on and maybe rubbing some of the more whiny Americans' noses in it.. As it is the contract says no.

    Honestly, I gots no idea if Unicron is a high-demand figure or not. I'd have thought not what with the G1-y planet one they released not too far back but if you've got word on the ground/net otherwise I'd go with that over my flu-ridden ignorance.
    Hehe, seems to be what I do huh?
    Well grab 'em whilst you can dude, for yourself that is.
    That's just the general picture I've seen which is odd because it's formed from North American sites and they received that mold already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharky View Post
    some very very good grabbings (and Bargains) there yourself mr Hursty..

    as for the collection it is scattered all over the place at the moment.. it isnt in any shape for pics. i had to put off the cabinets delivery as the front yard is quite dangerous for individuals carrying 2m glass cabinets. at least until i get the driveway concreted.....

    so for the time being you will have to imagine lots of toys on shelves (instead of in boxes)

    i cant wait to get them all out.
    Cheers man!
    Hmm, I'll wait patiently then as they're likely to be pretty darn impressive I reckon; you'll have to set aside a long weekend to organise them all once the driveway is finished IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    I like how you very casually mention your grail pickup A HUGE congrats Hursty It's a good feeling isn't it
    Hehe, cheers dude - indeed it is; I thought it was quite well delivered to.

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    Yeah Vroom is kinda hard for some unknown reason to find nowadays... dunno exactly why is that since his batchmate Crossblades is easy to get ( and has more parts to loose) but yeah good thing HD, kup and me each finally found one for each . Well another one for me but im sure there's more out there, somewhere....

    As for Weirdwolf, well, he fits right in surprisingly even though he is brightly yellow which makes him easy to spot, but the recolouring in G1 Weirdwolf's color prolly adds to how well it blends with the rest of the Generations/RTS/Classics figures ( even though as well the mold is from another line) since you kinda "expect that from him .. being weirdwolf I guess mentally I was pre tuned to expect it so he really doesnt stand out... for me, hehehe, if that makes any sense....

    Ive yet to get a hold of Botcon Doublepunch as I really like the crazy color plus he was my first ( well only actually) Actionmaster elite figure so I kinda like to have the "updated" version even if it is a reuse of a mold from another line.

    CONGRATS on X9 ravage man!!!
    Thanks man!

    It is odd how it works huh? - It is a good thing though you guys helped each other out and all ended up with a complete one each though, that's community.
    Yeah, I thought Weirdwolf's colour scheme might stand out a bit but it's good to hear that aesthetically he fits right in though; a whole lot better than Movieverse figs do I'd imagine, without some sort of 3rd Party accessory that is)
    That's the Euro/G2 Energon Botcon repaint you're meaning huh?, not the Japanese Botcon Doublepunch I take it?
    (That thing is silly rare! )
    That is a pretty cool AM to have though, he certainly stands out as the Elite's were transformable to a degree weren't they?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    Thanks Hursti! I usually transform new Transformers a couple of times and then put them on the shelf but I can't stop playing with this thing! It's just too much fun, the legs in particular are superbly designed (very Virtual On!).

    Your latest haul is totally epic! Glad the Beast Wars Ravage arrived safely and he looks to be in tip top condition.
    Many thanks dude; I too am quite relieved that he arrived safely and though he is only missing 1 sticker from the sheet & apparently a couple of chrome chips that I'm yet to even see/identify, he certainly is very pleasing indeed!
    I have the exact same approach once getting a new figure, the fact that you can't put it down yet says to me that it's a damn good figure then as I love it when a figure has that quality; RTS Lugnut was like that for me for a good week and a bit!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    AWESOME acquisition entry Hursti! That's how it's done. Love the pics.
    Cheers Stompy; I honestly couldn't believe my luck with either Sunday's lot or Ravage.
    The pics aren't as good as I'd like them (Bit of a perfectionist in that respect at times ) but I'm overall pretty pleased with how they turned out but I think I'll have to take Liege up on his advice more sooner then later with regards to some proper figure stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    @ Hursty-I've never noticed problems posing Cybershark, but WOW that RID Optimus looks Minty fresh! it looks in great condition!
    Cheers dude, indeed he is in rather good condition considering; his chrome chest is only slightly scuffed and he's missing all missiles and his little white gun but all in all I was quite blown away by how top condition he was.
    I guess mine must have a weak pair of ankle joints, much like my MOTUC He-Man who can barely stand under his own Mightiness!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    We should probably get a review thread for him up btw, I couldn't find one in the Reviews section.
    An excellent suggestion, as I am rather digging both versions and it'll be good to eventually have them compared IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    There's something very 'Cylon' about that 'Con Trooper.
    Very much so huh?, the head design also really reminded me of PCC Bombshock's.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Black_Sheep View Post
    A bit of this, a bit of that...

    Ooh! - Very nice Black Sheep!
    Excellent to see another BWN Sling get some love, along with BW Iguanas; I can't say I've seen the Universe 1.0 Lambo brothers in quite some time, big congrats man!

    Quote Originally Posted by iamirondude View Post
    these arrived today.i don't know alot of there names or what timeline their from
    Holy crap!
    You got some major figs in there man, a bloody good haul too...Again!
    I'm damn jealous of your Cryotek & Chromedome figures, well done mate!

  9. #259
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    thanks hursticon but i think your haul from the markets was one of the best i've ever seen from places like that i only ever semm to pick up spare parts.

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